Home Entrance Exams Management Entrance Exams TISS National Entrance Test 2020

TISS National Entrance Test 2020

tissnet 2020


TISS National Entrance Test (TISSNET 2020) is a national level entrance test conducted by the Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) annually for admission to almost 55 different programmes at TISS, Mumbai campus and its off-campuses. Some of the courses offered include M.A., M.H.A., M.P.H, M. among others. TISSNET 2020 registrations are expected to begin by the last week of October 2019. Every year, nearly 40,000 candidates take TISSNET exam.

It should be noted that M.B.A courses at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) are referred to as M.A programs.

List of Contents

TISSNET 2020 Dates

Events  Important Dates (Tentative)
Beginning of RegistrationLast week of October 2019
Registrations closes on2nd week of December 2019
Availability of Admit card 4th week of December 2019
TISSNET 2020 Exam date 2nd week of January 2020
Declaration of result 1st week of February 2020
Counselling 1st week of March – 3rd week of May 2020
Admission closes on2nd week of June 2020

TISSNET 2020 Exam Date

The TISSNET exam 2020 will be held probably in the 2nd week of January 2020

Mode of Examination

TISSNET 2020 will be conducted in online mode (computer-based test), comprising of objective-type questions or MCQs.

Medium of Examination

TISS National Entrance Test will be conducted in English only.

Courses Offered at TISS, Mumbai

Following management courses are offered at TISS, Mumbai:

  • Master of Health Administration
  • Master of Hospital Administration.
  • M.A in Development Studies,
  • M.A in Climate Change and Sustainability Practices,
  • M.A in Globalization and Labour.
  • M.A in Human Resources.
  • M.A in Labour Rules.

TISSNET 2020 Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

A TISSNET aspirant must be a Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university/institute.

Final Year Students

Students in the final year of graduation, can also apply for TISSNET 2020 exam. However, there shouldn’t be any backlogs at the time of TISSNET registration.

Further, the candidate, if selected, should be able to submit a provisional degree (as a proof of graduation) by June 2020.

Age Limit

There is no age limit.

Program-Specific Criteria

Criteria pertaining to specific courses can be accessed at http://admissions.tiss.edu/view/6/admissions/ma-admissions/eligibility/

TISSNET 2020 Registration

Currently, the TISSNET application portal is closed.

The application forms for TISSNET will be available from the last week of October 2020.

Unlike most of the entrance exams nowadays, TISS NET application forms are available in both ONLINE (digital format) as well as OFFLINE format.

TISSNET Application Fees

The Category wise application Fee for TISSNET 2020 is as follows:

Payment mode Category Applied for 01 course Applied for 02 courses Applied for 03 courses
Online mode –
Credit Card/ Debit Card Net Banking
General 1030 2060 3090
SC/ST/OBC-NCL 260 520 780
Cash deposit in
any SBI Branch
using Challan
General 1000+ Bank Charges 2000+ Bank Charges 3000+ Bank Charges
SC/ST/OBC-NCL 250+ Bank Charges 500+ Bank Charges 750+ Bank Charges

Documents to be uploaded

Following documents must be uploaded as a part of the TISSNET 2020 application form:

  • Scanned passport size color photograph,
  • Scanned signature and
  • ‘TISS copy’ of challan.
  • Category-specific documents, if applicable.

Please visit the official link for detailed information https://admissions.tiss.edu/view/6/admissions/ma-admissions/how-to-apply/.

Application Procedure

On-line Application Form

In order to apply on-line for TISSNET 2020, following steps must be followed on candidate’s behalf:

  1. Registration.
  2. Post successful registration, logging in with details received.
  3. Payment of TISSNET 2020 Application Fee.
  4. Uploading necessary documents.
  5. Printing the Completed Application Form & ‘TISS Copy’ challan (if paid off-line).
Off-line Application Form

Candidates must obtain the TISSNET offline application form by sending a request for the same to the following address:

Assistant Registrar (Academic),
Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
Deonar Mumbai, 400088.

After completing the application forms, the candidate need to send them back to the TISS, Mumbai campus. Address for the same shall be uploaded later.

TISSNET Admit Card

The TISSNET 2020 Admit Cards will be available from the 4th week of December 2020. The admit card will be made available on the official website for printing.

An Email notifying the availability of the TISSNET 2020 admit card will also be sent to all the registered candidates.

Candidates, who fail to enter the Examination Hall with their Admit Card along with their valid photo ID, will not be allowed to sit for the exam under any circumstance.

TISSNET 2020 Exam Pattern

TISSNET 2020 will be conducted in online mode.  

Exam Duration:  For TISS NET, the candidates will get 01 hour 40 minutes to answer the questions.

Type of Questions:  There will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) only.

Maximum Marks:  100 marks. 01 mark for each correct answer.

Total Number of Questions: 100 questions distributed among 03 sections from the following areas of Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge, Analytical Ability and English Proficiency.

Marking Scheme: +1 mark will be allotted for each correct answer and NO mark will be deducted for incorrect answers.


The test shall comprise of following sections:

Section Questions Maximum marks
Logical reasoning & maths 30 30
General awareness 40 40
English proficiency 30 30
Total 100 100

After qualifying the TISSNET 2020 exam, candidates shall be called for following two rounds:

  • Pre-Interview Test (PIT)
  • Personal Interview (PI).

The final distribution of marks in the TISS admission process is as follows:

Exam Marks Allotted
TISSNET 2020 Entrance Exam 100
Pre-Interview Test (PIT) 50
Personal Interview 75

TISSNET 2020 Results

TISSNET 2020 results shall be announced in the 1st week of February, 2020.

Candidates must check the results on-line on the official website and must download the score card for all future references.

TISSNET 2020 Counselling

The counseling process for TISSNET 2020 will begin from the 1st week of March 2020 and shall conclude by 3rd week of May 2020. The counselling will be in off-line mode

Candidates are requested to submit the required documents at the time of admission as per the instructions provided.

Further details on the counseling process will be uploaded as and when required.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques: Are calculators allowed in TISSNET examination hall?

Ans: No. Much like every other entrance exam in India, calculators are not allowed inside TISSNET halls.

Ques. How many students appear for TISSNET annually?

Ans: Every year around 40k students appear for TISS NET exam in exam centers spread across the nation.

Ques: Which courses are considered best in TISS?

Ans: According to numerous Quora threads, Tata Institute of Social Sciences is known for M.A in Human Resource Management and Labour Relations.

Ques: What is the fees of TISS?

Ans: The tuition fee is between 40-60k annually. For further info, visit TISS official link: http://www.tiss.edu/  

Ques: Does TISS offer MBA Programs?

Ans: TISS does not provide any MBA degrees. However, the M.A courses at TISS, Mumbai are considered equivalent to MBA courses offered elsewhere.

Application of Links Links
TISS Official Website http://www.tiss.edu/  
Admission portal http://admissions.tiss.edu/
Registration portal Yet to be uploaded
Application portal Yet to be uploaded
TISS Campuses http://admissions.tiss.edu/view/6/admissions/about-campuses/about-mumbai-campus/

Stay tuned for more updates on TISSNET 2020. Like, share and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and twitter for future updates.

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