Home Entrance Exams TS ICET 2021 (Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test – 2021)

TS ICET 2021 (Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test – 2021)



TS ICET 2021 (Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test) is a state level entrance test conducted for admission to MBA and MCA courses in university or colleges in Telangana state. TS ICET is conducted by the Kakatiya University on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) once every year. The official notification for TS ICET 2021 has been released.


TS ICET 2021 Important dates

Some important dates for TS ICET 2021 are given below:

Events  Important Dates
Start of Registration & Submission of Online application form 07 April, 2021
Registrations closes 15 Jun, 2021
Last date to pay the application fee without late fee 15 Jun, 2021
Last date for Registration & Submission of Online application form with a late fee of ` 250/- 30 Jun, 2021
Last date for Registration & Submission of Online application form with a late fee of ` 500/- 15 July, 2021
Last date for Registration & Submission of Online application form with a late fee of ` 1,000/- 11 August,2021
Correction of on line application (Data already submitted by the Candidate) 08 August to 11 August,2021
Download  Exam Hall Ticket 13 August , 2021
TS ICET 2021 Exam date I9 August 2021: (FN) 10.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.
(AN) 02.30 P.M. to 05.00 P.M.
20 August 2021 (FN) 10.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M
Release of preliminary answer key   27 August, 2021
Last date of Submission of Objections in preliminary key (if any) 31 August, 2021
Release of final answer key & Declaration of Result 17 September, 2021

Universities offering Admissions in MBA/ MCA Programmes:

Through TS ICET, admission in MBA / MCA Programmes are offered in following Universities and their affiliated colleges:-

1. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University (Dr. BRAOU), Hyderabad.

2. Prof. Jayashankar Agricultural University (PJAU), Hyderabad.

3. JNT University, Hyderabad (JNTU-H), Hyderabad.

4. Osmania University (OU), Hyderabad.

5. Kakatiya University (KU), Warangal.

6. Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU), Nalgonda.

7. Palamuru University (PU), Mahbubnagar.

8. Telangana University (TU), Nizamabad.

9. Satavahana University (SU), Karimnagar.

TS ICET 2021 Exam Date

The TS ICET 2021 will be held on I9 August & 20 August, 2021.

Mode of Examination

This exam will be conducted in online mode (computer based test), in objective type format.

Medium of Examination of question papers:

Section ”A”& ”B” : English, English & Telugu, English & Urdu

Section ”C” : English

: English only for Section-C and English, English & Telugu, English & Urdu for Section-A & Section-B of the question paper.

TS ICET 2021 Eligibility Criteria


The applying candidate must be an Indian citizen. Further, the Non-Indian Nationals can also apply, based on the conditions of the universities concerned.


The applying candidate must fill in the domicile/residential requirement (amended up to date) of Telangana State Government.

Educational Qualification

Candidate seeking admission to meet the following requirement:

Master of Business Administration (MBA):

Should have passed recognized Bachelors Degree (BA/ B.Com/ B.Sc/ BBA/ BBM/ BCA/ BE / B. Tech / B. Pharmacy/ Any 3 or 4 year Degree except Oriental Languages). Examination of minimum three years duration with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of reserved (SC and ST) categories) in the qualifying examination.

Master of Computer Applications (MCA):

Should have passed recognized Bachelors Degree examination of minimum three years duration with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of reserved (SC and ST) categories) in the qualifying examination with Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduation level.

Notes :- (i) Candidates who have obtained a  qualifying degree by Distance Mode Program should have received recognition from the Joint Committee of UGC, AICTE and DEC/DEB as per UGC Regulations of 2013.

(ii) Candidates who are appearing for the final year degree examination shall also be eligible to appear for TSICET-2021

(iii) Admission into any college depends on its Recognition/Affiliation by the Statutory Bodies.

(iv) Qualifying marks in TSICET-2021 is 25% and no minimum marks are prescribed for SC/ST candidates.

Age Limit

There is no age limit to apply for TS ICET.

Exam Centers:

The TS ICET-2021 examination will be held at the following 14 Regional Online Test Centers in Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh.

Adilabad Hyderabad Karimnagar Khammam Nalgonda Kodad Mahabubnagar

Siddipet Nizamabad Kurnool Vijayawada Warangal Tirupati Visakhapatnam

How to Apply for TS ICET Examination ?

Currently the TS ICET application portal is open.

Candidates can fill the application form of TS ICET 2021 examination via online mode only.

The registration for TS ICET 2021 has started from 07 April, 2021.

Application Fees

The Category wise application Fee for TS ICET 2021 is as follows:

Category Fee
General Rs. 650
SC/ST and Differently Abled Candidates Rs. 450

TS ICET 2021 candidates are required to pay the application fee which can be paid through Credit Card/ Debit Card / Net Banking.

Candidates can pay offline in cash at TS/AP online centres.

Documents to be Uploaded

Candidates will have to fill their personal and educational details along with the following documents.

  1. A passport size photograph (colored) less than 50 Kb – .jpg or .jpeg format.
  2. A scanned copy of the signature less than 30kb – .jpg or .jpeg format.

Steps of Applying

The complete procedure for apply online for TS ICET is divided into following 4 stages:-(i)

1 Application Fee payment

Step1 : Go on link Application Fee payment

Step 2 : Read Instructions and other points on the appeared page

Step3 : Press button ”Continue

Step 4 : A new page will appear. Fill in all desired information like ”Name, mobile number, email address, mode of payment etc. and press Button ” Proceed to payment”

2 Know Your payment status

On successful payment, a payment Id will be generated. An image for reference appears below:

Further, to fill the Online Application Form, click on “Proceed to Fill Application”.

3 Fill Application Form

Step1 : Go on link : Application Form & a window as under will appear:-

Step 2: Fill in the desired information & press the button ”Get Application”.

Step 3 : By Clicking on Get Application button, a screen will appear. Fill in the entire mandatory details in respective fields and upload photo and signature of specified size and detailed above and click on ”Preview/Submit” button.

Step 4 : A screen will appear containing all the entered details by you. Please check the correctness of the details. If, any modification is required , then, click ” Modify ” Button and correct the entered information.

Step 5: Thereafter, Click on ”Confirm/ Freeze” button to confirm the application.

Step 6: By clicking on ”Confirm/Freeze” button, candidate can view the pop up alert as “Your Application confirmed successfully. Please note your Registration Number for further Correspondence”. Candidate can take printout of the filled in application by clicking on Print Application button which is useful for future correspondence.

Step 7: On Clicking the ‘‘Print Application”, candidate can view the Receipt of the Application form .

Step 8 : For taking the printout of the Receipt, click on the ”Print” button and click on ”Download ”, to download the filled in application form.

4 In future, to get re print of Application form, go on link : Print Application Form and then, click ” Print Your Filled in Application”‘ Form

Admit Card

The TS ICET 2021 Admit Card will be available from 13 August, 2021.

The admit card will be made available on the official website through online mode only.

Candidates are required to download and take a print of their admit card as it will not be send via post.

In case of any queries, contact the TS ICET help desk: 0870-2438088

Syllabus :

For syllabus, go on link : TS ICET, 2021 Syllabus

TS ICET 2021 Exam Pattern

The TS ICET 2021 exam pattern is as follows:

The exam will be conducted in online mode.  

Exam Duration:  For TS ICET 2021 the candidates get 150 minutes to answer the questions.

Type of Questions:  There will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).

Total Marks:  200 marks

Total Number of Questions: 200 questions in 3 sections from the following areas of Analytical Ability, Mathematical Ability and Communicational Ability

Marking Scheme: +1 mark will be allotted for each correct answer and NO mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.


Section Questions Total marks
Analytical Ability 75 75
Mathematical Ability 75 75
Communicational Ability 50 50
Total 200 200

Section wise split up:

Sections Number of Questions
Section- A: Analytical Ability
Data sufficiency 20
Problem solving 55
Section-B: Mathematical Ability
Arithmetical ability 35
Arithmetic ability & geometrical ability 30
Statistical ability 10
Section-C: Communication Ability
Vocabulary 10
Functional grammar 15
Business and computer terminology 10
Reading comprehension 15
Total 200

TS ICET 2021 Results

TS ICET 2021 Results will be announced in the 17 September, 2021

Candidates must check the results online on the official website by entering the Application number and Password and must keep a hard copy of the score card.

The qualifying marks for all category is 25%

TS ICET 2021 Counselling MBA and MCA

Date of the counselling process will be notified later on.

The counselling will be web counselling mode.

The selection process is divided into 2 stages:

  • Document verification
  • Selection of colleges with preferences

The candidates need to pay the Counselling fee at the time of document verification according to their category.

The following documents are to be carried by the candidates at the time of TS ICET 2021 Document Verification:

  1. TS ICET rank card Printable copy from the web.
  2. Printout of the TS ICET Hall Ticket.
  3. S.S.C.or equivalent marks sheet.
  4. Intermediate mark Sheet.
  5. IX to degree study certificates.
  6. Degree Marks Memos and Pass Certificate.
  7. Residence Certificate (in the case where the candidate has no institutionalized education), in the case of the non-local candidate’s residential certificate of either of parents in Telangana for 10 years excluding the period of employment outside Telangana from the competent authority
  8. Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2015, Aadhar Card, Caste Certificate issued by competent authority.
  9. PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority Certificate if, applicable.


Q. Can AP students apply for TS ICET?                                  

Ans. Only Indian national aspirants can apply for the exam and they must satisfy the local/non-local status requirements as prescribed.

  Q. What are the passing​ marks for TS ICET?         

Ans. It is mandatory to score 25% marks, i.e. 50 marks out of 200 marks. The candidates those belong to the schedule caste or schedule tribe, there is no minimum marks to score in the examination

Q. Is the registration fee for the TSICET refundable?

Ans. No, the application fee once paid, will not be refundable under any circumstances.

Following are some important links for TS ICET 2020 Examination:

Application of Links Links
TS ICET Official Website
Counselling official website
Yet to be uploaded
Online Application portal https://icet.tsche.ac.in/TSICET/TSICET_HomePage.aspx

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