Home Entrance Exams Management Entrance Exams Management Aptitude Test – 2020 (MAT 2020) Registration, Admit card, Exam Pattern,...

Management Aptitude Test – 2020 (MAT 2020) Registration, Admit card, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

MAT 2020


MAT 2020, also known as the Management Aptitude Test, is a national level MBA entrance test conducted by the All India Management Association (AIMA). It acts as a qualifying exam for admission to MBA, PGDM and other allied Management courses in over 600 B-schools across India. MAT is organised 04 times a year in February, May, September and December. Candidates can choose to appear as many times as desired, however, only the latest exam score is held valid. The official notification for February 2020 is expected to be released by December 2019.

Read in detail about Common Management Admission Test (CMAT).

List of Contents

MAT 2020 Important Dates (Tentative)

MAT 2020 will take place in February, May, September and December. The important events to be followed are tabulated below.

Event Feb 2020May 2020Sept 2020Dec 2020
Registration Starts2nd week of Dec’192nd week of March 20202nd week of July 20202nd week of Oct’20
Registration Ends4th week of Jan’204th week of April 20204th week of Aug 20204th week of Nov’20
Last Date for Choice Filling4th week of Jan’204th week of April 20204th week of Aug 20204th week of Nov’20
Release of Admit CardLast week of Jan’20Last week of April 2020Last week of Aug 2020Last week of Nov’20
Exam Date2nd week of Feb’202nd week of May 20202nd week of Sept’202nd week of Dec’20
Results4th week of Feb’204th week of May 20204th week of Sept’204th week of Dec’20

MAT 2020 Exam Date

MAT 2020 is expected to be conducted in the 2nd week of February, May, September and December.

Event MAT Exam Date
MAT Feb 2020 2nd week of Feb 2020
MAT May 2020 2nd week of May 2020
MAT Sept 2020 2nd week of Sept 2020
MAT Dec 2020 2nd week of Dec 2020

Mode of Answering

MAT exam shall be conducted in two modes:

  • Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Paper Based Test (PBT).

Medium of Examination

MAT exam shall be conducted in English only.

MAT Eligibility Criteria

To appear for the MAT examination, certain criteria have been issued by AIMA:


Candidate should be an Indian citizen.

Educational Qualification

The student must have a bachelor’s degree in any discipline and it must be from a recognized board or university.

The duration of the bachelor’s degree must be at least of 03 years .

They must score at least 50% marks in the qualifying examination. However, this will vary from institution to institution.

A final year student can as well appear for MAT 2020.

Age Limit

There is no age limit.

How to Apply for MAT 2020?

Currently, the MAT application portal is closed.

Application portals for MAT Feb exam will open by mid-December 2019.

Candidates can apply for the exam through both offline and online means.

Application Fee

Candidates need to pay either of the following tabulated amount based on the mode chosen.

Exam TypeExam Fees

The above mentioned amount can be paid by either of the following modes:

  • Net Banking,
  • Debit/Credit Card.

Documents To Be Uploaded

Candidates need to be prepared with the following scanned copies in the mentioned format:

  • Photograph – Size 40kB to 100kB.
  • Signature – Size 10kB to 40kB.

Application Procedure

The application process for MAT 2020 is divided into 6 stages:

  1. Registration
  2. Filling in the detailed application form
  3. Selecting Mode of Examination
  4. Uploading documents
  5. Paying the Registration fees
  6. Printing the duly filled form.

MAT 2020 Admit Card

MAT 2020 Admit Card is expected to be released by the last week of January, April, August, November 2020 for the respective exams.

ExamTentative Admit Card Release Date
Feb 2020Last week of Jan 2020
May 2020Last week of April 2020
Sept 2020Last week of Aug 2020
Dec 2020Last week of Nov 2020

The admit card will only be available online on the official website.

MAT Examination Pattern

Mode of Examination

MAT 2020 can be attempted in computer based/ paper based/ computer and paper based manner.

Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • If the candidate applies for this mode, they will need to attempt all questions on a computer screen.
  • Candidate has a liberty to change answer before the finish time of exam.
  • They shall be given a choice of 5 colleges.
Paper Based Test (PBT)
  • If the candidate applies for this mode, they will need to attempt all questions on an OMR sheet.
  • Candidate must carry own blue/back ball pen.
  • They shall be given a choice of 5 colleges
  • If the candidate applies for this mode, they will be given a choice of 7 colleges instead of 5.
  • Candidates needs to pay a higher registration fee for it compared to CBT and PBT.

Pattern of Examination

  • Duration of exam is 2.5 hours.
  • Type of Questions are Objective Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
  • Total No. of Questions are 200.
  • Language of MAT 2020 is English.
  • Total No. of Sections are 5 which are as follows:
    • Language Comprehension
    • Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
    • Mathematical Skills
    • Data Analysis and Sufficiency
    • Indian and Global Environment
  • Negative Marking is present in MAT 2020.
  • Marks per Question are 1 and is the same for each question.
  • Number of questions per section is as follows:
SectionNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Language Comprehensions4040
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning4040
Mathematical Skills4040
Data Analysis and Sufficiency4040
Indian and Global Environment4040

MAT 2020 Results

MAT  2020 results will be declared in 4th week of  February, May, September, December 2020.

Link for the same shall be provided here.

Candidates can check their results online by login through their self generated login credentials  

MAT 2020 Counselling

MAT 2020 Counseling is held by colleges individually. However, candidate’s result is sent to the respective colleges of choice automatically.

Candidates who appear for a paper based examination (PBT) their score is sent to their selected institution within three weeks and for the online based within few days.

Students who wants to apply for more institution against the 5 selected schools will have to fill up a form and pay a fee of Rs.118 for each college by Demand Draft in favour of “All India Management Association” payable at New Delhi. At the backside of the DD candidates will have to write their Name and MAT Form No.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques. Is it mandatory to have a bachelor’s degree in management studies to appear for MAT exam ?

Answer: No, it is not necessary to have a bachelor’s degree in any management field to appear for MAT. You just need a bachelor’s degree in any field.

Ques. What is the difference between CBT and PBT in MAT 2020?

Answer: CBT stands for Computer based test and PBT stands for Paper Based Test. It is a choice given to candidates for mode of Examination.

Ques. Can I apply in more than the chosen colleges in MAT 2020?

Answer: Yes, by paying a fee of 118 INR per college, you can apply for as many colleges. You can visit AIMA official site right after result announcement to send your scores to other colleges.

AIMA Websitewww.aima.in
MAT Websitewww.mat.aima.in
MAT Application PortalYet to be released
MAT Result Yet to be released
MAT Additional College SelectionYet to be released

Management Entrance Exams

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