Home Entrance Exams Management Entrance Exams IBS Aptitude Test – 2019 (IBSAT 2019)

IBS Aptitude Test – 2019 (IBSAT 2019)

IBSAT 2019

What is IBSAT?

IBSAT (ICFAI Business Studies Aptitude Test) is a university level MBA entrance test conducted by ICFAI foundation. Conducted annually, IBSAT 2019 scores will be used for admission to MBA/PGPM/Ph.D courses at IBS campuses across India. As per IBS official website, 25k students appeared for IBSAT 2018. IBSAT 2019 registration has begun from 1st July 2019.

Latest Update

The application process for IBSAT 2019 is currently open. Please scroll down to the IBSAT 2019 Registration section for further details.


IBSAT 2019 Dates (Tentative)

Events Important Dates (Tentative)
Registrations begins 1st July 2019
Registrations closes December 2019
Download Exam Admit card 3rd week of December 2019
IBSAT 2019 Exam date 21st and 22nd December 2019
Declaration of result 1st week of January 2019
Selection process MBA/ PGPM: February 22-29, 2020
Ph.D. Program: March 07-08, 2020

IBSAT 2019 Exam Date

The IBSAT 2019 exam dates have been declared to be on the 21st and 22nd of December 2019.

Mode of Examination

IBSAT exam will be conducted in online mode (computer based test), in objective format.

Medium of Examination

The IBSAT examination will be conducted in English only.

ICFAI Business School Campuses

As of June 2019, IBS has following campuses established across the nation:

  • IBS Bengaluru
  • IBS Mumbai
  • IBS Hyderabad
  • IBS Gurgaon
  • IBS Jaipur
  • IBS Pune
  • IBS Ahmedabad
  • IBS Kolkata
  • IBS Dehradun.

The campuses at Dehradun, Hyderabad, and Jaipur alone offer MBA degrees. The other campuses grant PGPM diplomas to their students.

Fee Structure

The fee for the MBA program at IBS Hyderabad campus is Rs. 7.02 lakhs per annum.

The fee for the MBA program at IBS Dehradun and IBS Jaipur campuses for Domicile is Rs. 2.585 and Non Domicile is Rs.2.835 lakhs per annum.

The fee for the PGPM program at IBS Ahmedabad, IBS Bengaluru, IBS Gurgaon, IBS Kolkata, IBS Mumbai and IBS Pune campuses is Rs.4.005 per annum.

IBSAT 2019 Eligibility


The applying candidate must be an Indian citizen.

Educational qualification

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

An IBSAT aspirant must have completed:

Graduation (in any discipline) with 50% and above marks along with the medium of instruction as English. Candidates who might not meet this criteria will have to submit the TOEFL/NELT/IELTS score by May 31, 2020.

Minimum 15 years of education (10+2+3) or (10+2+4) under a recognized board to apply for MBA programmes.

Doctorate (Ph.D)

MANAGEMENT (Full time/Part time)

An IBSAT Ph.D aspirant must have completed:

Graduation (in any discipline) with 50% and above marks along with the medium of instruction as English.

Post graduation in Management (full time with specialization in Marketing/Finance/Human Resource Management/Operations from an UGC approved University) with marks being 55% or above OR Post-graduation (full-time) in Economics, Commerce, Psychology, Sociology, Public Administration, Statistics, Mathematics or in an allied discipline from a UGC recognized University in India or abroad with 55% and above marks.

Candidates who will be offered admission will be required to undertake the first year MBA courses as a prerequisite to continue in the Ph.D Programme OR a professional qualification like CFA/CA/CWA/CS with 55% and above marks.

ECONOMICS (Full time)

An IBSAT Ph.D aspirant must have completed:

Graduation with 50% and above marks AND Post graduation in Economics or allied discipline with 55% and above marks.

Overall requirement for both:

17 years of education in regular mode under a recognized board.

Candidates who might not have had English as their medium of instruction will have to submit the TOEFL/NELT/IELTS score by May 31, 2020.

Final Year Students

Candidates in their final year of graduation can also apply, provided that they complete their graduation requirements (including practical exams/viva/assignments) by May 31, 2020. The admission will remain provisional until they produce valid proof of their graduation and the last date for submission is 1st November 2020.

Candidates who might not have had English as their medium of instruction will have to submit the TOEFL/NELT/IELTS score by May 31, 2020.

Eligibility criteria will be checked from August, 2020 onwards.

Age Limit

There is no age limit to apply for IBSAT.

IBSAT 2019 Registration

Candidates can fill the application form for IBSAT via both online or offline modes.

The registration for IBSAT 2019 has started from 1st July, 2019. Please click here to register on the official website.

Candidates can also register by purchasing vouchers/bulletins offline from any of the marketing offices of IBS. Area-wise marketing office location can be obtained from here.

IBSAT 2019 Application form fee

The Category wise application Fee for IBSAT 2019 is as follows:

Category Fee
General/OBC ₹1800
SC/ST ₹1800

IBSAT application form fee can be paid online by either of the following:

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Net Banking.

Candidates who apply offline can pay in cash while purchasing the voucher/bulletin from IBS marketing offices.

Documents to be attached

  • A passport sized photograph (colored) | 25Kb – JPG or GIF format | 140 X 160 pixels.

Application Procedure

On-line Application form

The complete online application procedure for IBSAT application form is divided into 6 stages.

  1. Registration.
  2. Uploading documents.
  3. Payment of Application Fee.
  4. Printing the Completed Application Form
  5. Selecting the exam dates
Off-line Application form

The complete offline application procedure for IBSAT registration 2019 is divided into 5 stages.

  1. Purchasing application form/bulletin from any of the IBS branch,
  2. Affix passport sized photograph,
  3. Submitting the Completed Application Form,
  4. Collect the acknowledgment slips.

IBSAT 2019 Slot Booking

After successful registration for IBSAT 2018, applicants will have the liberty to choose an exam date of their choice from 21st and 22nd December, 2019.

This activity is called Slot Booking and link for the same will be provided here.

IBSAT Admit Card 2020

IBSAT Admit Card 2020 will be available from the 3rd week of December 2019.

The admit card will be made available on the official website through online mode only. Candidates are required to download and take a print of their admit card as it will not be send via post.

IBSAT Exam Pattern

IBSAT 2018 is a 3-stage process to enter for a PGPM, MBA and PhD programmes in the ICFAI Business School campuses.

The 3 stages include a computer-based test, group discussion, and personal interview.

Only the candidates who clear the first stage (based on IBSAT 2019/ GMAT® /NMAT by GMACTM/CAT score) will be called for the Group Discussion, and Personal Interview.

Stage I: Computer based test

Exam Duration

 For IBSAT 2019, the candidates get 2 hours to answer the questions.

Type of Questions

There will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).

Total Marks

A total of 120 marks will be at stake.

Total Number of Questions

A total of 120 questions (MCQs) spread over following 4 sections:

  • Verbal Ability (VA),
  • Reading Comprehension (RC),
  • Quantitative Aptitude (QA) and
  • Data Adequacy/ Sufficiency and Data Interpretation (DA/ DI).
 Marking Scheme

+1 mark will be allotted for each correct answer and NO mark will be deducted for wrong answers.

Section-wise Mark distribution
Section Questions Total marks
Verbal ability (VA) 50 50
Reading comprehension (RC) 30 30
Quantitative Aptitude (QA) 30 30
Data Adequacy/ Sufficiency and Data Interpretation (DA/DI)   30 30
Total 140 140

IBSAT 2019 Results

IBSAT Results 2019 will be announced in the 1st week of January, 2020.

Candidates must check the results online on the official website i.e. www.ibsindia.org by entering the Application number and Password and must keep a hard copy of the score card.

Selection Procedure

IBS admissions is a 3-staged process comprising of the following:

  • Computer-based test (IBSAT)
  • Group Discussion (GD)
  • Personal Interview (PI).

Students clearing the IBSAT test shall be called for further rounds of GD and PI which will take place at IBS Hyderabad campus around February 2020.

Stage II: Group Discussion

Those who successfully clear the IBSAT entrance exam are eligible to appear for the Group Discussion round. Here, a group of 8-10 candidates will be given a topic to discuss for 15 minutes. In this round, the candidate’s ability of analytics, communication, and teamwork is thoroughly tested.

Stage IIIPersonal Interview

Here, the candidates will give one-on-one interviews in front of a panel who will judge their aptitude, confidence, communication skills, and attitude. There is no fixed amount of time for the interview.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: Is work experience a prerequisite for admission in PGP in IBS Hyderabad?

Answer: NO. Work experience is not prerequisite for IBS Hyderabad.

Question: Does ICFAI Business School accept MAT score?

Answer: Yes. IBS schools accept scores of all the major MBA entrance exams in the country. Few of theses exams include:

Application of Links Links
IBSAT 2019 Official Website http://ibsindia.org/  
Admission portal http://ibsindia.org/admissions/
Online Application portal https://admissions.ibsindia.org/IBSAT2019/registration/
Offline Application Available at IBS Branches https://www.ibsindia.org/contact-us/

Management Entrance Exams

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