Home Entrance Exams Medical Entrance Exams NEET PG 2021

NEET PG 2021

neet pg 2019

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MCC has released the following. Go on respective Link:

On line registration has been started. Registration for 1st round started on 12/01/2022 and will close on 17/01/2022 (UP TO 12:00 NOON)





(i) As per directive of Honourable Supreme Court ,NEET-PG counselling is being started by MCC from January 12, 2022.  This will be a great help to the country in the fight against Covid-19.

(ii) As per the order of Supreme, there will be 27 per cent reservation in undergraduate and postgraduate medical seats of the all India quota.

(iii) For EWS quota, 10 per cent reservation has been permitted for this year, so that the counselling process can be finalised , and for the upcoming years, the criteria of the quota will be decided in the next hearing  in the Honourable Supreme Court scheduled in March, 2022.

(iv) The notification for counselling will be released on the official website of MCC i.e. mcc.nic.in

(v) The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) will release individual scorecards of the test today, January 9, at nbe.edu.in

(vi) The NEET PG cut-off 2021 score:

For General Category :302,

 For reserved category (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes) : 265

 For persons with disabilities : 283.


NEET PG 2021 is a National Level medical entrance examination conducted by NBE (National Board of Examinations) for aspirants seeking MD/MS/PG admissions in India. As per the directives issued by the Supreme Court in 2016, NEET is the single-window test for MD/MS/PG admission in the country. Starting from 2018, NEET PG is conducted as an online exam in the form of a Computer Based Test (CBT) on a single day in single session throughout the country.

List of Contents

NEET PG 2021 Important Dates (Tentative)

Events Dates 
Online registration begins 4th week of Oct, 2018
Last date to register online 4th week of Nov, 2018
Availability of demo test 3rd week of Dec, 2018
Availability of admit card 4th week of Dec, 2018
NEET PG 2021 exam date 2nd week of Jan, 2019
Declaration of result 4th week of Jan, 2019
Release of Rank Card 3rd week Feb, 2019
Result declared for 50% AIQ 4th week of Feb, 2019
Counselling registration begins 2nd week of Mar, 2019
Exercising options 2nd week of Mar, 2019
Last date to register for counselling 3rd week of Mar, 2019
Last date to lock the options 3rd week of Mar, 2019
Seat allotment process begins 4th week of Mar, 2019
Declaration of seat allotment result 4th week of Mar, 2019
Reporting at allotted college(Round 1) 4th week of Mar, 2019 to 1st week of Apr, 2019
Exercising options (Round 2) 4th week of Apr, 2019
Seat allotment process begins (Round 2) 4th week of Apr, 2019
Declaration of seat allotment result (Round 2) 4th week of Apr, 2019
Reporting at allotted college (Round 2) 4th week of Apr, 2019 to 2nd week of May, 2019
Transfer of vacant seats to State Quota 2nd week of May, 2019

NEET PG 2021 Exam Date 

NEET PG 2021 is expected to be conducted in the 18 April, 2021.

Mode of Answering

NEET PG 2021 will be a Computer Based Test (CBT) comprising of Multi-Choice Questions (MCQ).

Medium of Examination

The prescribed medium will be ENGLISH only.

NEET PG 2021 Eligibility Criteria

Following eligibility clauses have been prescribed by NBE for NEET PG 2021:


Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply.

All India 50% Quota seats: Students who have studied or passed MBBS from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Jammu & Kashmir states are not eligible for the AIQ quota.

Educational qualification

Candidates must hold an MBBS degree or Provisional MBBS Pass Certificate recognized by the MCI.

Internship requirement

Candidates should have completed one year of internship or likely to complete the internship on or before 31st March 2019.

NEET PG 2021 Application Form

NEET PG 2021 online registration is open from 23rd February (3 PM Onwards) to
15th March 2021(Till 11:55PM)

You can register online and fill your NEET PG  application form by visiting https://neetpg.nbe.edu.in.

Candidates can login to make any corrections, if required in the application from19th March 2021 to
21st March 2021

Application fee

Exam fee can be paid only by online transaction through debit/credit card or net banking. The application fee for various categories is tabulated below.

Category Fee
General/OBC category 5015/- ( Including GST)
SC/ST/PWD 3835/- ( Including GST)

Documents to be uploaded

  • Photograph
  • Signature
  • Thumb Impression
  • ID Proof (Aadhar Card/ Driving License/ Pan Card/ Voter ID/ Passport)
  • SMC/MCI & other certificates

Steps for applying

  • Visit the website mentioned above
  • On the registration section, create a profile by entering registration details
  • Provide active mobile number as you will get all important notifications regarding your application status via SMS on you mobile
  • Provide correct details about MBBS degree completion date and your Aggregate marks
  • Schedule the examination date, time and centre based on your preferences
  • Candidates have to make the fee payment through online mode

The candidates are requested to update these documents as per the format mentioned in the respective fields.

Download the Application Form: When all the above steps are concluded, the candidates will be required to preview the application form and make the final submit. The candidates are advised to download the filled-in NEET PG 2019 application form from NBE.

NEET PG 2021 Admit Card

NEET PG 2021 admit cards will be made available for download  4 days before the NEET PG exam day.  

Candidates who have registered successfully for the NEET PG 2019 will get notification via SMS on their registered mobile number.

  • Save it as PDF and take a print out of the NEET PG admit card.
  • Paste a photograph on the admit card
  • Laminate the admit card and keep it safe

The hall ticket is one of the important documents that needs to be carried to the exam center. It is mandatory to carry along with it at least one valid ID Proof (Aadhar Card/ Driving License/ Pan Card/ Voter ID/ Passport) in which your photo is clear and matches with admit card. Any candidate found without the same will be refrained from appearing in the exam.

NEET PG 2021 Exam Pattern

  • Duration: The exam duration will be three and a half hours.
  • Type of Question: There will be objective type (MCQ) questions asked in the exam.
  • Total marks: 1200
  • Total Number of questions asked: 300
  • Marking Scheme: 4 marks will be given for each correct answer. 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

The subject-wise mark distribution released by NBE for NEET PG exam is as follows:

S. No. Subject Marks Distribution
1. Anatomy 15
2. Biochemistry 15
3. Paediatrics 15
4. Physiology 15
5. Microbiology 20
6. Pharmacology 20
7. Pathology 25
8. Social and Preventive Medicine 25
9. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25
10. Forensic Medicine 10
11. Ophthalmology 10
12. Psychiatry 10
13. Medicine Dermatology and Venereology 37
14. Surgery, ENT, Orthopaedics and Anaesthesia 46
15. Radio Diagnosis and Radiotherapy 12 (6+6)
Grand Total 300

NEET PG 2021 Exam Centers

1 Agra 44 Haldwani 87 Naharlagun
2 Ahmedabad 45 Hamirpur 88 Nanded
3 Aizawl 46 Hazaribagh 89 Nashik
4 Ajmer 47 Hisar 90 Navi Mumbai
5 Aligarh 48 Hooghly 91 Nellore
6 Allahabad 49 Hubballi (Hubli) 92 Noida
7 Ambala 50 Hyderabad 93 Panaji
8 Amravati 51 Indore 94 Panipat
9 Amritsar 52 Jabalpur 95 Patiala
10 Anand 53 Jaipur 96 Patna
11 Arrah 54 Jalandhar 97 Pune
12 Asansol 55 Jalgaon 98 Raipur
13 Balasore 56 Jammu 99 Rajahmundry
14 Bareilly 57 Jamshedpur 100 Rajkot
15 Bengaluru 58 Jhansi 101 Ranchi
16 Berhampur-Ganjam 59 Jodhpur 102 Roorkee
17 Bhagalpur 60 Jorhat 103 Rourkela
18 Bhatinda 61 Kakinada 104 Sagar
19 Bhilai Nagar 62 Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) 105 Salem
20 Bhopal 63 Kalyani 106 Samba
21 Bhubaneswar 64 Kannur 107 Sambalpur
22 Bikaner 65 Kanpur 108 Satna
23 Bilaspur 66 Karimnagar 109 Shillong
24 Bokaro  Steel City 67 Karnal 110 Shivamogga(Shimoga)
25 Chandigarh 68 Kohima 111 Sikar
26 Chennai 69 Kolhapur 112 Silchar
27 Chirala 70 Kolkata 113 Siliguri
28 Coimbatore 71 Kota 114 Surat
29 Cuttack 72 Kozhikode 115 Tezpur
30 Darbhanga 73 Kurnool 116 Thiruvananthapuram
31 Dehradun 74 Kurukshetra 117 Thrissur
32 Delhi 75 Lucknow 118 Tiruchirappalli
33 Dhanbad 76 Ludhiana 119 Tirunelveli
34 Dhenkanal 77 Madurai 120 Tirupathi
35 Dibrugarh 78 Meerut 121 Udaipur
36 Gandhinagar 79 Mehsana 122 Udupi
37 Ghaziabad 80 Mohali 123 Ujjain
38 Gorakhpur 81 Moradabad 124 Vadodara
39 Greater Noida 82 Mumbai 125 Varanasi
40 Guntur 83 Muzaffarnagar 126 Vijayawada
41 Gurugram 84 Muzaffarpur 127 Visakhapatnam
42 Guwahati 85 Mysuru (Mysore) 128 Vizianagaram
43 Gwalior 86 Nagpur 129 Warangal

NEET PG 2021 Syllabus

The syllabus was prescribed by the Medical Council of India (MCI) with prior approval of Government of India.

Topics No. of Questions
Biochemistry 15
Anatomy 15
Physiology 15
Microbiology 20
Pharmacology 20
Pathology 25
Forensic Medicine 10
Medicine Dermatology And Venereology 37
Social And Preventive Medicine 25
Radio diagnosis & Radiotherapy 12 (6+6)
Surgery, ENT, Orthopaedics & Anaesthesia 46
Paediatrics 15
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25
Psychiatry 10
Ophthalmology 10
Total 300

NEET PG 2021 Result

The results of NEET PG 2019 will be announced by the NBE in the 4th week of Jan, 2019.

The NEET PG 50% All India Quota scorecards will be announced by 4th week of Feb, 2019.

Candidates can check their NEET PG 2019 results and the AIQ scorecard from the link mentioned on official NBE website. This score is valid for one year only. Candidates are advised to keep the printout of the result and preserve it till the admission process gets over.

NEET PG 2021 Cut off 

The candidate who will obtain the minimum cut off percentile in the entrance examination will be considered in the merit list and can appear for the counselling. The cut off marks as of previous year (NEET PG 2018) is as follows:

Categories Cut off Percentile
General 50th Percentile
SC/ST/OBC (including PWD of SC/ST/OBC) 40th Percentile
UR PWD 45th Percentile


NEET PG 2021 Counselling Medical Counselling will be conducted by Medical Counselling Committee. It will be held for only those candidates who have obtained minimum cut off percentile in NEET PG 2021. The counselling will process with admission to PG courses in All India 50% quota, State Quota Seats in Government /Private Medical Institutions in a State, and DNB courses broad specialty. For admission through the given aspects, different authorities will conduct counselling. NBE has no role in counselling for All India 50% quota and State Quota seats, however, it is responsible for conducting the counselling for admission to DNB courses. Also, after the declaration of result, the mark sheet-cum-result certificate for NEET PG 2021 for All India 50% Quota will be available online at the official website of NBE.

Application of link Link
Official Website of conducting body  https://nbe.edu.in/
Information Bulletin https://nbe.edu.in/IB/Information%20Bulletin%20NEET-PG%202021%20-%20Final%20Version%20for%20website.pdfhttps://neetpg.nbe.edu.in/
Demo Test NA
NEET PG 2021 Rank NA
NEET PG 2021Scorecard NA

Stay tuned to edupadhai.com for more news and updates on NEET PG 2021. Please Like, Share and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for future updates.

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Absolutely right information but the number of marks allotted to each subject can vary a bit.
REST NEXT Examination poses a good challenge of what is to be done in future. The details are not out as yet . Medexams