Home Jobs Defense Jobs National Defence Academy – 2017 (II) (NDA 2017)

National Defence Academy – 2017 (II) (NDA 2017)

nda 2017

UPSC NDA 2017 (II) results have been declared. Click here to download the results.

UPSC NDA 2017 (II) admit cards have been released. 

The application portal for NDA 2017 (II) is closed now.

What is NDA?

NDA is an acronym for National Defense Academy (NDA), a military training institute established by Govt of India, based in Pune, Maharashtra. The Institute was conceptualized back in 1946, based on various military training institutes in the world. However, it began functioning in 1955 after almost 6 years of construction work that began in 1949. Currently, the institute is used as a joint military training institute for training future officers from all three regimes of the Indian military.  Admission to NDA, eventually to being a military officer, is through a national level entrance exam conducted by UPSC on behalf of Defense Ministry.

Suggested: Learn in detail about the Combined Defence Services Exam (C.D.S 2017 (II))

NDA Entrance Exam

Admission to the National Defense Academy (NDA) takes place twice a year through an entrance exam conducted by UPSC. The first one, of these two conductions, (called NDA (I)) takes place in the month of April, while the second one (called NDA (II)) is held in September.

The whole process of admission at National Defense Academy (NDA) involves the following 2 stages:

  1. Stage 1: Written Exam, conducted by UPSC.
  2. Stage 2: Staff Selection Board (SSB Interviews).

Also Read: Get a detailed description of Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT 2017).

List of Contents

  1. Date of Examination.
  2. Number of Seats.
  3. Medium of Examination.
  4. Mode of Examination.
  5. Eligibility Criteria.
  6. How to Apply?
    1. Application Fee.
    2. Documents to be Required.
    3. Procedure.
  7. Admit Cards.
  8. Examination Pattern.
  9. Staff Selection Board (SSB).
  10. Results.
  11. Important Dates.
  12. Important Links.

Date of Written Exam

The UPSC NDA exam, as mentioned earlier, is conducted twice a year. NDA 2017 (I) written exam was held on 23rd April 2017.

NDA 2017 (II) written exam shall be conducted on 10th September 2017.

Number of Seats

As per the official notification, a total of 390 seats will be available for NDA 2017 (II) exam. The break up of these seats is as follows:

  1. Indian Army – 208 Seats.
  2. Indian Navy – 55 Seats.
  3. Indian Air Force – 72 Seats.
  4. Naval Academy – 55 Seats.

Medium of Examination

UPSC NDA 2017, both (I) and (II), has both ENGLISH & HINDI as its mediums. However, one of the sections in the written exam is for testing ENGLISH language.

Mode of Examination

NDA exam is always conducted in OFFLINE mode.

Eligibility Criteria


An applicant of NDA 2017 exam must hold either of the following nationalities:

  1. An Indian nationality.
  2. A subject of Bhutan/Nepal.
  3. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st Jan 1962, with the intention of settling in.
  4. A person of Indian Origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma or from east African countries.

Age Limits, Gender, and Marital Status

Age Limits: Eligible candidates for NDA 2017 (II) are those born in between 2nd July 1999 and 1st July 2002.

Gender: Only Male applicants are eligible for NDA 2017 (II).

Marital Status: In order to hold eligibility for NDA 2017 (II), candidates must be unmarried. Also, the candidate, upon selection, cannot marry until the completion of his training period.

Education Background

  1. For Army Wing at NDA: Candidate must have passed class 12th examination or its equivalent from a recognized board/university.
  2. For Naval & Air Force Wing at NDA: Candidates should have passed the 12th examination with Physics & Mathematics as compulsory subjects from a recognized board/university.

Candidates appearing for 12th std. exam in 2017 are also eligible for NDA 2017 (II).

Physical Standards

Candidate must be fit as per the medical guidelines laid out by the commission. The detailed description of the medical standards for NDA 2017 (II) is published in Annexure IV of the information brochure.

Must Read: Read the detailed procedure of NDA Application form 2017

How to Apply for NDA 2017?

Application Fee

The application fee for NDA 2017 (II) will be Rs 100 for General Category candidates. However, an exemption of fee is observed in the case of SC/ST category candidates.

Also, a candidate whose father is currently serving/retired in/from the rank of JCOs/ORs or other ranks of Armed forces and are studying in Military schools/Sainik School, shall not pay the application fee for NDA 2017.

The application fee can be paid by either of the following modes:

  1. Cash Payment at any SBI branch.
  2. Visa/MasterCard Credit/Debit Card.
  3. Net Banking of SBI & Associate Banks.

Candidates choosing to pay by cash have to deposit the application fee by next working day only. Also, the pay by cash mode will be deactivated on 29th June 2017 (11:59 PM IST) i.e. one day before the last date of applying.

Documents to be Uploaded

  1. A scanned photograph of 140 X 110 pixels – JPG format – 3Kb – 40Kb in size.
  2. Scanned Signature of 110 X 140 pixels– JPG format – 1Kb – 40Kb in size.


The application form for NDA 2017 (II) will be made available on https://upsconline.nic.in/ from 7th June 2017 onwards.

The last date of applying for NDA 2017 (II) is 30th June 2017 (6:00 PM IST).

The NDA application form, much like other UPSC forms, has 2 steps:

Part I: Registration

This part of the application form is mainly meant for providing the Personal details of an NDA 2017 (II) candidate.

Part II

The part II of the NDA 2017 Application form will mainly have 3 steps:

  • Application fee payment (if any),
  • Documents uploading and
  • choosing the exam center for the same.

Candidates must refrain from sending anything to UPSC office as a means of completing the application form.

Admit Cards

The admit cards for NDA 2017 (II) written exam, conducted by UPSC, will be published from 20th August 2017 (tentatively) onwards i.e. three weeks before the exam date of NDA 2017 (II).

Examination Pattern

The written exam for NDA 2017 (II) has two subjects:

Subject I: Mathematics.
Subject II: General Ability Test.

Mathematics Paper

The maximum time duration allotted to the mathematics paper is 2 ½ hours.

The Mathematics subject paper will hold a total of 300 marks, with question booklets in both ENGLISH and HINDI language.

General Ability Test

The General Ability Test, like the mathematics paper, will be an objective type paper with a weightage of 600 marks.

The test will comprise of 2 parts:

Part I: English Language Paper – 200 Marks.
Part II: General Knowledge Paper – 400 Marks.

Staff Selection Board (SSB)

The SSB or Intelligence or Personality Tests are a set of scientifically designed tests meant for concluding the personality of an aspirant. These tests were first started during the 1st world war when a lack in quality of armed forces was felt by the war parties. Over the years, these tests have been improvised through experiences of the army. Currently, these SSB interviews are the major deciding factor during Officer Recruitments in Indian Armed Forces.

The SSB interviews for NDA 2017 (II) comprise of 2 stages. Only those candidates who successfully clear the 1st stage can appear for stage 2.

Stage 1 

The stage I of SSB Interviews comprise of the following:

  1. Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR).
  2. Picture Perception Test (PP).
  3. Description Test (DT).

A combined score is calculated based on candidate’s performance in the 3 spheres. 

Stage 2 

The stage II of SSB Interviews comprise of the following:

  1. Group Testing Officers Task.
  2. Psychology tests.
  3. Interviews.
  4. Conferences.

Suggested: Also Read in detail about the UPSC NDA.


The results of NDA 2017 (II) written exam, organized by UPSC, shall be declared in approximately 1 ½ months from the exam date.

The candidates who clear the written exam successfully will have to register themselves on the Indian Army Recruitment website i.e. http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/.

Important Dates

Event Date
NDA 2017 (II) notification publication 7th June 2017.
Last date of Applying 30th June 2017 (6:00 PM IST).
Publication of Admit Cards for NDA 2017 (II) 20th August onwards.
NDA 2017 (II) Written Exam date 10th September 2017
Declaration of Results November 2017
Application of Link Link
NDA 2017 (II) Results https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzLigNdfmlTFaGttUVlRVURpT2M
UPSC official website http://www.upsc.gov.in/
Application portal for NDA 2017 https://upsconline.nic.in/
Official Notice http://upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Notice_NDA_NA%20_II_%20Exam_2017_English_%20Final.pdf.
Indian Army Recruitment Website http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/

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My son is 15 and half years old studying on grade 10th in the British curiculum. His board exam will be after grade 11. Can he apply when he completes his board exam?