Home Entrance Exams Engineering Entrance Exams Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Exam – 2019 (TBJEE 2019)

Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Exam – 2019 (TBJEE 2019)



TBJEE 2019 or Tripura Board of Joint Entrance exam (TBJEE) is a state level entrance examination conducted every year by the Directorate of Higher Education in Tripura. All the engineering and medical colleges in Tripura accept the scores of TBJEE. The exam serves as a single entrance test for for Engineering Colleges, Medical Colleges, and other professional degree courses in the Indian state of Tripura eliminating the need to appear in multiple exams. The official notification for TBJEE 2019 has been released on 11th January 2019.

Latest Updates

The dates for counselling have been announced. The counselling process will be conducted from 29th June to 4th July 2019. Please scroll down to obtain detailed information about the counselling process.

List of Contents

Important Dates (Tentative)

Date (Tentative)
TBJEE 2019 Application Form Availability 1st week of January 2019
Closing of application process 4th week of January 2019
TBJEE Admit card 2019 3rd week of March 2019
TBJEE 2019 Exam Date 24th and 25th April 2019
TBJEE Result 2019 1st week of June 2019
TBJEE Counselling 2019 29th June to 4th July 2019

TBJEE 2019 Exam Date

TBJEE 2019 is expected to be conducted in the 24th April and 25th April 2019. The exams for Physics (11am-1pm) and Chemistry (2pm-4pm) will be held on 24th April 2019 and the exams for Mathematics (11am-1pm) and Biology (2pm-4pm) will be held on 25th April 2019.

Mode of Answering

The Tripura Board Joint Entrance Examination 2019 shall be conducted in offline mode and the candidates will be given OMR sheets wherein they can mark the answers for the respective questions.

TBJEE Eligibility Criteria


Candidate must be an Indian citizen.


Candidate must be a permanent resident of Tripura. Either the candidate or his/her parents must have been residing in Tripura continuously for at least 10 years immediately prior to the date of the application.

Children of All India Services Officers born in Manipur-Tripura cadre and the children of the employees of State Government posted outside Tripura are eligible, irrespective of their stay in Tripura.

In case a candidate is not a permanent resident of Tripura, but his / her parent is an Officer on deputation to the Officer of the Central Government/Government of Tripura working in Tripura and has served in Tripura continuously for at least 3 years.

In case of wards of Ex-Servicemen/Serving Defense personnel, the candidate or their parents should have stayed for minimum five years in Tripura.

Qualifying Examination

Candidate must have passed Higher Secondary Examination of Tripura Board of Secondary Education / Central Board of Secondary Education or equivalent examination with the subjects in which he / she desires to appear at the Joint Entrance Examination.

TBJEE Application Form

TBJEE applications are only available in OFFLINE format either by:

  • Downloading the application form & Prospectus from website or
  • Obtaining a copy of the same from the office of Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination (TBJEE) by paying INR 100.
  • Postal Request from office of Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination by sending INR 100 as postal order.

The distribution of TBJEE 2019 application form is expected to begin around the 1st week of January 2019 tentatively.

Application fee

TBJEE exam fee (for Prospectus and Application Form) of INR 100 is collected separately only by offline means and can be paid either

  • at the office of TBJEE or
  • sending a postal order in favour of TRIPURA BOARD OF JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, payable at Agartala Head Post Office or
  • at any SBI branch.

The exam fee is collected online and can be paid by clicking on the “Payment of Exam Fee” button. Alternatively, the candidates can also visit www.onlinesbi.com to pay the exam fees.

The category-wise examination fees is tabulated below:

Fees (in INR)
General (male) 550
SC/ST (male) candidates 450
All female candidates 350
BPL (male and female) candidates 350

Documents to be Enclosed

  • Self-attested copy of admits card of Madhyamik Examination or equivalent / School leaving certificate / Birth certificate to be enclosed as proof of age.
  • Self-attested copy of Enrollment Certificate/Admit Card of H.S (+2 stage) Examination or equivalent examination.
  • Marksheet (and a self-attested copy) of H.S (+2 stage) Examination or equivalent examination with the clear mention of subjects taken in the year 2018.
  • PRTC self-attested copy from the relevant authority of the applicant or his/her parents, as applicable.
  • Self-attested copy of caste certificate (SC/ST) of the candidate from the appropriate authority to be enclosed (2 Nos.) where applicable.
  • 2 self-attested copies of physically handicapped certificate(PH) (if applicable).
  • 2 self-attested copies of the certificate regarding the period of stay of Mother / Father / Candidate for at least five years in case of wards of Ex-Serviceman/Serving Defence Personnel, issued by the appropriate authority, where necessary.
  • 2 self-attested copies of the certificate showing the proof of Serving Defence Personnel/Ex-Serviceman (if applicable).
  • Self-attested copy of seat surrendered certificate (if applicable).
  • Three copies of Passport size photographs of the applicant to be affixed and signed on these in appropriate spaces of the application form.
  • Printed envelop supplied by Board to be enclosed after writing candidates address and affixing postal stamp of rupees five on the specified space.
  • Attach the copy of e-challan with Banker’s stamp (Board’s part).
  • Self-attested copy of Ad hoc BPL certificate/BPL card from the relevant authority (if applicable).

Application Procedure

TBJEE 2019 comprises of following steps:

  • Download/Purchase the TBJEE Application form.
  • Complete the form in all respects.
  • Mail the completed application form to TBJEE Office.

TBJEE Admit Card 2019

TBJEE admit card 2019 will be dispatched by the 3rd week of March 2019. The admit cards will be sent by post to the candidates.

The candidates who do not receive the TBJEE admit card 2019 need to check if their names are displayed on the website. If so, then they need to visit the office of TBJEE to clarify discrepancies regarding the documents and information provided in the TBJEE application form.

TBJEE Examination Pattern

The TBJEE Exam shall be 2 hours long Offline Examination. Questions will be Multiple Choice Type (MCQs) in nature and shall be drawn from following 3 subjects:

Subject/Section Number of Questions Maximum Marks
Physics 50 MCQs 100 Marks
Chemistry 50 MCQs 100 Marks
Mathematics/ Biology 50 MCQs 100 Marks
Total 150 MCQs 300 Marks

The students applying to Engineering courses will be asked questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Maths; and the students applying to Medical courses will be asked questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Marking Scheme

For each correct answer, candidate shall be awarded 2 marks while no deduction shall be made for any incorrect answer.

TBJEE Answer Key

TBJEE Answer Key shall be available post TBJEE Exam Day. Candidates shall be given an opportunity to file for discrepancy in the answer key (if he/she feels so).

For downloading the answer key: tbjee.nic.in/Final%20Answer%20Key%20of%20TJEE-2019,%20Notification.pdf

TBJEE Syllabus

TBJEE syllabus for each subject is divided into 10 modules and 5 questions will be asked from each module and the total number of questions will be 50.

TBJEE Result 2019

TBJEE result 2019 has been published on the official website of TBJEE.

Students need to enter their login credentials to access the TBJEE result 2019.

The link to download the merit cards: tbjee.nic.in/Final%20Answer%20Key%20of%20TJEE-2019,%20Notification.pdf

TBJEE Counselling 2019

TBJEE counselling 2019 have been announced on 26th June 2019 for different courses. The counselling process will be carried on from 29th June to 4th July 2019. The candidate needs to be present at Matangini Pritilata Sabha Griha, Women’s College, Agartala for TBJEE counselling 2019 in person so that he/she can choose the seat as per the rankings obtained in the exam. The documents that are required at TBJEE counselling 2019 are:

  • Original H.S. (+2 stage) marksheet along with two attested copies.
  • Permanent residence of Tripura certificate (PRTC)
  • TBJEE admit card 2019
  • Marks slip of TBJEE 2019 (to be downloaded from official website)
  • All other documents (including ST & SC certificates) submitted with the application form.

The official notification and specific dates can be viewed by clicking here.

Application of Link Link
Official Website of conducting body http://tbjee.nic.in/welcome.html
Official Brochure tbjee.nic.in/Prospectus2019.pdf

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