Home Jobs Central PSUs SJVN Ltd Recruitments

SJVN Ltd Recruitments

A project of SVJN

SJVN LIMITED, A Mini Ratna Schedule ‘A’ Public Sector Undertaking Company. It is a joint venture of Government of India and Government of Himachal Pradesh.

Under SJVN Recruitments ,SJVN invites applications to engage manpower on Fixed Tenure basis in the disciplines of Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering & Information Technology through GATE and invites applications from promising & committed individuals.

This Article is for recruitment of Junior Field Engineers through GATE Score in SJVN Ltd (A joint venture of Government of India and Government of Himachal Pradesh).

1 SJVN Recruitments: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement 94/2021
Mode of ApplyOn line Applications
City of  JobThe engaged candidates can be placed anywhere in India or abroad, in any of the functions at Project/Stations or offices of SJVN.
State of JobAll India
Country of JobAll India
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanySJVN LIMITED (A’ Public Sector Undertaking Company. It is a joint venture of Government of India and Government of Himachal Pradesh
Commencement of Online Registration for submitting applications28/07/2021 (10:00 am)
Closing date for submitting applications through website17/08/2021 ( 11:59 am)

SJVN Recruitments:  Vacancies, Eligibility, Qualification, Experience of Job

Discipline of EngineeringName of PostNumber of vacanciesMinimum Essential Qualifications              (As on last date of receipt of Application)Minimum experience for Post & Job profile (As on last date of receipt of Application)     
Civil (GATE Paper code CE)Field Engineer) 30Full Time Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute of India 50 % aggregate marks for SC/ST/PWD and 55 % marks for othersNo
Electrical (GATE Paper code EE)Field Engineer20Full Time Degree in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics from a recognized University/ Institute of India 50 % aggregate marks for SC/ST/PWD and 55 % marks for others.No
Mechanical (GATE Paper code ME)Field Engineer10Full Time Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute of India. 50 % aggregate marks for SC/ST/PWD and 55 % marks for others.No
Information Technology (GATE Paper code CS)Field Engineer04Full time B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/ Information Technology from a recognized Institute/University of India. 50 % aggregate marks for SC/ST/PWD and 55 % marks for others.No

Notes : (i) Reservation of SC/ST/OBC(NCL) / EWS categories are as per rules. For details refer official notification.

          (ii) The candidate can apply with GATE score of either of the three years 2021/2020/2019.

         (iii) No candidate securing less than 50% marks (out of 100) in GATE Exam will be shortlisted.

         (iv) SC/ST/PWD candidates will be required to secure at least 40% marks (out of 100) in GATE Exam.


3 SJVN Recruitments:Age Limit, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostAge Limit (As on closing date of  Application)#  Salary/Compensation
1Field Engineer) 30 Years60000/- fixed Remuneration per month (inclusive of EPF applicable under statute).
2Field Engineer30 Years60000/- fixed Remuneration per month (inclusive of EPF applicable under statute).
3Field Engineer30 Years 60000/- fixed Remuneration per month (inclusive of EPF applicable under statute).
4Field Engineer30 Years 60000/- fixed Remuneration per month (inclusive of EPF applicable under statute).

Notes : (i)  For relaxation in upper age for SC/ST/Physically Challenged/ OBC( NCL) /J &K Candidates:, go on Notification at the end.

            (ii) # In addition to the fixed remuneration, additional remuneration shall be payable as below:

Project NameAdditional Remuneration
Candidates placed in Arunachal Pradesh except Itanagar & area within 50 KMs from Itanagar100% of fixed remuneration
Itanagar & area within 50 KMs from Itanagar and Projects in Chenab Basin50% of fixed remuneration  
Jangi Thopan Powari HEP * & Devsari HEP  25% of fixed remuneration  
* For Jangi-Thopan Powari, the additional remuneration shall be payable only for posting at project sites & not at District Headquarters.

Other benefits include:

(iii) increment @ 5%/4%/3% on basis of PAR rating of Excellent/Very Good/Good for the year on completion of each year.

(iv)   Engaged incumbents shall be entitled for 12 days casual leave, 20 days sick leave in a year. They shall also be entitled to TA/DA if required to go on tour in connection with official duties at applicable rates for lowest level in Executive category.

(v)  Medical facility to self for first year and self & family i.e. spouse & two dependent children during 2nd year and onwards shall be provided subject to maximum one-month remuneration for OPD cases for each year. Engaged incumbents shall also be provided with medical insurance in case of IPD treatments during tenure of engagement upto Rs 10 Lakh.

(vi)  Engaged incumbents shall also be covered under SJVN’s Employee Deposit Linked Insurance scheme and insured under Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme.

5 SJVN Recruitments: Job Tenure:

(i) The engagement shall be purely temporary & on contract basis for an initial period of 3 years. (ii) The contract period can further be extended on yearly basis for 2 more years depending upon the work requirement and performance of the individual.

(iii) The engagement will not entitle him/her to claim for any regular employment in SJVN or any relaxation in case of any requirement for any post in SJVN.


Only Indian Nationals of age 18 years or above are eligible to apply.

7 SJVN Recruitments: How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on line mode onlyNo other mode of application shall be accepted.

7.1 Details of Registration fee (Non –refundable):

Serial NumbercategoryFees
1General/ OBC/EWS.600 + 18% GST
2SC/ST/PwBD category candidatesNo fees

Note: (i) Fee payment is only through Net banking / Debit Card/Credit Card.

(ii)  Fee once paid is not refundable.

7.2 Aspirant candidates to apply on line mode only and there is no alternative mode is available.

7.3.1 Documents to be kept in readiness:

(a) Scanned copy of the recent passport size color Photograph (not older than 3 weeks) in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ image types less than 500 KB.. Candidates should ensure that the same photograph is used throughout this recruitment process.

 (b)  Scanned copy of Signature in digital formation only in ‘jpg / image types less than 500 KB.

(c) A valid email address. (it should be  active during the entire recruitment process. Application sequence number, Activation Link, User ID, Password and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder).

(d)  Mobile number ( to be kept live till end of selection process).

(e) Details of the GATE score of any of the three years 2021/2020/2019, GATE Application No., GATE Registration Number, Year of GATE Exam and other required information.

 To Apply:

Step 1: Go on link:


Step 2 : Go on advertisement 94/2021

Step 3: Click on “Apply Online Link”.

Step 4 :   a new page will appear containing “Important Instructions to the Candidates”. Read all the instructions and then, click Agree button and then. Click start button..

Step 5:  A registration form will appear on the screen. Enter all the information and data carefully.

Step 6: On completion of all the information/ data, press the button “Submit’’.

Step 7: On completion, candidates will receive Application Sequence No (User ID) & Password on their registered email ID. Thus , registration process is over.

Step 8 :  After registration, candidate may click on “Goto Application Form” icon at top right corner ,select his category and other mandatory details and complete Personal Details, Qualification Details (along with GATE details).

Step 9: Upload photo/signature and submission of Fee (if applicable) through Online mode via Debit card, Credit card/Wallets or Internet Banking through Bill desk. Thus , submission of application is over.

For Technical queries/ clarifications relating to the filling up of ON-LINE APPLICATION, please feel free to contact the Helpdesk at Email: sjvnhelpdeskgate@gmail.com or Toll No. : 022 – 61087540

8 SJVN Recruitments: Selection Process:

The Selection Process consists of:

(i)  Marks obtained (out of 100) in the corresponding paper of GATE 2021/2020/2019 (score with which applied),

(ii) Group Discussion &,

(iii) Personal Interview.

For calculation of final score of a candidate, the weightage of marks obtained in GATE, Group Discussion and Interview shall be as below:-

GATE marks out of 100  75%
Group Discussion  10%
Personal Interview  15%

9  Useful Links:

Application of linkLink
Official website of SVJNhttp://www.sjvn.nic.in/
Registration portalhttp://www.sjvn.nic.in/current-jobs/94

 Although all the best efforts have been put to produce this article with all the correct data as per official advertisement and subsequent notifications there to if any, however, if there are any conflicting data or provisions are crept into the article, the data and provisions given in official advertisement and notification(s) will take precedence over contents of the Article.No claim whatsoever at any stage is admissible relating to content of this article.


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