Home Jobs Central PSUs NTPC ( National Thermal Power Corporation): Recruitments EET-2021 through GATE-2021

NTPC ( National Thermal Power Corporation): Recruitments EET-2021 through GATE-2021

NTPC Plant

This article is for recruitment of ENGINEERING EXECUTIVE TRAINEES-2021 advertised vide notification of NTPC 05/21


NTPC ( National Thermal Power Corporation) is India’s largest energy conglomerate established  way back in 1975 to accelerate power generation/development in India. Since then it has grown WORLD’S LEADING POWER COMPANY & ENERGIZING INDIA’S GROWTH. It has installed capacity of         65 ,810 MW. To strengthen its core business, the corporation has diversified into the fields of consultancy, power trading, training of power professionals, rural electrification, ash utilisation and coal mining as well.NTPC has  became a Maharatna company in May 2010. As of January 2020, there are 10 Maharatnas CPSEs in India. NTPC is ranked No. 2 Independent Power Producer (IPP) in  and Top 250 Global Energy Company rankings.

NTPC has advertised for recruitment of ENGINEERING EXECUTIVE TRAINEES-2021 for selection through GATE-2021 score in following disciplines:-

Electrical  Engineering (98) 

Mechanical Engineering (126)    

Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering   (56)

List of Contents:

  • Important Dates.
  • Number of Vacancies.
  • Essential Qualification
  • Age Limit
  • Compensation
  • Placement
  • Service Agreement
  • Registration fees
  • How to Apply?
  • Selection procedure.
  • Useful Links.

NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021  Important dates:               

S.NO. Name of the  Activity Dates
1. Commencement of the on line Application 21/05/2021
2 Closing date for submission of on line application 10/06/2021

NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021  Vacancies:

Discipline              Vacancies  
Electrical Engineering 98 40 14 08 27 09  
Mechanical Engineering 126 51 20 09 34 12  
Electronics Instrumentation 56 22 09 04 15 06  

Notes:- (i) Vacancies for PwBDs are reserved as per Govt. guidelines in vouge.

              (ii) Vacancies for EWS candidates are as per Govt. guidelines subject to final outcome of Hon’ble SC order.

             (iii)  Total number of advertised vacancies indicated above may increase or decrease at the discretion of NTPC management.

 NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021  Essential Qualification:

Discipline Prescribed full time degree in Engineering Corresponding GATE-2021 Paper Corresponding GATE-2021 Paper Code
Electrical Engineering Electrical /Electrical & Electronics /Electrical, Instrumentation & Control / Power systems & High Voltage /Power Electronics /Power Engineering Electrical Engineering EE
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical/Production / Industrial Engg./ Production & Industrial Engg./ Thermal / Mechanical & Automation/ Power Engineering Mechanical Engineering ME
Electronics Engineering   Electronics/Electronics & Telecommunication/ Electronics & Power/Power Electronics/Electronics &Communication/ Electrical & Electronics   Electronics &  Communication Engineering EC
Instrumentation Engineering   Electronics & Iinstrumentation/ Instrument ation & Control / Electronics , Instrumentation & control   Instrumentation Engineering IN

NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021  Age Limit: (As on 10/06/2021)

Upper Age limit for General/EWS is 27 years as on last date of online application. Upper age limit is relaxed as per following table:-

Serial Number Category Relaxation in upper age limit in Years
1 SC/ST 05 Years
2 OBC( NCL) 03 Years
3 PwBD(General)/EWS   10 Years
4 PwBD-OBC(NCL)     13 Years
5 PwBD-SC/ST 15 Years

Notes:- (i) The OBC candidates belonging to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC category and such candidates have to indicate their category as General.

(ii)Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.01.80 to 31.12.89.

(iii) In addition, the age relaxation for Ex-servicemen (XSM) will be as per Government of India norms.

  (iv)  Candidates claiming to belong to any particular category shall     necessarily have to furnish a valid EWS/OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/Disability certificate, as the case may be, issued by the Competent Authority.

(iv)   The EWS/ OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit requisite certificate in the latest prescribed format of Government of India, issued in the current year only.

(v)  Relaxations will be extended in case of vacancies identified for SC/ ST / OBC (non-creamy layer) / PwBD candidates.

(vii) Category (SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBD) once filled in the online application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible at the later stage.

NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021 Compensation: 

(i)   Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.40,000-1 ,40 ,000 at the basic pay of Rs. 40 ,000/- (E1 Grade).

(ii)  The benefits such as Dearness Allowance, other perquisites and allowances, terminal benefits etc. will be admissible during training I after absorption as per company rules in force from time to time. 

NTPC Recruitment : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021  Placement:

(i)   The selected candidates shall undergo one-year training at various NTPC plants.

(ii)  The final place of posting will be decided after completion of the training.

(iii)  Candidates can be placed in any of projects/ stations including Subsidiaries/JVs companies of NTPC across the country for shift operation of power plants and will  be required to work in shifts (including night shift).

(iv)   Application for the post will be considered as the consent of the candidate to work in shifts (including night shift). 

NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021  SERVICE AGREEMENT BOND:

The selected candidates of General, EWS and OBC categories will be required to execute a service agreement bond of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rs. 2,50,000/- for candidates belonging to SC, ST, PwBD categories) to serve the company for at least 3 years after successful completion of one-year training.

Details of Registration fee(Non –refundable):

Serial Number category Fees
1 General/ OBC/EWS. 300
2 SC/ST/PwBD/XSM category and female candidates No fees

Note: (i) on line payment : On line payment of fee can be made through Net banking / Debit Card (Rupay Cards) / Credit Card). The online payment option will be available on the website at the time of filling the application form.

    (ii) Off line Payment : (a)  State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the registration fee, through a specially opened account (No. 30987919993) at CAG branch, New Delhi, on behalf of NTPC.

(b) Candidate has to approach the nearby SBI branch with a printout of the “pay-in-slip” which is available on the application registration portal.

© The pay-in-slip printed from the portal should only be used for depositing the fee for proper crediting of amount in the allocated account To print the “Pay-in-slip” go on link: http://open.ntpccareers.net/2021_ShiftEngrRec/index.php

(d) On receipt of the money, the bank will issue a unique Journal Number and a Branch Code of the bank collecting the money. This journal number and the branch code are to be filled up by the candidate during online registration.

(e)  NTPC will not be responsible in case the candidate deposits the fee in a wrong account.

 (iv)  Fee once paid is not refundable.

NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021 How to Apply:

Aspirant candidates to apply on line mode only and there is no alternative mode is available.

To Apply::

Step 1: Go on link:


Step 2:  A new page will appear mentioning the recruitment of Executive Trainees-2021, click “ Proceed to registration’’ in right bottom.

Step 3 :   a new page will appear for on line registration. Read all the instructions and then, press the button “Yes let me in..’’.

Step 4:  A registration form will appear on the screen. Enter all the information and data carefully including GATE-2021 registration number and upload photograph and signature (Scanned copies are to be less than 1 Mb in size and in jpg/ jpeg format ONLY).

Step 5: on completion of all the information/ data, press the button “Preview” .

Step 6: Check the correctness of all the entered data and correct if, any entry is incorrect.

Step 7 :  Then, do the submission of the application form.

Step 8: After successful registration, system will generate a Unique Registration Number. Candidates are required to keep the printout of the Registration slip which will be generated by the system after successful registration.

NTPC Recruitment : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021 SELECTION PROCEDURE:

 (i)    Candidates shall be shortlisted for document verification based on GATE- 2021 performance, from among the candidates who have applied against this advertisement in NTPC.

(ii)    Further, “Offer of Appointment”  will be extended subject to their meeting the advertised eligibility criteria.

(iii)   Please note that only GATE marks of 2021 are valid for EET-2021 recruitment.

NTPC Recruitments : Engineering Executive Trainees-2021 Useful Links

Application of link Link
Official website of NTPC https://www.ntpccareers.net/
EET-2021 Registration https://ntpccareers.net/et2021/hm.php

Although all the best efforts have been put to produce this article with all the correct data as per official advertisement and subsequent notifications there to if any, however, if there are any conflicting data or provisions are crept into the article, the data and provisions given in official advertisement and notification(s) will take precedence over contents of the Article.No claim whatsoever at any stage is admissible relating to content of this article.


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