Home Jobs Central PSUs NHAI (National Highway Authority of India) Recruitments

NHAI (National Highway Authority of India) Recruitments

Mega High way

Recruitment of  17 Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts) (Group ‘A’)

National Highways Authority of India( NHAI) was set up by an act of the Parliament, NHAI Act, 1988 for the development, maintenance and management of national highways. It is under Ministry of Road Transport and High ways.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) invites Applications on behalf of National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for the following Post in NHAI :

Also Read: GK for Competitive Exams

NHAI Jobs: Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement dated 30/10/2021
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobAll India
State of JobAll India
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyNHAI ( National Highway authority of India)
Date of start of submission of Application30/10/2021( Sarurday)
Last date and time of submission of Application29/11/2021( Monday)
Last date for payment of prescribed application fee online by concerned candidates30/11/2021  (Tuesday)
Correction in Particulars of the Online Application Form2nd & 3rd December, 2021
Date of Issue of Admit Card07 days prior to date of test.
Date of exam (Computer based Test)Yet to be notified
Date of resultYet to be notified

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostNumber of VacanciesUpper Age limit as on closing date of advertisement.Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month)
1Deputy Manager   (Finance & Accounts)1735 YearsLevel 10 of Pay Matrix of 7th CPC (Prerevised : Pay Band-3 : Rs. 56100-177500/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-)

Notes : (i) The upper age limit mentioned above is for General & The upper age limit is relaxable as per Govt. of India Rules applicable for different categories.           .       

  (ii)  Reservation of posts shall be as per policy and given in advertisement.

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoName of PostMinimum Essential Qualifications as on closing date of applicationMethod of Recruitment
1Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts)(i) Bachelor in Commerce or Chartered Accountant or Certified Management Accountant or Master in Business Administration (Finance) (through regular course) from a recognized University or Institute;                                      OR Member of any organized Finance or Accounts related Service of the Central Government or the State Government;                                      AND (ii) Four years’ experience in Financial Accounting or Budgeting or Internal Audit or Contract Management or Fund Management or Disbursement in an organization of repute which should include at least *prior experience of six months in Public Sector Undertaking or Government organization following ‘Double Entry Accounting System’.Direct recruitment

* Note : Experience Certificate in respect of aforesaid Core experience must be issued in the prescribed format by the HOD (at least in the equivalent rank of Deputy Secretary/ Director level of the Government of India) of that Public Sector Undertaking or Government Organization where the applicant worked or is working).

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts):  Selection process:

Medium of  Question Paper(s) will be in English and Hindi.

  (i)  Selection comprises of following stages:

  (a) Computer Based Test (part-I & II)

  (b) Interview

 (ii) Computer Based Test:

  (a) It will be conducted in two parts, i.e. Part-I and Part-II.

  (b) Both parts will carry 100 questions.

  (c) Qualifying marks of Part II of CBT will be 30% for General/OBC/EWS candidates, whereas, it would be 20% for SC, ST and PWD candidates.

  (d) There will be negative marks at the ratio of 1:4, i.e. 1 mark to be deducted for 4 incorrect answers.

 (iii) Merit list on basis of CBT will be prepared (shortlisted) and will be called for Interview at the ratio of 1:5 in New Delhi.

(iv) The date & time and venue for the interview will be communicated in the Call Letter, which will be issued online through the recruitment portal of NTA. The shortlisted Candidates for Interview will be informed through Public Notice /automated email / SMS, at least 07 days before the interview date, for downloading their respective Call Letters.

(v) The final Merit List for selection to the Post(s) will be prepared at the ratio of 1: 3, on the basis of the following criteria:

(I) 80 % of the marks obtained in CBT,

(II) Maximum 10 marks weight age to the Educational Qualification(s) as follows : –

(i) Only B.Com – 2 Marks

(ii) Only Chartered Accountant or Certified Management Account or Master in Business Administration (Finance) – 5 Marks

(iii) B.Com + Chartered Accountant or Certified Management Account or Master in Business Administration (Finance) (only Regular Course) – 7 Marks

(iv) B.Com + Any of two degree from Chartered Accountant or Certified Management Account or Master in Business Administration (Finance) (only Regular Course) – 10 Marks

(III) 10 marks for interview.

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts):  SCHEME OF EXAMINATION / SYLLABUS

Part I (100 MCQs at Degree Level, 1 mark for each question, 100 Minutes Duration)

(a). General English

(b). General Math

(c). General Knowledge

(d). Reasoning & Mental Ability

Also Read: GK for Competitive Exams

Part II (100 MCQs at Degree Level, 1 mark for each question, 100 Minutes Duration)

(a). Corporate Accounting

(b)  Income Tax & Corporate Tax

(c) Cost Accounting

(d) Practice of Auditing

(e)  Management Accounting

(f) Financial Accounting

(g) Accrual Accounting

(h) Budgeting

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): CITIES FOR EXAM CENTRES FOR CBT

Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi & NCR, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Raipur, Siligudi and Vijayawada.

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): Examination Fees

   General/OBC ( NCL)Rs 500/-
   EWSRs 300/-
   SC/ST/PwD / Women candidates.No Fees

 Note: (i) Fee can be paid using Gateway of SBI/Paytm through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid safely for future reference.

          (ii) If paying through PAYTM :

Email IDContact Number
education.support@paytm.com0120-4789525 0120-4789526

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on line mode onlyNo other mode of application shall be accepted.

1 Following documents and pre requisites are to be kept in readiness by the candidates before starting to apply on line as these are to be submitted:-

(a) Passport size Photograph: Scanned copy of colour passport size photograph in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB.

(b) Signature:  Scanned copy of signature in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB.

(c) Class 10th certificate indicating date of birthonly in ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB.

(d) Caste Certificate in support of SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS (as per prescribed format published by NHAI & can be down loaded through link given below) in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB.

(e) Certificate in support of essential qualification(s) (file size : 50kb to 300 kb).

(f) Copy of Interview Call letter issued by UPSC for appearing in in interview of I.E.S Examination 2020 (Civil) only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB.

(g) Experience certificate(s) (file size : 50 kb to 300 kb)

(h) Category / Sub-Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD /Ex-Serviceman) wherever applicable (file size: 50kb to 300KB) ; in PDF.  

To Apply:

Step 1:   Go on link : http://www.nhai.gov.in

Step 2:   Click on the tab About Us → Recruitment → Vacancies → Current → Click on the advertisement of Deputy Manager (Technical) → Online Application


Go on direct link : https://testservices.nic.in/examsys21/Root/Home.aspx?enc=WPJ5WSCVWOMNiXoyyomJgIK0cli8xmZfVwgJey4P33yf7v9Q70D9mqy95xyDnv6j

Step 3: Apply for new registration on left hand side of appeared screen.

Step 4: A new page will appear containing important information about filling of application. Read the details carefully and click in box at left side of bottom on the page. Then, “Click Here to Proceed” button.

Step 5:  Fill up all the requisite information and upload the  above sought for documents.

Step 6 : Pay the requisite examination fees as per above details.

Step 7 : After completing all the information correctly,Click the submit button.

NHAI Jobs: Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): Important Points

(i) Crucial date for determination of the eligibility shall be the last date prescribed for the receipt of ONLINE applications.

(ii) Certificates claiming reservation should be dated earlier than the due date i.e. closing date of the online application.

NHAI Jobs Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts): Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Depatment/Organization/ Company  http://www.nhai.gov.in
Advertisement dated 30/10/2021https://nhai.gov.in/nhai/sites/default/files/vacancy_files/Vacancy-Circular-of-Dy-Manager-in-NHAI.pdf
NTA sitehttps://recruitment.nta.nic.in/NHAIRWEBINFO/Page/Page?PageId=1&LangId=P

Although all the best efforts have been put to produce this article with all the correct data as per official advertisement and subsequent notifications there to if any, however, if there are any conflicting data or provisions are crept into the article, the data and provisions given in official advertisement and notification(s) will take precedence over contents of the Article. No claim whatsoever at any stage is admissible relating to content of this article.

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