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Jobs in TCIL ( Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd)

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Logo of TCIL

Introduction of company:

 TCIL (Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.) is a multinational Public Sector Organization under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India. TCIL is operating globally to provide world-class technology and Indian expertise in all fields of Telecom, IT & Civil.

TCIL invites applications from private sector/freelancers/self-employed for the following posts on Contract Basis possessing qualification & experience in the field of IT and Telecom.

Jobs in TCIL

Jobs in TCIL: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvt No. TCIL/11/052/HRD/Rct./004/2024 dated 07/05/2024
Mode of ApplyOffline mode
City of  JobDifferent locations in India
State of JobDifferent locations in India
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyTCIL(Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd)
Date of start of submission of Application
Last date and time of submission of Application03/06/2024 (Through proper channel)
Schedule of written testYet to be notified
Schedule of InterviewYet to be notified
Date of resultYet to be notified

Notes: For more details, refer to the advertisement.

2 Jobs in TCIL: Vacancy, Salary

Sl NumberName of the PostNumber of VacanciesSalary/ Emaluments
1 GM (General Manager) (E7 scale)Not published20 LPA  
2AGM ( Assistant General Manager) (E4 scaleNot published12 LPA
3Manager ( E3 Scale)Not published9 LPA
4Deupty Manager ( E2 Scale)Not published6 LPA


(i) The Contract period for all the above post is for fixed term of 4 Years

(ii)  Upon selection candidate has to sign an agreement with TCIL (with detailed terms and conditions) to bring the recruitment into effect.

(iii)  The contractual employee shall not claim any appointment in TCIL during or after the contract period.

(iv)  TCIL reserves its right to remove candidate from service any time before 4 years if his/her performance is not found satisfactory

3 Jobs in TCIL: Age, Eligibility, Qualification, Experience

Sl No    Post Maximum age in Years as on 01/06/2024Essential QualificationsExperience
1 GM (General Manager) (E7 scale)    56 Years  B.E./B.TECH/M.TECH/MCA in relevant field of Electronics and Communication / IT / Computers Science / Electrical Engineering. OR B.SC (Engg.) with 4 year duration from any recognized University/Institute.

 All the qualifications as given above should be full time in nature.    
Candidate should have relevant experience in following area(s)-
i To have strong communication, presentation and project management skill and networking capabilities. ii. Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Power Point and Word.
iii. Able to work on multiple project simultaneously.
iv. Network Planning experience.
v. Experience in preparing short-term and long-term business plan.
vi. Experience in carrying out project appraisal, cost-benefit analysis of various alternate options of business plan.
vii. Experience in Sales, Marketing, Business development of Telecom, IT/ITES, IoT products and services, CRM.
viii. Telecom, IT network Operation, maintenance, planning, project management, installation, testing and commissioning.
ix. Material management, tendering process.                                                                                                                                             
x. Project appraisal & business analysis.                                                                                                                                               Xi Familiarity & experience in 3G/4G Mobile technology, FTTH, MPLS, IMS, Video surveillance, SD-WAN, OFC cable laying, M/W, Wi-Fi etc. xii. Familiarity and experience in IoT, Data centre, SoC, Cyber Security, eCRM, Billing system.
2AGM ( Assistant General Manager) (E4 scale
3Manager ( E3 Scale)
4Deupty Manager ( E2 Scale)

Notes: For minimum last pay scale/ level for various published posts, refer official advertisement.

4 Jobs in TCIL: Selection process

(i) Mode of selection will be interview.                                                                                                                    (ii) TCIL reserves the right to modify the selection procedure, if deemed fit.

(iii)TCIL reserves the right to shortlist applicants for interview and not bound to call all candidates

meeting eligibility criteria.

5 Jobs in TCIL : How to Apply

(i) Interested candidates should send their applications in the prescribed format only in offline mode addressed to:

 “The Chief General Manager (HR),

Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.,

TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash –I, New Delhi – 110048”

(ii) Standard format of application can be obtained from the following link:

      Prescribed format of Application TCIL

Notes:  Name of the post applied for should invariably be mentioned on the top of the envelope

containing the application form as well as on application form. Each envelope should contain single application only.

6 Jobs in TCIL : Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttps://www.tcil.net.in/index.php
Prescribed form of applicationhttps://www.tcil.net.in/docs/career/application_format_07052024a.pdf  
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