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Jobs in IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited)

Jobs in IOCL
Jobs in IOCL


Advt. No: DP/5/5/ Open(GATE 24)

IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited) invites application for recruitment of Engineers/Officers and Engagement as Graduate Apprentice Engineers in Indian Oil Corporation Limited through GATE-2024 from following disciplines:

(i)  Chemical Engineering (GATE 2024 code: CH)

(ii) Civil Engineering            (GATE 2024 code: CE)

(iii)  Computer Science and Engineering  (GATE 2024 code: CS)

(iv) Electrical Engineering      (GATE 2024 code: EE)

(v) Instrumentation Engineering   (GATE 2024 code: IN)

(vi) Mechanical Engineering        (GATE 2024 code: ME)

(vii) Electronics & Communication Engineering (GATE 2024 code: EC)

(viii) Metallurgical Engineering : (GATE 2024 code: ME)

This is an advanced notice, however, aspiring candidates have to apply after declaration of result of GATE-24.

For advertisement, go on link: Advertisement


Advt. No. DP/5/5/ Open(GATE 23) (CLOSED)

Recruitment of Engineers/Officers and Engagement as Graduate Apprentice Engineers in Indian Oil Corporation Limited through GATE-2023

IOCL has released on 14/10/2023 the status of short listing for GD, GT & PI

To check the status, go on link:

Shortlisting Status

(c) For other details, go on Official Advertisement


Job Advertisement

(a) IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited) invites application for recruitment of Engineers/Officers and Engagement as Graduate Apprentice Engineers in Indian Oil Corporation Limited through GATE-2023 from following disciplines: –

(i)  Chemical Engineering (GATE 2023 code: CH)

(ii) Civil Engineering            (GATE 2023 code: CE)

(iii)  Computer Science and Engineering  (GATE 2023 code: CS)

(iv) Electrical Engineering      (GATE 2023 code: EE)

(v) Instrumentation Engineering   (GATE 2023 code: IN)

(vi) Mechanical Engineering        (GATE 2023 code: ME)

(b)GATE marks of previous years (GATE 2022 or before) shall also not be accepted.

(c) To apply, go on link: IOCL recruitment of Engineers/Officers       

(d) Date of commencement of application: 01/06/2023

      Date of closing of application                  : 22/06/2023 ( Extended to 14/07/2023)

(e) For eligibility, age limit, salary, reservation, selection procedure & other important information, go on link:        Official advertisement        


IOCL invites online applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the following non-executives vacancies at various locations of Pipelines Division. Total vacancies :56 (Closed)

1 Jobs in IOCL: Particulars of Job

Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobOnly candidates willing to serve anywhere in India need apply.
State of JobAll India
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyIOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited)
Date of start of submission of Application12/09/2022
Last date of submission of Application10/10/2022 (18:00 Hours)
Written Test06/11/2022
Downloading Online Admit CardFrom 27.10.2022 – till 08:00 hrs of 06.11.2022
Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT)On 07.11.2022. If not completed, on 08.11.2022 then on 09.11.2022 as well.
Final ResultYet to be notified

2 Jobs in IOCL: Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostsNumber of tentative Vacancies Upper Age limit as on 12.09.2022Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month)
1Engineering Assistant (Mechanical) Grade-IV718-26 Years##
2Engineering Assistant (Electrical) Grade-IV418-26 Years 
3Engineering Assistant (T&I) Grade-IV918-26 Years 
4Engineering Assistant (Operations) Grade-IV318-26 Years 
5Technical Attendant-1 Grade-I3318-26 Years 

Notes: ## (i) Salary Grade for the post of Engineering Assistant (Mechanical), Engineering Assistant (Electrical), Engineering Assistant (T&I) and Engineering Assistant (Operations) shall be Grade IV in the Pay Scale of Rs. 25000-105000.

(ii) Salary Grade for the post of Technical Attendant-I shall be Grade I in the Pay Scale of Rs.23000-78000.

(iii) Basic Pay, D.A., HRA and such other benefits shall be admissible as per the rules of the Corporation.  

(iv) For relaxation in upper age limit for various categories, refer official notification.

For further information, refer to the advertisement.

3 Jobs in IOCL: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoPost NameMinimum Essential Qualifications as on 12/09/2022
1Engineering Assistant (Mechanical) Grade-IVThree years full time Diploma (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration) in any of the following disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute:
1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Automobile Engineering
2Engineering Assistant (Electrical) Grade-IVThree years full time Diploma (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration) in any of the following disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute:
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
3Engineering Assistant (T&I) Grade-IVThree years full time Diploma (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration) in any of the following disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute:
1. Electronics & Communication Engineering
2. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
3. Electronics & Radio Communication Engineering
4. Instrumentation & Control Engineering
5. Instrumentation & Process Control Engineering
6. Electronics Engineering
4Engineering Assistant (Operations) Grade-IVThree years full time Diploma (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration) in any of the following disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute:
1. Chemical Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Automobile Engineering
4. Electrical Engineering
5. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
6. Electronics & Communication Engineering
7. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
8. Electronics & Radio Communication Engineering
9. Instrumentation & Control Engineering
10. Instrumentation & Process Control Engineering
11. Electronics Engineering
5Technical Attendant-1 Grade-IMatric / 10th pass and ITI pass from a Govt. recognized Institute in the specified ITI Trades and duration as mentioned below* from a Govt. recognized Institute/Board. —
Note: Candidates should possess Trade Certificate / National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by SCVT/NCVT.

Note: For serial no 1-4, Minimum percentage of marks: 55% marks (Pass marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates for the posts reserved for them).

Candidates having professional/higher qualification such as Degree in Engineering/MBA & its equivalent/PGDM/MCA/LLB/CA/ICWA/Masters in Social Work/Degree in Journalism/MBBS etc. and any other Graduate and above professional qualification, shall not be eligible to apply for the above advertised posts.

For further details, refer Point no. 13.0 4a and 4b of the advertisement.

4 Jobs in IOCL: Eligibility Criteria

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 Jobs in IOCL: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees

Notes: (i) It is to be noted that fee is to be paid through online mode only through State Bank Collect of SBI as indicated in Pipelines Recruitment Portal (https://plapps.indianoil.in/).

(ii) No other mode of fee payment would be acceptable.

6 Jobs in IOCL: How to Apply

Step 1: Go on link : Indian Oil Pipelines Application Portal for Non Executives

Step 2: If you are first time applying in IOCL, then, one time you have to do new registration. Click New Registration

Step 3: Fill in all the basic details as per registration form including mobile Number & Email.

Step 4 : After completion of process, a registration Number & pass word will be generated. Keep these in safe custody.

Step 5: Now for Applying, Log in with Registration Number, password & Date of birth.

Step 6 : Fill in all the details & make payment of fee ( if, applicable)

Step 7 : Thus, your process is complete.

Note: Paper based applications will NOT be accepted.

For further details, refer to the advertisement.

7 Jobs in IOCL: Selection Procedure

(1) Selection process shall consist of Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT).

(2) Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT) shall be qualifying in nature only.

(3) Final merit list shall be prepared based on the marks secured in Written Test of only those candidates who are considered FIT in SPPT.

(4) Candidate has to secure a minimum of 40% marks in Written Test to qualify for SPPT. For SC/ST/EXSM/PwBD candidates, minimum qualifying marks shall be 30% (after providing 10 % relaxation) against the reserved posts only.

(5) Candidates, who secure minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test, shall be shortlisted for Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT) in the ratio of 1:5 i.e. first 5 candidates with the highest score in written test shall be called for SPPT for one vacancy.

(6) If there is a tie of scores in written test marks, then all candidates with the same score shall be short-listed for SPPT.

(7) The documents shall be checked for only those candidates who qualify in the Written Test and are shortlisted for SPPT, on the day of SPPT. Only those candidates shall be allowed to appear in SPPT whose documents are found in order.

(8) If all shortlisted candidates are found ineligible before the SPPT stage on account of not meeting the eligibility criteria of qualification, age etc., then next 5 candidates per vacancy who have qualified in the Written Exam in the order of merit, shall be called for the SPPT, as available. If less than 5 qualified candidates are available, then as many available shall be called for SPPT. If there is a tie of score for the 5th ranked person, then all such qualified candidates shall be called who are tied on that score, even if it exceeds the number of candidates from 5.

(9) If after the SPPT all candidates who have appeared in the SPPT are found to be UNFIT, then the next 5 candidates per vacancy as available, who have qualified in the written Test as per the order of merit, shall be called for the SPPT to fill up the post. If less than 5 qualified candidates are available, then as many available shall be called for SPPT. If there is a tie of score for the 5th rank position, then all such qualified candidates shall be called who are tied on that score, even if it exceeds the number of candidates from 5.

(10) If only one candidate qualifies in the SPPT and he/she does not join after issuance of offer of appointment, then next 5 candidates per vacancy as available, who qualified in the Written Test as per the order of merit, shall be called for SPPT to fill up the post. If less than 5 qualified candidates are available, then as many available shall be called for SPPT. If there is a tie of score for the 5th position, then all such qualified candidates shall be called who are tied on that score, even if it exceeds the number of candidates from 5.

Notes: For further details, refer to the advertisement.

8 Jobs in IOCL: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttps://iocl.com/
Advertisement dated 12/09/20227a171190f1434aa4ae087fce6cd37500.pdf (iocl.com)
Online Application Linkhttps://plapps.indianoil.in/

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