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Jobs in (HCL) Hindustan Copper Limited

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Hindustan Copper Limited invites applications for Engagement of Apprentices under the Apprenticeship Act. 1961 for undergoing Training at Taloja Copper Project for the following:-

Post Vacancies

(i) Fitter 10

(ii) Plumber 01

(iii) Electrician 02

(iv) Welder (Gas and Electric) 01

(iii) Age Limit 21 Years (As on 01/10/2023) ( Age relaxation available for 05 years for SC/ ST & 03 Years for OBC)

(iv) Last date of submission of 19/11/2023
online application

(v) Publication of short-listed candidates List: 29/11/2023

For details, go on official site: Official Advertisement


Hindustan Copper Limited invites applications for recruitment of following Non-executive posts at Malanjkhand Copper Project:-

Post Vacancies

(i) Assistant Foreman (Mining) (T-10) 10

(ii) Mining Mate Grade-I (T-08) 16

(iii) Age Limit 35 Years (As on 01/09/2023)

(iv) Last date of submission of 30/09/2023 15/10/2023 ( Till Midnight) (Changed Date)
online application

(v) Last date of receipt of hard 14/10/2023 30/10/2023 (Till 5:00pm) (Changed Date)
copy along with documents

For details, go on official site: Official Advertisement


Application for Trade Apprentices in Malanjkhand Copper project , Hindustan Copper Limited, under Apprenticeship Act, 1961

(i) HCL has invited applications for Trade Apprentices for Malanjkhand Copper project.

(ii) Total Vacancies : 184 ( In various Trades as per details in Advertisement)

(iii) Date of start to apply: 06/07/2023

(iv) Closing date: 06/08/2023

(v) Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as Diploma / B.E. or equivalent shall not be considered. Additionally, candidates having higher academic qualification like B.A./B.Sc./B.Com etc will not be given any additional weightage.

(vi) For age limit, reservation & other important points refer Advertisement

(vii) To apply, go on link:

Apply for Apprentices

Click on extreme Right ” Apply on Line”.


HCL released (on 05/07/2023)the List of Candidates shortlisted for Personal Interview for Selection to the posts to be filled up on Immediate Absorption basis against the HCL advertisement No. Estt./1/2017/2023-24 dated 21/04/2023

(i) To check/ download the list, go on link:

List of Candidates shortlisted for Personal Interview

(ii) Interview will be held on the date shown against name.

(iii) The candidature of the shortlisted candidate is provisional and subject to production of documents establishing their eligibility / suitability to the post, for which document verification will be done before interview.

(iv) The shortlisted candidate may report at HCL’s Kolkata Office around 9.30 AM on the date mentioned for document verification and for Personal Interview.

(v) Interview call letter being issued through email shortly.


Introduction of Company:

Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), a public sector undertaking is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Mines, Government of India . In the financial year 2020-21, the Company has earned a net profit (PAT) of Rs 109.98 crore against a sales turnover of Rs 1760.84 crore (excluding GST).

HCL’s mines and plants are spread across five operating Units, one each in the States of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Gujarat as following: –

Malanjkhand Copper Project (MCP) at Malanjkhand, Madhya Pradesh 

Khetri Copper Complex (KCC) at Khetrinagar, Rajasthan

    Indian Copper Complex (ICC) at Ghatsila, Jharkhand

   Taloja Copper Project (TCP) at Taloja, Maharashtra

   Gujarat Copper Project (GCP) at Jhagadia, Gujarat

HCL advertised to recruit Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) through GATE Score. Vacancies :84

1 Jobs in HCL: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvt. No. Estt. /1/2013/2022-23 dated 30/09/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobAt all offices of HCL
State of JobAt all offices of HCL
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyHCL (Hindustan Copper Limited)
Date of start of submission of Application10/10/2022 (10:00 AM onwards)
Last date and time of submission of Application31/10/2022 (Till Mid night)
Schedule of InterviewYet to be notified
Date of resultYet to be notified

Read : Jobs in PSUs

Notes: For more details, refer to the advertisement.

2 Jobs in HCL: Vacancy, Salary

Sl NumberName of the PostNumber of VacanciesSalary/ Emaluments
 Graduate engineer Trainee (GET) in following disciplines  
1Mining39Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
2Survey02Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
3Geology06Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
4Concentrator06Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
5Electrical11Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
6Civil05Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
7Mechanical12Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
8Instrumentation02Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-
9System01Pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/-

Notes: -(i) During one year of training, they will be placed with starting basis pay of Rs. 40,000/-.

                  (ii) During Training Period, besides the Basic Pay, the selected GET candidates shall be entitled to IDA, HRA / Bachelor’s accommodation in the Units, Perks & Allowances, CPF, Gratuity, etc. and medical benefits for self only as per the Company Rules.

            (iii) Upon successful completion of training, they will be absorbed as Assistant Manager at E-1 grade on Probation in the pay scale of Rs. 40000-3%-140000/-.

           (iv) For reservation & other detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

3 Jobs in HCL: Age, Eligibility, Qualification

Sl No    Post Upper age in Years as on 01/09/2022Essential Qualifications *
1Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET)  28YearsFor Discipline wise qualifications, refer table below

*Essential Qualification for the post of Graduate Engineering Trainee in different cadres / disciplines is as under: –

Serial NumberCadre/ DisciplinesEssential Qualification with 60% marks in the qualifying degree
1MiningFull time Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering
2SurveyBachelor Degree in Mining / Civil Engineering or M. Tech (Geomatics)
3GeologyPost-Graduation (full time) in Geology from a recognized Indian University/Institution
4ConcentratorFull time Bachelor Degree in Ore Dressing /Engineering/Technology (Mineral Engineering / Metallurgy / Material Science / Chemical)
5ElectricalFull time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology (Electrical)
6CivilFull time Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering.
7MechanicalFull time Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Mining Machinery
8InstrumentationFull time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology (Instrumentation / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Communication)
9SystemFull time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology (Information Technology / Computer Science) or MBA with specialization in Systems / IT or MCA

Notes: (i) For relaxation of age of various categories of candidates, refer to the advertisement.

           (ii) Applicants having 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) in aggregate in the qualifying degree mentioned in the essential qualification table for each cadre / discipline from University / Institutions recognized by Government / UGC / AIU/ AICTE.

          (ii) Students of the final year of above-mentioned qualifying degree for each cadre / discipline, whose results are awaited, but otherwise eligible (fulfilling all eligibility criteria) may also apply. However, Candidate should not have any backlog papers at the end of prescribed period of course and must submit the qualifying degree result/ marksheet before the date of joining.

4   Jobs in HCL: Eligibility Criteria

(i) Indian nationals & not below 18 Years of age are only eligible to apply.

(ii) Applicant should have qualified the GATE Examination and has valid GATE-2022 and / or GATE-2021 Score in the same discipline as the qualifying degree discipline mentioned in Essential qualification as per table under para(3) above.

5 Jobs in HCL: Particulars of Application processing Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
1General /OBC / EWS categoryRs.500/-
2Rest other candidates including PwDExempted from fees

Notes: (i) The application processing fee plus applicable Bank charges shall be paid by the applicant using the Payment Gateway / NEFT On-line Transfer through HCL’s website only.

(ii) No other form of remittance shall be accepted.

(iii) The application processing fees is non-refundable.

6 Jobs in HCL : How to Apply

If, Candidate is new user, first he has to register & then to apply.

Before filling the online application, candidates are advised to carefully read the instructions contained in “How to fill the Online Application form” provided on the website.

To Register

Step 1: Go to link: https://www.hindustancopper.com/Recruitment/CandidateLogin/90

Step 2: Click on the New User at the bottom.

Step 3: A new page will appear wherein all the sought for information are to be filled in.

Step 4: Candidates need to keep the printout of the Registration slip which will be generated by the system after successful registration.

To fill in the application

Step 1: Go to link: https://www.hindustancopper.com/Recruitment/CandidateLogin/90

Step 2: Fill in the registered email & pass word.

Step 3: on new page, key in all the required information & upload the sought for documents.

Step 4: Make the payment of application processing fee.

Step 5:  On successful completion of application, Candidates are advised to keep the print of it for any future reference.

Notes: For more details, refer to the advertisement. 

Jobs in HCL : Selection Procedure

The selection process to the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee will be a two-step process with the weightage assigned to each step is detailed here under:-

                        Steps              Weightage in %
1. GATE Score / Marks70%
2. Personal Interview30%

Notes: (i) Candidates will be called for Personal Interview in the ratio of 1:5; i.e., for each advertised vacancy, 05 candidates will be called for Personal Interview.

        (ii)  In case there is single vacancy, then 10 candidates will be shortlisted for Personal Interview.

     (iii) Candidates for Personal Interview will be shortlisted in the order of merit drawn on the basis of valid GATE 2022 Score. In case, candidates in required ratio is not available from GATE-2022 score for any discipline / cadre, candidates equivalent to shortage to the mentioned ratio will be shortlisted from GATE-2021 score for each cadre / category separately.

(iv) Applicants has to upload relevant GATE – 2022 / GATE-2021 score card, as the case may be, on HCL website while applying online.

(v) Equal weightage will be given to GATE 2022 Score and GATE 2021 Score.

(vi) GATE Score prior to 2021 shall not be considered. 

8 Jobs in HCL : Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttps://www.hindustancopper.com/

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