Home Jobs Central PSUs Jobs in GAIL ( Gas Authority of India Limited)

Jobs in GAIL ( Gas Authority of India Limited)

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Logo of GAIL

Introduction of Company:

GAIL (India) Limited, a Maharatna PSU and India’s flagship Natural Gas company is integrating all aspects of the Natural Gas value chain (including Exploration & Production, Processing, Transmission, Distribution and Marketing) and its related services. In a rapidly changing scenario, GAIL is spearheading the move to a new era of clean fuel industrialization by creating a quadrilateral of green energy corridors that connect major consumption centres in India with major gas fields, LNG terminals and other cross border gas sourcing points. GAIL is also expanding its business overseas to become a formidable player in the International Market.

GAIL advertised to recruit 48 vacancies for the posts of Executive Trainee.

1 Jobs in GAIL: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 15/02/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  Job# Pan India
State of Job# Pan India
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyGAIL
Date of start of submission of Application15/02/2022 (11:00 Hours)
Last date and time of submission of Application16/03/2022 (18:00 Hours)
Date of resultYet to be notified

2 Jobs in GAIL: Vacancy, Salary

Sl NumberName of the CityNumber of VacanciesSalary
1Executive Trainee (Instrumentation)18Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.60,000 – 1,80,000/- at the Basic Pay of Rs.60,000/- during one year training cum probation as Executive Trainee in E-2 grade. On successful completion of their Training cum Probation Period, they will be absorbed in the same Pay Scale of Rs.60,000 – 1,80,000/- in E-2 grade.
2Executive Trainee (Mechanical)15Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.60,000 – 1,80,000/- at the Basic Pay of Rs.60,000/- during one year training cum probation as Executive Trainee in E-2 grade. On successful completion of their Training cum Probation Period, they will be absorbed in the same Pay Scale of Rs.60,000 – 1,80,000/- in E-2 grade.
3Executive Trainee (Electrical)15Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.60,000 – 1,80,000/- at the Basic Pay of Rs.60,000/- during one year training cum probation as Executive Trainee in E-2 grade. On successful completion of their Training cum Probation Period, they will be absorbed in the same Pay Scale of Rs.60,000 – 1,80,000/- in E-2 grade.

Notes: – For detailed reservation information, refer to the advertisement.

For more information about pay scale, refer to the para 5 of the advertisement.

3 Jobs in GAIL: Age, Eligibility, Qualification, Salary

Sl No    PostAge  in Years as on 16/03/2022Minimum Essential Qualification
1Executive Trainee (Instrumentation)26 YearsBachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology inInstrumentation/Instrumentation & Control/Electronics & Instrumentation/Electrical & Instrumentation/Electronics/Electrical & Electronics with minimum 65% marks.
2Executive Trainee (Mechanical)26 YearsBachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology in Mechanical/Production/Production & Industrial/Manufacturing/Mechanical & Automobile with minimum 65% marks.
3Executive Trainee (Electrical)26 YearsBachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology in Electrical/Electrical &Electronics with minimum 65% marks.

Notes: For more information about age relaxation, refer to the 4 advertisement.


  • Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.
  • There is no separate fee for applying for the above posts of Executive Trainees in GAIL.

5 Jobs in GAIL: How to Apply

To Apply:

Step 1: Go on link:https://careers.gail.co.in/

Step 2: The candidates who have registered with GATE-2022 are required to download the admit card from GATE Official website upon its activation. On receipt/ downloading of GATE-2022 Admit card with registration number, candidates will have to separately apply online in GAIL indicating their GATE- 2022 Registration Number in the “Careers” section of GAIL website https://gailonline.com. For this purpose, the relevant link will be made available in the “Careers” section of GAIL’s website https://gailonline.com.

It may be noted that application without valid GATE-2022 registration number will be rejected.

Step 3: A candidate can apply for one post/discipline only. Candidates applying for more than one post/ discipline will not be considered.

 Step 4: After successful submission of online application by the candidate, a unique registration number shall be generated by the system and a message shall be displayed in the system that the online application has been submitted successfully and an auto generated email mentioning the unique registration number shall reach to the candidate informing that his/ her application has been submitted successfully.

 Step 5: After applying online, candidate is required to take a printout of the Application Form generated by the system with unique registration number. The candidate has to affix his/ her recent passport size colour photograph in the space provided in the application and put his/ her signature as per instructions provided and keep it with him/ her safely. Candidates called for further selection process, will be required to produce the same application form at the time of Group Discussion and/ or Personal Interview. Candidates should not send print out of the online application to any of the offices of GAIL (India) Limited.

Notes: For more information, refer to the para 8 of the advertisement.

6 Jobs in GAIL: Selection Procedure

  • GAIL will be utilizing Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering – 2022 Marks (GATE-2022 Marks) for recruitment of Executive Trainees in the disciplines of Instrumentation/Mechanical/Electrical during the year 2022.
  • Based on the GATE-2022 marks and requirement, candidates will be shortlisted for further selection process for the position of Executive Trainee in the above disciplines. Please note that only GATE-2022 marks is valid for this recruitment exercise. GATE marks of 2021 or prior to that is not valid.

Notes: For more information about the selection process through GATE, refer to the para 8 of the advertisement.

7 Jobs in GAIL: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttps://gailonline.com/
Advertisement dated 15/02/2022https://gailonline.com/careers/currentOpnning/DETAILED_ADVT_GATE_2022_English_14.2.22.pdf
Application  Linkhttps://careers.gail.co.in/
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