Home Jobs Bank Exams IBPS Probationary Officer Recruitment – 2018 (IBPS PO – 2018)

IBPS Probationary Officer Recruitment – 2018 (IBPS PO – 2018)

ibps po 2018

Application forms for IBPS PO 2018 examination are available now. 

Click here to know the schedule of the examination.

What is IBPS?

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or IBPS is a recruiting organization established in the year 1975 (after the nationalization of Indian Banks in 1969) to place the graduates in public sector banks in India (except State Bank of India or SBI). IBPS is governed by nominees from bigger government bodies like Reserve Bank of India (RBI), National Institute of Bank Management, Indian Banks Association, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai and Ministry of Finance (Government of India). IBPS also provides standardized systems for evaluation and result processing services to organizations. Every year IBPS conducts entrance exams for PO, Clerk and Rural Bank Recruitments throughout the country.

IBPS PO 2018 Recruitment

Probationary Officer recruitments for nationalized banks are conducted every year through national level exam conducted by IBPS. Popularly called “IBPS PO Exam” by aspirants, the recruitment is a 3-stage selection process comprising of 2 written tests and an interview. Every year around 2-3 million candidates register for the examination.

Suggested: Learn about the RBI Grade B Recruitment 2018.

Read about IBPS PO in Hindi

List of Contents

IBPS PO 2018 Important Dates

Events Tentative Dates
Commencement of IBPS PO 2018 online application form 14th July 2018
Deadline for applying 4th September 2018
Publication of Preliminary Exam Call Letter September 2018
IBPS PO 2018 Preliminary Exam Date 13th, 14th, 20th & 21st October 2018
Declaration of Preliminary Exam Results November 2018
Release of Main Examination Admit Cards November 2018
IBPS PO 2018 Main exam date 18th November 2018
Declaration of Main Exam result December 2018
Release of Interview call letter January 2019
Date of Personal Interview January 2019
Provisional allotment April 2019

Tentative Number of Vacancies

As per the official notification regarding IBPS PO 2018, a total of 4,102 vacancies will be available this year (including all categories).

Read our article to know the break up of IBPS PO vacancies.

IBPS PO 2018 Exam Date

The tentative date of IBPS PO 2018 Preliminary exam has been announced. It is slated to be conducted on 13th, 14th, 20th and 21st October 2018.

The IBPS PO Main exam will be held in the 18th November 2018 following the result of the preliminary exam.

The final stage of the Interview shall be conducted in the month of January 2019.

Exam Stages Date of Examination
Preliminary Stage 13th, 14th, 20th and 21st October 2018
Main Stage 18th November 2018
Interview Stage January 2019

Mode of Answering

The written tests (both preliminary and main) will be held ONLINE or are Computer based examinations (CBT).

Medium of Examination

IBPS PO 2018 written exams, both Main & Preliminary, can be taken in either HINDI or ENGLISH, except for the sections meant for testing candidate’s knowledge of English language.

Official Notification

The official notification for IBPS PO examination has been released on 9th August 2018.

Candidates can download the official notification at IBPS official website.

IBPS PO 2018 Eligibility


Aspirants must hold either of the following

  • Citizenship of India or
  • subject of Bhutan or Nepal or
  • a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
  • a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Academic Qualification (As on 4th September 2018)

Graduates in any discipline from a recognized university/institution are eligible.

It is mandatory for the candidates to be possessing original degree at the time of registration for the IBPS PO 2018 exam.

IBPS PO 2018 Age Limit (As on 1st August 2018)

Candidates should be minimum 20 years of age and maximum age 30. Applicant’s age limit must fall in between the dates 2nd August 1988 and 1st August 1998 (both dates inclusive).

Category Age Relaxation (in years)
SC/ST/ Ex-Servicemen/ Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least 5 years military service 5 years
OBC (NCL) 3 years
Persons With Benchmark Disabilities as defined under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” 10 years
Persons domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 5 years
Victims of 1984 riots 5 years

IBPS PO 2018 Application Form

IBPS PO 2018 application portal is open now.

To apply for the exam visit IBPS Application portal.

The last date to apply for the examination shall be 4th September 2018.

Application Fee

Applicants have to pay Rs. 600 as application fee (Rs. 100 for SC/ST/PWD) for general category.

Application fee can only be paid through online mediums i.e. Netbanking, Credit Card/Debit Card, and e-wallets.

Photograph and Signature Specifications

  • Colored photograph – 200 X 230 pixels – 20kb-50Kb – JPG/JPEG Format only.
  • Signature with black ink pen – 140 X 60 pixels – 10kb-20Kb – JPG/JPEG Format only.

Application Procedure

  1. Follow the link http://ibps.sifyitest.com/crpoviijul17/ to begin your IBPS PO 2018 application.
  1. Click on the button, “Click here for New Registration” to reach the application form.
  1. The complete application form has 5 steps leading to final submission.
  1. The first step is meant for collecting the basic personal details of candidates.
  1. Upload your photograph and signature in the next step and press submit.
  1. In the next step, the application form will ask for other details of the candidate such as education, age relaxations, caste, previous attempts etc.
  1. The last and final step of the IBPS PO 2018 application form is the payment of application fee.
  1. After final submission, applicants must download the completed application form and take a print out for future purposes.

IBPS PO 2018 Admit Card

Preliminary Test

Candidates can download their admit cards for the preliminary test of IBPS PO 2018 in September 2018.

Main Test

IBPS PO 2018 Main test admit cards will be available for download from November 2018.

Personal Interview

The call letters for IBPS PO 2018 interview will be made available in the month of January 2019.

IBPS PO 2018 Exam Pattern

As mentioned earlier, IBPS PO 2018 recruitment test is a three staged process including the following steps:

  1. First stage: Preliminary test.
  2. Second stage: Main test.
  3. Third stage: PI (Personal Interview).

Preliminary Exam Pattern

IBPS PO 2018 Preliminary Test shall be a computer-based test (CBT) with objective type questions only.

The duration of the test will be one hour. This year, each of the following sections will be separately timed at 20 minutes each. 

The maximum marks will be 100 divided into three sections:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude – 30 Qs.
  2. Reasoning ability – 35 Qs.
  3. English language – 35Qs

There is a negative marking of 0.25 for each incorrect answer while 1 mark will be awarded for every correct answer.

Main Exam Pattern

The Main test question paper will have 155 questions carrying a total of 200 marks maximum. The duration will be 3 hours.

Questions will be drawn from the following sections in the main exam:

Maximum Marks
No. of Questions
Time allotted to each section
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 60 45 60 mins
GK 40 40 35 mins
English 40 35 40 mins
Data Interpretation 60 35 45 mins
Total 200 155 3 hours

There will also be an essay section with 2 questions carrying 25 marks. The duration will be 30 minutes.

Personal Interview (PI) Pattern

Candidates after passing/qualifying in the first two stages i.e. written tests, will become eligible to appear in the interview carrying 100 marks.

The final score will have weightage in the ratio 80:20 for the Main exam to Interview. Preliminary exam scores will not be considered in calculating the final scores.

Pattern Summary

Preliminary Main Interview
Type of questions Objective Objective Oral
Examination mode Online Online
Total no. of questions 100 155 NA
  • English Language.
  • Quantitative Aptitude.
  • Reasoning.
  • Reasoning and Computer Aptitude.
  • GK.
  •  English.
  • Data Interpretation.
Duration 1 hours 3 hours 30 – 45 mins
Total marks 100 200 100
Negative marking 0.25 marks 0.25 marks NA

IBPS PO 2018 Results

  • Preliminary exam result will be declared in November 2018.
  • Main exam result will be declared in December 2018.
  • Provisional allotment will be in April 2019.

Read our article on IBPS PO Results 2018 for more details.

Link Application Link
Official website of IBPS www.ibps.in
IBPS PO 2018 Information Brochure http://www.ibps.in/wp-content/uploads/CWE_PO_MPS_VIII.pdf
IBPS PO 2018 Application Portal http://ibps.sifyitest.com/ibpsot8aug18/


Bank Recruitment Exams

Stay Tuned for more updates on IBPS PO 2018 in the near future. Also comment down below if you have any queries or suggestions for us. 

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How much percentage required for IBPS exam

There is no percentage criteria for IBPS PO EXam