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BITSAT Exam Centers-2025


Latest Updates:

Latest Updates (BITSAT 2025):

Application portal is live for BITSAT-2025


On line application are invited for admission through BITSAT-2025.

(i) Aspirant candidates can apply for BITSAT-2025 Session-1 or both Sessions (1 and 2).

To apply, go on link : Apply BITSAT-2025

(ii) Application start on : 21/01/2025
(iii) Deadline to apply online for BITSAT-2025 for Session-1 or Both the sessions : 18/04/2025 (5:00PM)

(iv) Dead line for payment of fee:18/04/2025 (5:00PM)

(v) Fees can be paid online through

PayU Money,



Razorpay Payment Gateway.

(vi) BITSAT-2025 Session-1 would be conducted during: 26-30 May, 2025, and

(vii) Session-2 would be conducted during: 22-26 Jun, 2025.

(viii) Candidates can appear a maximum of two times in BITSAT-2025.

(ix) Candidates appearing in both sessions, the higher BITSAT score will be considered for merit.

Forthcoming Events:

(i) Revision/editing (online) in the application form by candidates: 29/04/2025 to 01/04/2025

(ii) Test city allotment and announcement to candidates : 13/05/25

Important Links

For BITSAT 2025 Brochure, go on link :BITSAT 2025 Brochure
Image upload Instructions:       Image upload Instructions
To RegisterTo Register
If already registered, to Log inLog in
For bank Loan : 
For application related queries:       bitsat@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in
Helpline of BITS Pilani:               +91-9513166170
For cut off, go on link : BITSAT Cutoff-2024

For other important dates & information , go on link:https://edupadhai.com/bits-pilani/

Also read : Thapar University


BITSAT or BITS Aptitude Test is conducted by Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani for admissions to all  Integrated First-Degree programmes such as M.Sc, B.Pharm, and Engineering (BE). BITSAT 2024 shall be conducted in 74 BITSAT exam centers across Indian states . The following article shall list the BITSAT exam centers 2024.

BITSAT Exam Center and Date Allotment

Candidate will be given choice to select test slot and date during the mentioned period (13-16 May,2025), then, the system automatically allocate the test date and slot as per the preferences and available dates and slots.

Following key points define the BITSAT test center allotment process:

BITSAT 2025 shall be conducted across 72 Indian test centers spread across states (including Union Territories) and 01 in Dubai and 01 in Kathmandu ( Nepal).

Every year close to 2 lakh+ candidates appear for the entrance exam for admission to Integrated first degree programme in BITS campuses across India.

Every candidate has to submit 03 choices as preferred BITSAT exam centers 2025 in India. Student can also choose Dubai as the only International exam center for the exam.

If a candidate chooses Dubai as a center, he/she will not be asked for any other center preference and will be allotted Dubai center only.

BITSAT Exam Center and date booking.

Candidates  has to reserve Test date and slot between to till the exam date.

Candidates to download Hall tickets with instructions (for session 1):

BITSAT Exam Centers 2025 (Session 1 and Session 2)

As per the official website, there are 74 BITSAT 2025 test cities, out of which 61 are in India while 01 is in Dubai and 01 in kathmandu (Nepal). 

Details of tentative list of centers for Session-1 and Session-2 is given as under. The list will be finalized based on the number
of applications received.

3Ahmedabad37Kathmandu, Nepal
7Aurangabad (Maharashtra)41Kota
8Bangalore ( Bangluru)43Madgaon ( Goa)
44Madurai ( Tamil Nadu)
15Delhi55Pilani Campus of BITS ( Rajasthan)
18Dubai Campus of BITS 58Raipur
19Durgapur59Rajhmundary(Andhra Pradesh)
20Ghaziabad60Rajkot (Gujarat
21KK Birla Goa Campus of BITS61Ranchi
22Gorakhpur62Roorkee (Uttarakhand)
23Gulbarg63 Sambalpur (Odisha)
27Hyderabad Campus of BITS66Surat
28Hyderabad City67Thiruvananthapuram
34Jamshedpur 74 Warangal (Telangana)

Notes : (i) Centers within India: Candidate will be asked to give three preferences and will be allotted one
out of these three, if he/she does not reserve the test city within given time period for the same.

(ii) If a candidate chooses Kathmandu as a center, he/she can opt two more centers in India.

(iii) If a candidate chooses Dubai as a center, he/she will not be asked for any other center preference and will be allotted Dubai center only.

(iv) The final list of test centers in India and the operating days at each center in India and Dubai will depend on the number of applications and their preferences and will be announced only after all the applications are received and candidates will be informed of the same through BITS admission website, so that the candidates can choose their date and slot for the test as per their convenience and availability of slots in any of these centers.

BITSAT Exam Day Instructions

Candidates must follow the given instructions religiously for the BITSAT Exam day.

  • Please carry the BITSAT Admit card along with a valid Photo ID proof to the exam hall. It is highly recommended that you carry few extra copies of the card in case things go wrong.
  • Please reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before schedule.
  • Do not carry prohibited objects such as mobiles, digital calculators, pagers, textual material, etc. to the exam hall. It is highly recommended to check your pockets thoroughly for such banned items.
  • Please take 8-hours of sound sleep and healthy food before leaving for the exam center. Absence of either of the two might become a cause of worry later.
  • Most importantly, DO NOT PANIC. A single entrance exam is too small to decide a 70-100 year long life.

For queries related to BITSAT-2024, you may mail to test conducting body at: bitsat2024@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in or call us at below numbers during Monday-Friday 9.00 AM to 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 5.00 PM




01596-255294 or

Fax: 01596-244183

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