Home AFCAT AFCAT 2022 (Air Force Common Admission Test – 2022)

AFCAT 2022 (Air Force Common Admission Test – 2022)

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A short notice has been issued for AFCAT 2/2022. The available details given in this article, so that aspirant candidates can strategize the preparation.                              

To brush up the GK: go on link : GK for Competitive Exams

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AFCAT 2022 (Air Force Common Admission Test) is a national-level defense recruitment examination conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) to select candidates as Commissioned Officers in Flying, Technical and Non-technical branches of IAF. AFCAT examination is held twice a year—AFCAT I (in the month of February) and AFCAT II (in the month of September), and the applications are made available by the month of December and June, respectively. Academic qualification as well as physical and mental fitness play a great role in the eligibility for selection.

AFCAT Previous Year Papers with Answers are available for download in PDF format.

Down load AFCAT Model Question Papers and Answers

Difference between AFCAT and CDS

  • AFCAT is different from Combined defense services exam (conducted by UPSC) in the sense that CDS examination offers recruitment to all the three military forces while AFCAT examination is specifically meant for the recruitment of Air Force Officers only.
  • Through AFCAT, officers are recruited in 3 branches of Air Force – Flying Branch (Short Service Commission only), Technical branch (Permanent & Short Service Commission) and Ground Duty Branch (Permanent & Short Service Commission). However, the CDS exam is only meant for recruiting Flying Officer for Permanent Commission.

For mock test log on : https://afcat.cdac.in/AFCAT/AFCAT_MockExam/index.html

List of Contents

Important Dates (Announced)

The important dates for AFCAT 2/2022 examination have been tabulated below:




Release of Official Notification


1st June  2022 

Short notice released on 19/05/2022

Start of Online Application


1st June   2022 (11:00 AM)

End of Online Application


30th June 2022 (5:00 PM)

Admit Card


August, 2022

 Exam Date


August 2022

(CBT Mode)

AFCAT Result 

Result declared

To be notified later on

Note:  courses will commence in July, 2023.

Entry, Branch and Vacancies







SSC for Men &


Vacancies will be published in detailed notification likely to be released on 01 June, 2022.

Ground Duty (Technical)

{Aeronautical Engineer Electronics and Aeronautical

Engineer Mechanical}

PC for Men and SSC for Men & Women


Vacancies will be published in detailed notification likely to be released on 01 June, 2022.

Ground Duty (Non- Technical)

{Administration &


PC for Men & SSC for Men & Women

Vacancies will be published in detailed notification likely to be released on 01 June, 2022.

NCC Special Entry


PC for Men & SSC for Men & Women

10% seats out of CDSE vacancies for PC and 10% seats out of AFCAT vacancies for SSC

Meteorology Entry

Ground Duty (Non- Technical)

PC for Men & SSC for Men & Women

Vacancies will be published in detailed notification likely to be released on 01 June, 2022.



 Note: Vacancies indicated are tentative and subject to change without notice. 

PC–      Permanent Commission

SSC-    Short Service Commission 

AFCAT  Exam Date

 Exam dates of AFCAT 02/2022 will be released in detailed notification on 01 June, 2022. 

Mode of Examination

 Examination shall be an online exam or CBT mode.

Medium of Examination

Examination will be conducted in English language only.

AFCAT Eligibility 


Only Indian citizens (Men and Women) are eligible for the examination.

 For Flying Branch (Short Service Commission) Educational Qualifications:.

 1   Flying Branch:

Candidates should have mandatorily passed with a minimum of 50% marks each in Maths and Physics at 10+2 level and, 

(i) Graduation with minimum three years degree course in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.


(ii)   BE/B Tech degree (Four years course) from a recognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.


(iii) Candidates who have cleared Section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or  Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.

Ground Duty (Technical) Branch.

(A) Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}

Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and,

(i) Minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/ Technology from recognized University


(ii) Passed Sections A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India or Graduate membership examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:-  

(a)  Applied Electronics & Instrumentation.

(b)  Communication Engineering.

(c)  Computer Engineering/Technology.

(d) Computer Engineering & Application.

(e) Computer Science and Engineering/Technology.

(f)  Electrical and Computer Engineering.

(g) Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

(h)  Electrical Engineering.

(j)  Electronics Engineering/ Technology.

(k) Electronics Science and Engineering.

(l)  Electronics.

(m) Electronics and Communication Engineering.

(n) Electronics and Computer Science.

(o) Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering.

(p) Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering (Microwave).

(q) Electronics and Computer Engineering.

(r) Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering.

(s) Electronics Instrument & Control.

(t)  Electronics Instrument & Control Engineering.

(u) Instrumentation & Control Engineering.

(v) Instrument & Control Engineering.

(w) Information Technology.

(x)  Spacecraft Technology.

(y)  Engineering Physics.

(z)  Electric Power and Machinery Engineering.

(aa) Cyber Security

(ab).InfoTech Engineering.


(B) Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)}.

Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and,

(i) Minimum four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/Technology from recognised University


(ii) Cleared Sections A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:-

(a) Aerospace Engineering.

(b) Aeronautical Engineering.

(c) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.

(d) Mechanical Engineering.

(e) Mechanical Engineering and Automation.

(f) Mechanical Engineering (Production).

(g) Mechanical Engineering (Repair and Maintenance).

(h) Mechatronics.

(j) Industrial Engineering.

(k) Manufacturing Engineering.

(l)  Production and Industrial Engineering.

(m) Materials Science and Engineering.

(n) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.

(o) Aerospace and Applied Mechanics.

(p) Automotive Engineering.

(q) Robotics

(r) Nanotechnology

(s) Rubber Technology and Rubber Engineering


(C) Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branches.

(i) Administration:Passed 10+2 and Graduate Degree (Minimum three years degree course) in any discipline from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks


 Equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.


(ii) Education:Passed 10+2 and Post-Graduation with 50% marks in any discipline including integrated courses offering PG (Single degree without permission to exit and lateral entry) and with 60% marks in Graduation in any disciple.


(D)   Meteorology: Passed 10+2 and Post Graduate Degree in any Science stream/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Geography/ Computer Applications/ Environmental Science/ Applied Physics/ Oceanography/ Meteorology/ Agricultural Meteorology/ Ecology & Environment/ Geo-physics/ Environmental Biology with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together (Provided Maths and Physics were studied at Graduation Level with a minimum of 55% marks in each).


Notes: (i) Only those candidates who appeared in 12th standard in 10+2 pattern of examination are eligible to apply for these courses.

            (ii) Two seats are reserved for Law qualified candidates in Ground duty (Non-Tech) branches and these candidates may get employed on legal duties of the IAF (after commissioning).

           (iii) Candidates who are studying in the final year/ semester Degree course and are yet to pass the final year degree examination can also apply provided candidate should not have any present backlog and should have secured a minimum of 60% marks up to the last semester/ year for which results have been declared up to the time of submission of application. They are required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination by 30 May 22 and no request for extending this date will be entertained on the grounds of late conduct of basic qualifying University Examination, delay in declaration of results or any other ground whatsoever.

            (iv) For rest notes , go on official notification. 

Age Limit (As on 01 July, 2023)

For Flying branch through AFCAT and NCC special entry: 

20 to 24 years as on 01 July 2023 i.e. born between 02 July 1999 to 01 July 2003 (both dates inclusive).

Note:   Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot License issued by DGCA (India) is relaxable up to 26 years i.e. born between 02 July 1997 to 01 July 2003 (both dates inclusive).

Ground Duty (Technical and Non- Technical branch)

20 to 26 years as on 01 July 2023 i.e. born between 02 July 1997 to 01 July 2003 (both dates inclusive).

Eligibility Conditions with regard to Marital Status:

(i) Candidates below 25 years of age must be unmarried at the time of commencement of course.

(ii) Widows/ Widowers and divorcees (with or without encumbrances) below 25 years of age are also not eligible.

(iii)  A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application though successful at SSB or medical will not be eligible for training.

(iv)  A candidate who marries during the period of training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the Government.

(v)  Married candidates above 25 years of age are eligible to apply but during training period they will neither be provided married accommodation nor can they live out with family.

 How to Apply Online

  • Candidates can fill the AFCAT application form via online mode only.
  • Aadhar card is mandatory for registration and it is for Indian nationals as per citizenship act.
  • Following documents to be kept in readiness & to be Uploaded:
  1. Un-attested recent passport size colour photograph (front portrait without headgear, except for Sikhs). (Size: 10KB – 50KB)
  2. Scanned image of own signature in  (Size: 10KB-50KB; Format: JPEG/JPG)
  3. Thumb impression (Size: 10KB-50KB; Format: JPEG/JPG)
  4. Declaration by the candidate

Following major steps are involved in AFCAT 02 2018 application form:

  1. Candidate Registration.
  2. Application form filling.
  3. Uploading the documents.
  4. City Selection.
  5. Payment of application form fee.

Steps to Apply


Candidates, who have not registered, first have to register in following steps:

Step 1 : Go on link : https://afcat.cdac.in/afcatreg/signup

Step 2: Key in all the credentials and ‘Sign up’’

Step3 :  By signing up a Log-in ID  will be created and applicant will receive a password in his/her registered email id.

Filling of Application

Step 1: Go on link: https://afcat.cdac.in/afcatreg/

Step 2: Enter email Id and password and then, log in.

Step 3: Instructions are to be read carefully and then, ‘’Continue”.

Step4: Enter all the

  • Personal Information,
  • Qualification Details,
  • Course Preference and
  • Communication Details. Further, ‘’Save and Continue’’

Step 5: Upload documents detailed above,

Step6: Select exam city ( To be selected from drop down menu))

Step7 : Make exam Payment (as detailed above)

This will over the filling of Application form.

Note : (i) NOC for Government Employees. The aspirant candidates/applicants, who are already in Government Service including serving in the Armed Forces, Government-owned industrial undertakings or other similar organizations also need to apply only after obtaining necessary permission from their departments concerned and they are required to produce NOC at the time of AFSB testing, failing which, they will be routed back without being tested.

NOC is mandatory irrespective of the candidate being a permanent, temporary or Contractual employee.

         (ii) Permission of Employer. Candidates should note that in case communication is received from their employer to withhold permission to the candidates who have applied for/ appearing in the examination, their candidature is liable to be cancelled. In case the employer refuses to provide NOC for any reason, that refusal is to be taken in writing and submitted to AFSB.

 AFCAT Application Fee (Non-Refundable) ( Based on old notification & will be amended on release of notification)

The non-refundable application fee of Rs. 250/- can be submitted via online mode (Debit card/Credit card/Net Banking) only.

Notes: (i) Fee may be paid online through the ‘Make Payment’ step on the main menu of the online application.

(ii) No cash or cheque or demand draft (DD) will be accepted towards payment of examination fee.

(iii) This is not applicable for NCC special entry & Meteorology.               


AFCAT Admit Card

The admit cards will be made available on the official website through online mode only.

Date of downloading of admit card will made available on publication of notification.

Go on link : https://afcat.cdac.in/afcatreg/signin and down load the admit card. The candidate will be solely responsible for downloading his/ her e-Admit Card.

Note :  (i) Admit card will also be sent to registered email address of the candidate. 

             (ii)  If the candidate does not receive his/ her admit card in their registered email id or is not able to download the same from the mentioned website, he/ she has to enquire from AFCAT Query Cell at C-DAC, Pune. (Phone Nos: 020-25503105 or 020-25503106,). E-Mail queries may be addressed to afcatcell@cdac.in. 

           (iii)  No Admit Card will be sent by post.

 AFCAT :Examination Pattern:

AFCAT  (both 1 & 2) Examination involve two stages in selection—Written Examination and AFSB (Air Force Selection Board) Testing.

In addition to the above two tests, Candidates will have to go through:

  • An EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) if they are applying for Ground Duty (Technical) Branch.
  • A PABT (Pilot Aptitude Battery Test) stage if they are applying for Flying Branch.

Written Exam Pattern

Written exam pattern will be as under :




Number of questions

Maximum Marks


General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test


02 Hours



EKT [For Candidates with one of the choices as (Technical) Branch]


Mechanical, Computer Science and Electrical & Electronics


45 Minutes



Note :  (i) Online examination will consist of objective type questions and will be in English only for both AFCAT and EKT.

            (ii) Questions will be based on the metric system of Weights & Measures wherever applicable.

            (iii) Air Force has the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the examination.

           (iv) For syllabus, refer Official Broucher.

            (iv) Marking scheme will be as under:

(a) Three marks will be awarded for every correct answer.

(b)  One mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.

(c)   No marks for unattempt questions..

Air Force Selection Board (AFSB)

On qualifying the written examination, the  selected candidates will receive a call letter fromr AFSB (Air Force Selection Board).The testing at AFSB would consist of 03 stages as given below :-

Stage-I.  In stage –I,Officer Intelligence Rating Test along with Picture Perception and discussion test will be conducted on the first day. Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branches applied for. Candidates who either do not qualify in Stage-I or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself. 

(ii) Stage-II is  Psychological test and  will be conducted on Day 1(Afternoon) and the Group Tests and Interview would commence after document check for the next five days.

(iii) For Flying Branch. Computerized Pilot Selection System (CPSS) would be administered to recommended candidates only. This is once in a lifetime test. Candidates who have failed the CPSS/ PABT in an earlier attempt or a Flight Cadet suspended from flying training at Air Force Academy will not be eligible.

Documents Required for AFSB( Air Force Selection Board):

 Candidates are required to bring the following documents. These documents will be checked during AFSB testing:-

(i)  AFCAT Admit Card.

(ii) Original marks sheets of  Matriculation/ Secondary School Certificate and issued by CBSE/ ICSE/ State Board. No other certificate will be accepted for verification of Date of Birth.

(iii) Original Marks Sheet & Certificate of 10+2 (issued by the concerned Board of Education).

(iv) Original/ Provisional Graduation Degree/ Post Graduation Degree Certificates and Mark Sheet of each year/ semester issued by University – only for verification of educational qualifications to check eligibility for the course. Provisional Certificate issued by college Principal is not acceptable. However, Provisional Degree Certificate issued by the University is acceptable.

(v) In case of final year/ semester students, a Certificate from the College Principal, clearly mentioning the following aspects annotated with proper stamp and seal of the Institution is required:-

(a) Name of the College.

(b) Name of the University.

(c) Discipline in which Graduation/ Post Graduation obtained.

(d) Aggregate Percentage.

(e) Likely Date of Declaration of Final Result (in DD/MM/YYYY Format).

(vi) Two attested photocopies of each of the above mentioned certificates.

(vii) Original NCC Certificate (if applicable).

(viii) NOC from employers for candidates working in Central/ State Govt. or Public Sector Undertakings.

(ix) Original valid Commercial Pilots’ License, issued by DGCA, if applicable.

(x) Inbound Railway Ticket/ Bus Tickets. (For refund of Travelling Allowance)

(xi) Candidates are also advised to bring twenty copies of recent passport size colour photographs taken in light coloured clothes against white background for documentation.

(k) Candidates who are not in possession of the above documents or those who do not meet the eligibility conditions, should not report to the AFSB, as they will not be accepted for the tests and will be routed back without travelling allowances.

AFCAT Syllabus

AFCAT Syllabus includes questions from following subjects:

  1. General Awareness.
  2. Verbal Ability.
  3. Quantitative Ability
  4. Logical Reasoning & Military Aptitude Test.

For further details, read our article on AFCAT Exam Syllabus

AFCAT Result 

  • Final Merit List shall be prepared based on the minimum qualifying marks secured separately in written examination and AFSB test as fixed by the IAF.
  • Candidates will be placed in the order of merit on the basis of the total marks secured by them in the written examination and in the AFSB tests.
  • The form and manner of communication of the result of the examination to individual candidates shall be decided by the IAF in their discretion.

Results of AFCAT 01/ 2022 has been declared

For AFCAT 02/2022: Declaration date  of the result will be notified later on.

Candidates will be able to download it by entering their name and roll number on the following link: https://afcat.cdac.in/afcatreg/signin

Useful Links

Application of Links


Official Website



Official Notification for AFCAT 2022(II)





Stay tuned to EduPadhai.com for more news and updates on AFCAT . Please Like, Share, and Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for future updates.

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What is the selection procedure who OPT for AFCAT ground duty and non technical example for the account post