Home Jobs Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Exam-2020

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Exam-2020

UPSC Civil Services Exam 2020

Latest : 19 April, 2021

 Deferment of Personality test ( Interviews) of Civil Services, 2020.

(i) UPSC has notified that in light of the prevailing conditions caused by the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19), as a precautionary measures, the Commission has deferred the Personality Tests (Interviews) of the candidates of the Civil Services Examination, 2020 scheduled from 26th April, 2021 to 18th June, 2021 till further orders.

(ii) New dates for the Personality Tests (Interviews) will be notified to the candidates in due course of time.

04 October 2020

2 Civil services ( prelim) -2020 held on 04 October 2020

Analysis of Paper and expected Cut off.

1 Civil Services (Preliminary) Exam -2020 held on to day Sunday o4 October 2020. The exam held in 72 cities and 2569 sub centres. Nearly, 10.60 lakh Candidates registered for the exam.

2 As per appeared candidates, the paper has been assessed and rated moderate. But almost pattern of previous years papers have been followed. However paper was little tough and application based.

3 As per analysis of experts, Expected Cut off for CSE ( Prelims)-2020 will be 82-91 for General category.

Previous years cut off were:

(a) CSE ( Prelims)-2019: 98 ( Gen Category)

(b) CSE ( Prelims)-2018: 98 ( Gen Category)

(c) CSE ( Prelims)-2017: 105.34 ( Gen Category)

4 Analysis: As per General Survey from the appeared candidates , the questions in paper is mainly based on Economy and Science and Technology. Questions from Geography and History were conventional in General. Difficulty level of History Segment was easy to moderate. Polity had also touched the current affairs. This year more questions were conceptual based. There were 13 questions directly from economy like role of cooperative Banks, monetary policies of RBI etc., but, difficulty level of Economy Segment was easy to moderate. Apart from this, questions related to recent trends of Agricultural developments like friendly agriculture practices, MSP, agri procurements. Questions from History and economy were little tough.

For details read : Updates : UPSC Exams



The Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Exam or UPSC Civil Services 2020 is a national level exam conducted every year by UPSC, to recruit bureaucrats like Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Foreign Services (IFS), Indian Police Services (IPS), Indian Revenue Services, and so on. This examination is conducted in 3 phases which includes an objective-type exam, a subjective-type exam and an interview or personality test.

For UPSC Calendar 2020 Updated till date, log on: UPSC exam Calendar 2020

For updates on UPSC Exams, log on : Updates on UPSC Exams


UPSC Civil Service 2020 Important dates

Notified important dates for UPSC Civil Service exam (CSE) and Indian Forest Service (IFS) 2020 are given below:

Important Events Tentative Dates
Registration begins for UPSC
CSE and IFS 2020 Prelims
12th February 2020
Registration ends 3rd March 2020
Release of admit card-Prelims Yet to be notified
UPSC CSE and IFS 2020 exam date (Prelims) 31st May 2020 ( deferred)
UPSC Prelims Result 2020 Yet to be notified
Release of admit card –Mains 4th week of September 2020
UPSC CSE 2020 exam date
18th September 2020
UPSC IFS 2020 exam date
22nd November 2020 (Only for Indian Forest Service Aspirants)
UPSC Mains Result 2020 Yet to be notified
Personality test Notification Yet to be notified
Admit Cards for Personality Test Yet to be notified
Personal Interview and Personality Test (PI/PT) Yet to be notified
Final Results Yet to be notified

UPSC Civil Service 2020 Exam Date

The UPSC Civil service 2020 will be held on the following dates:

UPSC CSE and IFS 2020 exam date (Prelims) 31st May 2020 Deferred
UPSC CSE 2020 exam date (Mains) 18th September 2020
UPSC IFS 2020 exam date (Mains) 22nd November 2020 (Only for Indian Forest Service Aspirants)
UPSC PI/PT 2020 date Yet to be notified

Mode of Examination

UPSC Civil Service Exam Prelims 2020 will be conducted in offline mode (pen-paper based)

Medium of Examination

UPSC Civil Services Exam 2020 (Prelims) has English or Hindi as the medium of answering.

However, UPSC CSE 2020 (Mains) will be conducted in 23 recognized languages listed in the constitution of India and the candidate can choose their medium of language.

UPSC CSE 2020 Eligibility


UPSC CSE applicant must be under any one of the below stated category:

  • Indian citizen
  • Subject of Bhutan or Nepal
  • Tibetan refugees who came over to India with the intention of permanently settling in India (before 1st January 1962)
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia with the intention of permanently settling in India.

 Educational Qualification

UPSC CSE applicant can be under any one of the below stated category:

  • A graduate from a recognized board/ University.
  • A graduation degree through distance education or from any of the open universities.
  • ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, or MBBS qualified candidates, but have not completed the internship are also eligible.

Age Limit

The applicant must be at least 21 years of age as on 1st August 2020 but shall not exceed the upper age limit of 32 years on the same date. He/she must have born not earlier than 2nd August 1988 and not later than 01 August 1999.

However, the Candidates belonging to reserved category gets relaxation in their age limit as follows:

Category Age Limit
SC/ST 5 years
J & K residents (in between 1st Jan 1980 – 31st December 1989) 5 years
Ex-service men /  ECO/SSCOs (who have rendered atleast 5 Years services as on 1st August 2020 and have been released:-
(a) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st August, 2020 otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or

(b) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or

(c) on invalidment.

In the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service as on 1st August, 2020 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months’ notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment

5 years
OBC 3 years
Disabled Defense service personnel during hostilities 3 years
Handicapped such as Hearing Impairment / Orthopedically Disabled / Blind 10 years

Number of Attempts :

General Candidates if, otherwise eligible: 06 Attempts

Scheduled Caste/ Tribe if, otherwise eligible: No Restrictions

Other Backward Class ( OBC) if, otherwise eligible : 09 Attempts

General and EWS category candidates with bench : 09 Attempts

mark disability if otherwise eligible.

Notes:- (i) An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at the Civil Services Examination.

(ii) If a candidate actually appears in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, he/she shall be deemed to have made an attempt at the Examination.

(iii) Notwithstanding the disqualification/cancellation of candidature, the fact of appearance of the candidate at the examination will count as an attempt.

How to Apply for UPSC CIVIL SERVICE 2020?

Currently the UPSC CSE 2020 application portal is closed.

Candidates can fill the application form for UPSC civil service exam via online mode only.

The registrations will be from 12th February 2020 till 3rd March 2020.

Application Fee

Category Fees in INR
General/OBC 100
Female/SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen /PH candidates No fee

The candidate can choose to pay the UPSC CSE 2020 application fees in any one of the following modes:

  • Online mode: The application fee can be paid through Credit Card, Debit Card or Net Banking.
  • Offline mode: Candidates can pay offline by cash at any of the at the payment counters of SBI branch through SBI Challan.

Documents to be Uploaded

Document Size Resolution Format
Scanned coloured
3kb-40Kb 110 X 140 pixels JPG/JPEG
Scanned Signature 1kb-40Kb 140 X 110 pixels JPG/JPEG

Step by Step Application Process

The complete online application procedure for UPSC CSE is divided into 5 stages.

  1. Registration.
  2. Fill UPSC Civil Services Exam Part-I Application Form
  3. Payment of Application Fee.
  4. Uploading documents
  5. Fill UPSC Civil Services Exam Part-II Application Form with appropriate details

UPSC CSE Admit Card 2020

The UPSC CSE 2020 Admit Card dates for Prelims, Mains and PI/PT are yet to be notified

Direct links to UPSC CSE admit card shall be published here.

The admit card will be made available on the official website through online mode only in PDF format.

Candidates are required to download and take a print of their admit card as it will not be sent via post.

Exam Pattern for UPSC Civil Service 2020

The UPSC CIVIL SERVICE 2020 exam pattern is as follows:

Particulars Prelims Mains Personal
Interview/Personality Test
Type of
Objective Subjective Oral
Examination mode Offline Offline Offline
Total no. of questions Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned
Sections General Studies Paper I General Studies Paper II Paper A (Qualifier) Paper B (Qualifier) Paper I – Paper VII (Mains) NA
Duration for each paper 2 hours 3 hours NA
Total marks 400 1750 275
Negative marking 1/3 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer NA NA

Prelims – Section wise split up

Exam Pattern: Objective

Negative marking: 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer

Qualifying Marks: 33% in General Studies Paper II to qualify for Mains

Duration: 2 hours for each paper

Paper Marks Duration
General Studies Paper – I 200 2 Hour
General Studies Paper – II The total marks scored in Mains and Personality Test are used i 200 2 Hour

Mains – Section wise split up

Exam Pattern: Subjective

Qualifying Marks: 25% in Paper A and B in order to qualify for appearing in the other 7 Main papers

Duration: 3 hours for each paper

Paper Subject Marks
Paper A Indian Language (Qualifier) 300
Paper B English (Qualifier) 300
Paper I Essay Writing 250
Paper II General Studies I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History, and Geography of the World and Society) 250
Paper III General Studies 2 (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations) 250
Paper IV General Studies 3 (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management) 250
Paper V General Studies 4 (Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude) 250
Paper VI Optional Paper I 250
Paper VII Optional Paper 2 250
Total Marks 1750

Personal Interview

Candidates qualifying CSE Mains will be called for PI / PT

 The overall personality of the candidate is tested and he/she is asked questions on current affairs, hobbies, interests, situation analysis, etc.

For calculating the final rank of a candidate, the total marks scored in Mains and Personality Test rounds are considered.

UPSC Civil service 2020 Results

UPSC CSE 2020 Result date for Prelims, Mains and PI/PT are yet to be announced.

The link to download the result shall be posted here.


Question: What is the maximum number of attempts for UPSC CSE?

Answer: Maximum attempts allowed are as follows:

Category Maximum No of Attempts Allowed
General 06
SC/ST No-Limit

Note: If a candidates appears for any of the papers in Prelims, it shall be counted as an attempt. However,when a candidate applies but fails to appear for the exam, her attempt is not counted.

Question: Can candidates who are already serving the Government appear for UPSC CSE?

Answer: Candidates currently serving as an IAS/IFS officer to Govt. of India are not eligible to appear for the UPSC Civil Services exam 2020.

Question: Is it possible to edit the submitted application of UPSC?

 Answer: No correction facility in the application is available once it is submitted.

Following are some important links for UPSC CIVIL SERVICE 2020 Examination:

Application of Links Links
UPSC CIVIL SERVICE Official Website Click here
UPSC CIVIL SERVICE Login portal Click here
UPSC CIVIL SERVICE help desk Click here
UPSC CSE 2020 FAQsClick here
UPSC CSE 2020 BroucherClick here

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