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UPPCL(UP Power Corporation Limited) Jobs


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UPPCL (UP Power Corporation Limited) Jobs

Introduction of Company:

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL) is the focal point of the Power Sector, responsible for planning and managing the sector through its transmission, distribution and supply of electricity.

UPPCL invites Application on line to recruit 1033 vacancies for the post of Executive Assistants.

1Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 19/08/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobCities within Uttar Pradesh
State of JobUttar Pradesh
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyUPPCL
Date of start of submission of Application19/08/2022
Last date and time of submission of Application12/09/2022
Last Date to pay online12/09/2022
Last Date to pay offline14/09/2022
Schedule of Computer-based Test (CBT)Second week of October, 2022
Date of resultYet to be notified

NotesFor more details, refer to the advertisement.

2 Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: Vacancy, Salary

Sl NumberName of the PostNumber of VacanciesSalary
1Executive AssistantGeneral – 416
EWS – 103
OBC – 278
SC – 216
ST – 20 Total – 1033
The UPPCL Executive Assistant Salary ranges between Rs. 27200/- to Rs. 86100/- under Pay Level 04. The UPPCL Executive Assistant Salary is divided and gratuity is given as per the government rules.

Notes: – For detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

3 Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: Age, Eligibility, Qualification

Sl No    PostAge  in Years as on 01/01/2022Essential Qualification
1Executive Assistant21-40 YearsGraduation in any discipline from a Recognized University and Hindi Typing @30wpm

Notes: For more information, refer to the advertisement.

4   Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
3PH (Divyang)Rs.12/-

Notes: For more detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

6 Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: How to Apply

Step 1: Go to the link: www.uppcl.org

Step 2: Go to the “Vacancy/Results” Option.

Step 3: Click on Apply for the Post of ”Executive Assistant” against ADVERTISEMENT NO. 09/VSA/2022 /EA.

Step 4: Now Click on the Application Form.

Step 5: Fill in all the required details and documents required to be submitted.

Step 6: Click on the Final submission option.

Step 7: Take a Print out of Application for the future references.

Notes: Candidates are required to maintain their unique e-mail ID and mobile number throughout the selection process.

7 Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: Selection Procedure

General English5555
General Hindi5555
General Awareness and GK2525

Notes: The total duration of exam will be 3 hours and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 for each incorrect answer.

For detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

8 Jobs in UPPCL – Executive Assistant: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companywww.uppcl.org
Advertisement dated 19/08/2022Instructions (digialm.com)
Online Application LinkInstructions (digialm.com)

19/01/2022: (Last date of Apply Closed)

Introduction of Company:

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL) is the focal point of the Power Sector, responsible for planning and managing the sector through its transmission, distribution and supply of electricity.

UPPCL invites Application on line to recruit 25 vacancies for the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil.

1 UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 15/03/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  Job Cities within Uttar Pradesh
State of Job Uttar Pradesh
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyUPPCL
Date of start of submission of Application25/03/2022
Last date and time of submission of Application18/04/2022
Schedule of Computer-based Test (CBT)Fourth Week of May 2022
Date of resultYet to be notified

Notes: For more details, refer to the advertisement.

2 UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: Vacancy, Salary

Sl NumberName of the PostNumber of VacanciesSalary
1Junior Engineer (Trainee) CivilUR – 10 EWS-02 OBC(NCL)-07 SC-06 ST-Nil
Total : 25
As per 7th Pay Commission {Pay Matrix Level – 7: Rs. 44,900/- (minimum level in revised pay matrix)}. Dearness and other allowances admissible as per rules of UPPCL.

Notes: – For detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

3 UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: Age, Eligibility, Qualification

Sl No    PostAge  in Years as on 01/01/2022Essential Qualification
1Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil18-40 Years (a) Three years Diploma examination in Civil Engineering awarded by the Pravidhik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh or a Diploma, equivalent thereto, recognized by the State Government.

(b) Candidate must produce the certificate from the head of the Institution from which , he has passed the Diploma or from any Gazetted officer of the UP that he/she can read & write the Devanagri with ease. However such certificate is not necessary in the case of the candidate who has passed the High School or equivalent exam with Hindi or who has obtained Degree/ Diploma/certificate or any Hindi examination recognized by the state Government.

Notes: For more information, refer to the advertisement.

4   UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
1SC (Domicile of U.P) CategoryRs.826/- (GST Included)
2Unreserved Category/EWS Category/OBC (Non Creamy Layer)Rs.1180/- (GST Included)
3PH (OA/OL/PB/PD) Only Processing ChargesRs.12/- (GST Included)
4Candidates other than state of U.P (Any category)Rs.1180/- (GST Included)

Notes: For more detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

6 UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: How to Apply

Step 1: Go to the link: www.uppcl.org

Step 2: Candidates are advised to login the website and select “Apply Online” and follow the instructions carefully given therein step by step for completing the Application Form.

Notes: Candidates are required to maintain their unique e-mail ID and mobile number throughout the selection process.

7 UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: Selection Procedure

Computer based Test (CBT) for the post will be conducted simultaneously in all cities. The candidate, who, have completed and submitted the form, shall be provisionally allowed to appear in CBT on basis of their particulars provided by him/her in the Application Form (which does not necessarily mean eligibility).

Notes: For detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

8 UPPCL – Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companywww.uppcl.org
Advertisement dated 15/03/2022https://www.upenergy.in/site/writereaddata/siteContent/202203111358188042705.pdf


Recruitment of  113 Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E/M Cadre

The Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited invites Applications for the following Post in UPPCL:

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer ( Trainee) E&M Cadre: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement No: 01/VSA/2022/AE/E&M)
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobUttar Pradesh
State of JobUttar Pradesh
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyUPPCL (Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited)
Date of start of submission of Application11/01/2022
Last date and time of submission of Application31/01/2022
Submission of application cum processing fee through SBI Challan (Offline)11/01/2022 to 02/02/2022
Correction in Particulars of the Online Application FormYet to be notified
Date of Issue of Admit CardYet to be notified
Date of test (Computer based Test)Last week of February 2022
Date of resultYet to be notified

Note: # The Challan for payment can be downloaded up to 31/01/2022 only.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostNumber of VacanciesUpper Age limit as on 01/01/2022       Salary Scale
1Assistant Engineer (Trainee) Electrical/Power75Minimum: 21Years Maximum: 40 Years As per 7th Pay commission: – {Pay Matrix Level-10; Rs. 59500 (minimum level in revised pay matrix)}. Dearness and other allowances admissible as per rules of UPPCL.
2Assistant Engineer (Trainee) Eletronics & Telecommunication14Minimum: 21Years Maximum: 40 Years As per 7th Pay commission: – {Pay Matrix Level-10; Rs. 59500 (minimum level in revised pay matrix)}. Dearness and other allowances admissible as per rules of UPPCL.
3Assistant Engineer (Trainee) Computer Science/ Information Technology24Minimum: 21Years Maximum: 40 Years As per 7th Pay commission: – {Pay Matrix Level-10; Rs. 59500 (minimum level in revised pay matrix)}. Dearness and other allowances admissible as per rules of UPPCL.
                           Total 113

Notes : (i) The upper age limit mentioned above is for General category & The upper age limit is relaxable as per Rules applicable for different categories. Refer para (5) of advertisement.    

           (ii)  Reservation of different categories are admissible only for UP domiciles.

          (iii) For details of reservation of various categories, refer advertisement.     

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoName of PostMinimum Essential Qualifications
1Assistant Engineer (Trainee)Candidates should have sufficient knowledge of Hindi in Devnagri Lipi. (i) Electrical Engineering Category: A degree in Electrical Engineering or a mixed discipline degree combined with Electrical Engineering.
(ii) Electronics and Tele-communication Engineering Category:    
A degree in Electronics Engineering or Communication Engineering or Tele-communication Engineering   or Mixed   Discipline degree combined with either Electronics Engineering or Communication Engineering or Tele-communication Engineering.                   
(iii)  Computer Science Engineering Category: A degree in Computer Science Engineering or Information Technology or a mixed discipline degree combined with either Computer Science Engineering or Information Technology.                                     
Passed Section A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) in relevant discipline as mentioned above.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre:  Selection process & Scheme of Examination:

  (i) Selection comprises of following stages:

  (a) Computer Based Test

  (b) Interview

  Computer Based Test: CBT will be held at major cities given in advertisement.

  (a) In CBT 75% questions shall be from Bachelor of Engineering level.

  (b) 10% questions will be of General Knowledge/ Awareness.

  © 10 % questions will be from reasoning/ Aptitude.

 (d)  5% questions will be of General Hindi.

 (e) Each question will carry 01 mark for correct answer & 0.25 mark will be deducted (i.e. negative marking) for each wrong answer.

(f) Candidate who obtains less than 30% marks in Computer Based Test (CBT) will not be eligible for interview.

(g) Maximum 2 times category wise candidates will be shortlisted for interview.

(h) Place & time of interview of shortlisted candidates will be intimated separately.

(i) The final selection list will be prepared based on combined marks obtained in CBT and interview.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Syllabus

 The Syllabus for various disciplines of test will be same as of GATE-2021.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Application cum processing fees

    SC/ST (Domicile of UP)Rs 826/- ( GST included)
   General/OBC ( NCL)/ EWS/DefRs 1180/-( GST included)
   PH( OA/OL/PD/PB) Only processing charges.Rs 12/-   ( GST included)
  Candidates of other than UP and of Union   TerritoriesRs 1180/-( GST included)

 Note: (i) Fee can be paid through ATM cum Debit Card/Credit Card/ Net Banking/ Payment Gate Way or SBI bank Challan Form (Payable at SBI only).

          (ii) Bank Charges, in addition to the application cum processing fee will be paid by the candidate.

           (iii) Application cum processing fee, once paid will neither be refunded/transferred nor can be held in reserve for any future selection process.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on line mode onlyNo other mode of application shall be accepted.

1 Following documents and pre requisites are to be kept in readiness by the candidates before starting to apply on line as these are to be submitted:-

(a) Personal e-mail ID & Mobile Number. These must be activated throughout the selection process. All important communication will be sent on these registered email Id and mobile number.

(b) Scanned copy of the recent passport size color Photograph (not older than 3 Months). Candidates should ensure that the same photograph is used throughout this recruitment process. The size of the scanned image should be up to 100 kb in jpg/ jpeg format only

(c) Scanned signature.

  • The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
  • The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
  • Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
  • Size of file should be upto 30kb in Jpg/jpeg format only.

To Apply:

First registration is required to be done.

Step 1:   Go on linkhttps://www.upenergy.in/uppcl/en/page/vacancy-results


Step 3: A new page will appear. Read all the instructions carefully and click box in left bottom & then, click “Start” at bottom.

Step 4: Fill all the requisite information and submit.

Step 5: On completion, candidates will receive User ID & Password on their registered email ID & Mobile No.

Second application is to be filled in.

On completion of the registration, candidate has to fill up the application form by using the User Id & password.

Step1: Click “Already registered candidates to log in”

Step 2: Fill in all the information. Upload scanned copy of photograph and signature.

Step 3: Make payment of fee as per above details & submit.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Important Points

(i) No Objection Certificate : Aspirant Candidate who are working with any State Govt./Central Govt./Semi-Govt./ Govt. Undertaking organization ,shall have to submit ‘NOC‘ from their present Employer at the time of Joining.

(ii) For other important points and details, official advertisement may be referred on following given link.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Company  https://www.upenergy.in/


(i) UPPCL, vide notification dated 05/01/2022 has cancelled the recruitment advertised under advertisement published dated 13/11/2021.

(ii) For cancellation notification, go on link: https://www.upenergy.in/site/writereaddata/siteContent/20220105173820347559_VSA_05012022.pdf


Recruitment of  113 Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E/M Cadre

UPPCL, vide notification dated 05/01/2022 has cancelled the recruitment advertised under advertisement published dated 13/11/2021.

The Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited invites Applications for the following Post in UPPCL :

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer( Trainee) E&M Cadre: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement No. :  08/VSA/2021/AE/E&M)
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobUttar Pradesh
State of JobUttar Pradesh
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyUPPCL (Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited)
Date of start of submission of Application12/11/2021
Last date and time of submission of Application02/12/2021
# Submission of application cum processing fee through SBI Challan (Offiine)12/11/2021 to 04/12/2021
Correction in Particulars of the Online Application Form2nd & 3rd December, 2021
Date of Issue of Admit CardYet to be notified
Date of test (Computer based Test)Second week of January 2022
Date of resultYet to be notified

Note: # The Challan for payment can be downloaded up to 02/12/2021 only.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer( Trainee) E&M Cadre: Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostNumber of VacanciesUpper Age limit as on 01/01/2021       Salary Scale
1Assistant Engineer    ( Trainee)113Minimum: 21Years Maximum: 40 YearsAs per 7th Pay commission:- {Pay Matrix Level-10; Rs. 59500 (minimum level in revised pay matrix)}. Dearness and other allowances admissible as per rules of UPPCL.

Notes : (i) The upper age limit mentioned above is for General category & The upper age limit is relaxable as per Rules applicable for different categories. Refer para (5) of advertisement.    

           (ii)  Reservation of different categories are admissible only for UP domiciles.

(iii) For details of reservation of various categories, refer advertisement.     

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoName of PostMinimum Essential Qualifications as on closing date of application
1Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts)(i) Candidates should have sufficient knowledge of Hindi in Devnagri Lipi.Electrical Engineering Category:                                       
(ii)   A degree in Electrical Engineering or a mixed discipline degree combined with Electrical Engineering.
(iii) Electronics and Tele-communication Engineering Category:    
A degree in Electronics Engineering or Communication Engineering or Tele-communication Engineering   or Mixed   Discipline degree combined with either Electronics Engineering or Communication Engineering or Tele-communication Engineering.                   
(iv)  Computer Science Engineering Category:                     A degree in Computer Science Engineering or Information Technology or a mixed discipline degree combined with either Computer Science Engineering or Information Technology.                                     
Passed Section A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) in relevant discipline as mentioned above.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre:  Selection process & Scheme of examination:

  (i) Selection comprises of following stages:

  (a) Computer Based Test

  (b) Interview

  Computer Based Test:

  (a) In CBT 75% questions shall be from Bachelor of Engineering level.

  (b) 10% questions will be of General Knowledge/ Awareness.

  © 10 % questions will be from reasoning/ Aptitude.

 (d)  5% questions will be of General Hindi.

 (e) Each question will carry 01 mark for correct answer & 0.25 mark will be deducted (i.e. negative marking) for each wrong answer.

(f) Candidate who obtain less than 30% marks in Computer Based Test (CBT) will not be eligible for interview.

(g) Maximum 2 times category wise candidates will be shortlisted for interview.

(h) Place & time of interview of shortlisted candidates will be intimated separately.

(i) The final selection list will be prepared based on combined marks obtained in CBT and interview.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Syllabus

 The Syllabus for various disciplines of test will be same as of GATE-2021.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Application cum processing fees

    SC/ST (Domicile of UP)Rs 826/- ( GST included)
   General/OBC ( NCL)/ EWS/DefRs 1180/-( GST included)
   PH( OA/OL/PD/PB) Only processing charges.Rs 12/-   ( GST included)
  Candidates of other than UP and of Union   TerritoriesRs 1180/-( GST included)

 Note: (i) Fee can be paid through ATM cum Debit Card/Credit Card/ Net Banking/ Payment Gate Way or SBI bank Challan Form (Payable at SBI only).

          (ii) Bank Charges, in addition to the application cum processing fee will be paid by the candidate.

           (iii) Application cum processing fee, once paid will neither be refunded/transferred nor can be held in reserve for any future selection process.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on line mode onlyNo other mode of application shall be accepted.

1 Following documents and pre requisites are to be kept in readiness by the candidates before starting to apply on line as these are to be submitted:-

(a) Personal e-mail ID & Mobile Number. These must be activated through out the selection process. All important communication will be sent on these registered email Id and mobile number.

(b) Scanned copy of the recent passport size color Photograph (not older than 3 Months). Candidates should ensure that the same photograph is used throughout this recruitment process.The size of the scanned image should be up to 100 kb in jpg/ jpeg format only

(c) Scanned signature.

  • The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
  • The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
  • Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
  • Size of file should be upto 30kb in Jpg/jpeg format only.

To Apply:

First registration is required to be done.

Step 1:   Go on link : https://www.upenergy.in/uppcl/en/page/vacancy-results


Step 3: A new page will appear. Read all the instructions carefully and click box in left bottom & then, click “Start” at bottom.

Step 4: Fill all the requisite information and submit.

Step 5: On completion, candidates will receive User ID & Password on their registered email ID & Mobile No.

Second application is to be filled in.

On completion of the registration, candidate has to fill up the application form by using the User Id & password.

Step1: Click “Already registered candidates to log in”

Step 2: Fill in all the information. Upload scanned copy of photograph and signature.

Step 3: Make payment of fee as per above details & submit.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Important Points

(i) No Objection Certificate : Aspirant Candidate who are working with any State Govt./Central Govt./Semi-Govt./ Govt. Undertaking organization ,shall have to submit NOCfrom their present Employer at the time of Joining.

UPPCL Jobs: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Depatment/Organization/ Company  https://www.upenergy.in/

Although all the best efforts have been put to produce this article with all the correct data as per official advertisement and subsequent notifications there to if any, however, if there are any conflicting data or provisions are crept into the article, the data and provisions given in official advertisement and notification(s) will take precedence over contents of the Article. No claim whatsoever at any stage is admissible relating to content of this article.

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