Home Syllabus List of Books for UCEED Preparation

List of Books for UCEED Preparation

uceed books 2018

The article describes the best UCEED books to prepare aspirants for the upcoming UCEED 2018. UCEED or the Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design is an annually held Design entrance exam conducted by IIT Bombay. The Applications for UCEED 2018 have been released on 9th October 2017. The entrance exam, however, will be conducted on 20th January 2018.

UCEED Exam Pattern

UCEED exam will be 3 hours long Computer-based test (CBT). The exam will carry a total of 300 marks with questions from following 3 categories:

Section A: Numerical Answer Type (NAT).
Section B: Multiple Select Questions.
Section C: Multiple Choice Questions.

For more details on the examination pattern, follow the link, http://edupadhai.com/uceed-2018/#uceed18pattern.

UCEED Syllabus

The UCEED question paper is made from the following major topics/Subjects:

  1. Visualization and spatial ability.
  2. Observation and design sensitivity.
  3. Environmental and social awareness.
  4. Analytical and logical reasoning.
  5. Language and creativity.
  6. Design thinking and problem-solving.


As UCEED is one of the most important Design entrance exams in the country, cracking the exam demands a good level of preparation with sound concepts. To increase your chances of selection, following UCEED books have been compiled from around the web, with valuable inputs from teachers.

Books for improving the English Language

Book Title Flipkart Amazon
Comprehensive English for NID, NIFT, UCEED, CEED, NATA, B.Arch & Other Design Entrance Exams by Designologue Not Available
High School Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin  Not Available
High School Grammar and Composition (Multicolor Edition) by Wren & Martin

Word Power Made Easy by Norman & Lewis (For Vocabulary)

For Analytical and Logical Reasoning

Book Title Flipkart Amazon
Quantitative Aptitude (Latest Edition) by R.S Aggarwal

Quantitative Aptitude (Old Edition) by R.S Aggarwal

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning (New Edition) by R.S Aggarwal

Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma

Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma


Book Title Flipkart Amazon
UCEED Design Environment & Social Awareness In Design Perspective Combined With Mental & Verbal Aptitude by Sreejanshilpa Not Available
NIFT/NID/IIFT Entrance Exam Guide by Surendra Kavimandan

Careers in Fashion Technology & Design by Student Aid Publications Not Available

 Previous year UCEED Question Papers

Question Paper Download link
UCEED 2017 Question Paper https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5yQMAGCGV5oczZxaU50ME9nZ0k
UCEED 2016 Question Paper https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5yQMAGCGV5oN3VkTGxXSkRGam8
UCEED 2015 Question Paper https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5yQMAGCGV5oTFU2NnBMakVJMG8


Stay tuned for more information and preparation tips coming up in future. Also, comment below if you think we have left out any book or other information. You can also suggest new topics to our team in the comments below.

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[…] out the list of UCEED Books 2018 for effective […]

Sir me. UCEED sathi konte book prefer karu

Sir me UCEED exam sathi konte book prefer karu