This article lists all the important topics & subjects included in the TANCET MBA Syllabus. The TANCET 2021 syllabus for MBA has not been published by the Test conducting body. The full form of TANCET  is the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. The TANCET  MBA 2021 is a 2-hour exam with 5 sections. TANCET 2021 Exam will be conducted on following date and time:-

M.B.A March 20, 2021 Saturday (2.30 PM To 4.30 PM)

For M.E/M.Tech/M.Arch/M.Plan SYLLABI FOR THE ENTRANCE TEST, Log on : https://tancet.annauniv.edu/tancet/syllabus.pdf

TANCET MBA Section wise split up (Assessed)

TANCET 2021 will be conducted in offline mode .The major topics covered in the syllabus include Business Analysis, Reading Comprehension, Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and Data Sufficiency. There will be 100 questions and assessed distributed as under:

Section Number of Questions (Assessed) Marks (Assessed)
Business Analysis 20 20
Reading Comprehension 20 20
 Verbal Ability 20 20
Quantitative Aptitude 20 20
Data Sufficiency 20 20
Total 100 100


Business Analysis

  • This section does not have any predefined syllabus. You will be given business situations in paragraph form, which will be followed by some questions.
  • A total of 20 questions (MCQ’s) will be presented in this section.
  • There is no sectional time limit in TANCET exam.


Reading Comprehension

  • Passages followed by a set of questions
  • A total of 20 questions (MCQ’s) will be presented in this section.
  • There is no sectional time limit in TANCET exam.


Verbal Ability

  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Sentence Corrections
  • Idioms
  • Cloze Test
  • One Word Substitution,
  • A total of 20 questions (MCQ’s) will be presented in this section.
  •  There is no sectional time limit in TANCET exam.


Quantitative Aptitude

  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  •  Geometry & Mensuration
  •  Calculus
  •  Differential Equation
  • Quadratic & Linear Equations
  •  Probability and Statistics
  • Number System
  •  HCF LCM
  •  Percentages
  •  Ratios
  •  Averages
  •  Simple & Compound Interest
  •  Profit & Loss
  •  Time Speed & Distance
  •  Time & Work
  •  Mixtures & Allegations
  •  Logarithms
  •  Series and Progressions
  •  Binomial Theorem,
  • Surds & Indices
  •  Functions
  • Inequalities
  • Modulus
  • Trigonometry
  •  Co-ordinate Geometry
  •  Permutation & Combination
  •  Set Theory
  • A total of 20 questions (MCQ’s) will be presented in this section.
  • There is no sectional time limit in TANCET exam.


Data Sufficiency

  • Data Sufficiency section also does not have set syllabus. The following topics can be asked under this section.
  • Number systems
  •  Data Interpretation (Pie Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph and Tables),
  • questions in the form of Statements
  • A total of 20 questions (MCQ’s) will be presented in this section.
  • There is no sectional time limit in TANCET exam.

 Marking Scheme

Marking of questions 1 mark each
Negative marking of wrong answers Deduction of 1/3 mark(s) for each wrong answer.

Note:- Multiple shading will be considered as wrong answer and 1/3 mark will be reduced.


TANCET MBA Complete guide books are as follows:

  1. TANCET MBA Superior Guide by S. SAMBASIVAN and Dr. D. ANTONY XAVIER
  2. TANCET MBAV V K Subburaj

The section wise book list for TANCET MBA is as follows:

Section name BOOKS NAME
1.Business Analysis This section does not have any predefined syllabus
2. Reading Comprehension This section  contains passages followed by a set of questions
3. Verbal ability  1.Compendium General English Dr.B.B.Jain
2.Descriptive General English S. P. Bakshi
3.New Pattern Tests of Objective English Dr.R.N.Singh 
4.General English Dr.B.B.Jain
4. Quantitative aptitude 1.Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R. S. Aggarwal
2.Quantitative Aptitude by S.N Jha
3.Logical and Analytical Reasoning A. K. Gupta
4.Reasoning Test (Verbal & Non-Verbal) Dr.M.B.Lal & A.K.Singh,
5. Data sufficiency 1.Data Interpretation Analysis Ashok Gupta


TANCET MBA 2021, the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test for MBA. The better you prepare, the more will be the chances of securing a seat in a top B-School. TANCET MBA scores are accepted by over 140 MBA Colleges in India. Anna University is one of the renowned institutes. Here are a few suggestions to follow:

1. PRACTICE- Practice the all the 5 sections several times to get stronger in the core.

2. GET STRONG WITH YOUR WEAK AREAS Practice and understand the solved examples and try to attempt the unsolved examples. Then move on to solving mock test papers and previous year question papers.

3. REVISION- The last few days must be dedicated for revising the old topics only. Don’t try to learn new/ unlearnt topics as it will just increase lack of confidence in your preparation.

 4.OVERPRACTISING THE WELL KNOWN TOPICS– If you are confident about any topic or subject, then do not waste your time practicing them repeatedly. Instead, try to work upon their shortcuts and mock tests.

5.LEARN SHORTCUTS TO SAVE TIME– As you have to attempt 100 questions in 120 minutes, in TANCET MBA 2020, learn smart shortcuts to save time drastically.

6. Practice all the sections on alternate days so that you devote equal attention to all the sections.

 7. Practice all the sections on alternate days so that you devote equal attention to all the sections .likewise, practice all the topics in each section on alternate days so that you devote equal attention to all the topics under each of the sections.

Stay tuned for more updates on TANCET MBA 2020 Syllabus. For further queries, post your questions in the comments. Also, follow us on Social Platforms such as Facebook Twitter for more future updates.

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