Home Jobs SSC Exams Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) – 2017

Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) – 2017

ssc cgl 2017
Release of Final Result of Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination, 2019

(i) SSC released final result of CHSL(10+12) Exam, 2019. To check the result, go on link:

List of candidates in Roll No. order recommended for appointment for the posts of LDC/JSA/JPA and PA/SA

List of Candidates whose result kept withheld

(ii) If any discrepancy with respect to the selection/ non-selection/ allocation of post/ User Department, etc. may be brought to the notice of the Commission within a period of one month.

(iii) Any such representation received after one month will not be entertained by the Commission.

(iv) If a finally selected candidate does not receive any correspondence from the
SSC or the concerned User Department within a period of one year after declaration of result, he/ she must bring this to the notice of the User Department immediately thereafter.

(v) Marks obtained by the selected and non-selected candidates will be uploaded on the website of the SSC on 17.05.2022.

(vi) Marks obtained will be available from 17.05.2022 to 04.06.2022. Candidates may check their individual’s marks by entering their Registration No. and registered password .

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Staff Selection Commission: An Introduction 

Staff Selection Commission came into being in the year 1975 with the name of Subordinate Services Commission, and it was only in 1977 that its name changed to Staff Selection Commission. The Commission was instituted in order to provide a mechanism that handled Group C level jobs in all Central Governmental offices. With time this has enlarged and today SSC mechanizes Group C as well as Group B (Non – gazetted) jobs under the pay scale of 9,300 to 34,800 with grade pay of Rs. 4,200. 

SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) is an examination conducted every year in order to provide Group B jobs to Graduate level students via a four tier examination.

Suggested: Learn in detail about CGL 2018.


Title Detail
Name of Examination SSC CGL 2017
Date of Notification 16th May 2017
Notified Vacancies 3805 (Tentative)
Educational Eligibility Graduate in any discipline
Job Location Anywhere in India
Salary Scale Grade Pay 2400 to 4800
Mode of Application Online
Last Date of Application 16th June 2017

List of Contents 

  1. Number of Vacancies
  2. Medium of Examination
  3. Type of Examination
  4. Date of Examination
  5. Syllabus
  6. Eligibility Criteria
  7. How to apply?
    1. Application Fees
    2. Photograph/ Signature Specifications
    3. Procedure.
  8. Admit Card
  9. Examination Pattern
  10. Result
  11. Important Dates
  12. Important Links

Number of Vacancies 

As per the official notification, a total of 3,805 vacancies is expected for SSC CGL 2017. Candidates can see the list of vacancies on

Also Read: Civil Services Examination (Preliminary) – 2017.

Date of Examination 

According to the official website, the first tier of SSC CGL 2017 will be conducted between 1st August – 20th August 2017. 

While the tier II of SSC CGL 2017 will be conducted in between 10th Nov 2017 and 11th Nov 2017.

If the candidate sails through the first two tiers successfully, then he/she can attempt the III tier of SSC CGL 2017, to be held on 21st Jan 2018.

The 4th Tier of SSC CGL 2017 will be conducted on Feb. 2018. 

Medium of Examination 

For the convenience of students from all parts of the country, SSC conducts the CGL examination in two languages- English and Hindi.  

Type of Examination

The Tier I and Tier II tests of SSC CGL 2017 are computer-based examinations (wherein the candidate has to report his/her answers on a computer).

However, the Tier III of the examination will be conducted offline and this is a descriptive examination.

And Tier IV is a CPT/DEST i.e. Computer Proficiency Test or Data Entry Skill Test.


Tier I

There are four sections in tier I of SSC CGL 2017 examination. The syllabus for the 4 sections is as follows:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude: 50 marks

This section includes basic mathematics topics like Profit & Loss, Percentage, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Trigonometry, Geometry, Decimals, and Fractions. Basically mathematics syllabus up to Class 10th.

  1. General Awareness: 50 marks

This section includes both General knowledge as well as current affairs’ questions. In GK sections questions relating to History, Geography, Political Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are mentioned.

  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning: 50 marks

General Intelligence and Reasoning questions in SSC CGL 2017 will revolve around both verbal and nonverbal reasoning. So the candidate would find questions related to series, syllogism, classification, coding decoding, problem-solving, similarities and difference, seating arrangement, statement conclusion, etc.

  1. English Comprehension: 50 marks

English Comprehension Section of Tier I in CGL exams are about testing the candidate’s grammatical basics, and general interactive English. The section also focuses on checking writing abilities and basic reading comprehension of any given passage.

Suggested: Read in detail about SBI PO Examination 2017.

Tier II

After qualifying the Tier I of the examination, Tier II of the SSC CGL 2017 is conducted to check in-depth knowledge of two subjects i.e. Arithmetic Ability and English Language & Comprehension.

  1. Arithmetic Ability: 200 marks

This paper includes questions relating to Number Systems, Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Use of Table and Graphs, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio, etc. In comparison to the first tier, this tier demands the candidate to possess in-depth knowledge of the subject.

  1. English Language & Comprehension: 200 marks

English Language & Comprehension paper for SSC CGL 2017 are based on error omission and recognition, fill in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles etc), Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings, Grammar, Sentence Completion, Phrases, and Idioms, etc. Another set of questions on passages and comprehension of these passages will also be put in this examination.

Additionally, there are two more papers i.e. Statistics and General Studies (Finance and Economics). In case the candidate is applying for the post of Statistical Inspector Grade II & Compiler, they need to give Paper III (Statistics) and if the candidate is applying for the post of Assistant audit officer they need to give Paper IV (General Studies) along with Paper I and Paper II. 

  1. Statistics: 200 marks

Statistics paper includes general questions on statistics like collection and classification of statistical data, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability theory, sampling theory, analysis of variance, index numbers, time series analysis and questions on skewness, moments and kurtosis.

  1. General Studies (Finance & Economics): 200 marks

The General Studies examination include questions on Finance and Economics. For finance following topics are included- Accountancy, Business Organization, Management, Company Law, Cost Accounting, Auditing and Income Tax, et al. While for Economics following topics are included- Demand, Supply Analysis, Production Function and Laws of Return, Commodity pricing, theory of factor pricing, theory of employment, Keynesian theory of employment, Measures of Central Tendency, Agriculture Income, and National Income and Accounting.

Tier III

This is a descriptive examination conducted by SSC to check writing ability of the candidate. This is basically a pen and paper exam in which one question is asked from the candidates on writing an essay/ precis/ application/ letter. This is a 100 marker exam.

Tier IV

After clearing the above three tiers, there is another level of examination which is a Computer based test. This examination is qualifying in nature. Either you need to give Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) or a Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) depending on the post you have been selected for.

Eligibility Criteria (As on 1st August 2017)


An applicant of SSC CGL 2017 must hold either of the following nationalities:

i. Indian nationality.
ii. Nepalese, Bhutan, Tibetan Refugee (who came before 1st Jan 1962).
iii. A person of Indian origin who came from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, or any east African country with the intention of settling in India.

Educational Qualification

As the SSC CGL 2017 exam is used to recruit staff in various departments hence, the educational qualification also varies depending upon specific departments.

  • Assistant Audit officer/Assistant Account Officer:  Following are the essential & Desirable qualifications for this post.

Essential Qualifications: Possession of a Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university or college in India.

Desirable Qualifications: However, it is desirable of the candidate to possess any one of the following degree or course:

    1. Chartered Accountant.
    1. Cost & Management Accountant
    1. Company Secretary
    1. Masters I Commerce
    1. Masters in Business Studies
    1. Masters in Business Administration (Finance)
  1. Masters in Business Economics.
  • Junior Statistical Officer: For the post of Junior Statistical Officer, an applicant is required to have a Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university with at least 60% marks in Mathematics in 12th standard.


The candidate should be a graduate from any recognized university with statistics as one of his/her subjects during graduation.

  • For Every Other Post: The candidate must be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university/institute in India.

Final Year Students can also apply for SSC CGL 2017, however, they must be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree on or before 1st August 2017.


Lower Limit: 18 years
Upper Limit: 32 years

The candidate needs to be 18 years as on Aug 1, 2017. Following is the upper limit age relaxation:

SC/ST: 5 years

OBC: 3 Years

PH: 10 Years

PH+ OBC: 13 years

PH + SC/ST: 15 years

For detailed eligibility norms, please download the official Information brochure of SSC CGL 2017. (Link provided at the bottom of the page)

How to Apply?

Application Fees

The application fee for the SSC CGL 2017 Examination is Rs. 100 for General category candidates who are not female candidates.

For SC/ST/OBC/PH and female candidates, there is no application fee. The application fee can be paid by one of the following methods:

  1. Computer generated challan to be deposited in SBI.
  2. SBI Net Banking.
  3. Credit Card/Debit Card.

The last date of depositing the application fee through SBI Bank Challan is 19th June 2017 (5:00 PM IST).

Learn about the inspiring journey of the 16th American President Abraham Lincoln.

Signature and Photograph Specifications 

  1. Scanned photograph – JPG Format – 30 Kb – 50 Kb.
  2. Scanned Signature – JPG format – 1 kb – 12 Kb.


The application portal for SSC CGL 2017 is currently open and will remain open until 16th June 2017 (5:00 PM IST). 

The online application form for SSC CGL 2017 is available on the link http://ssconline.nic.in/. No other mode of application is available for SSC CGL 2017 other than the online mode.

Admit Card

The admit cards for SSC CGL 2017 tier I exam will be published in July 2017.

Similarly, the admit cards for SSC CGL tier II exam will be published in October 2017. Also, hall tickets for Tier III exam are expected to be out in December 2017.

The link for downloading these cards will be provided on our website time to time.

Examination Pattern 

Tier I

Tier I of the SSC CGL 2017 is a 200 marks examination with four sections equally divided in terms of marks. The 4 sections are as follows:

Section I: General Intelligence & Reasoning – 25 questions – 50 marks.
Section II: General Awareness – 25 questions – 50 marks.
Section III: Quantitative Aptitude – 25 questions – 50 marks.
Section IV: English Comprehension – 25 questions – 50 marks.

Candidates are allotted a total of 60 minutes (80 mins for VH students) to complete all these 200 objective type questions.

Also, there is negative marking of 1/2 marks for each wrong answer in tier I test. 

Tier II

The tier II of SSC CGL 2017 has 2 papers:

Paper I: Quantitative Ability – 100 questions – 200 marks
Paper II: English Language & Comprehension – 200 questions – 200 marks.

The total time allotted to these two papers is 2 hours.

There is negative marking of 0.25 marks for English Language and Comprehension exam (Paper II) while 0.50 marks will be deducted for wrong answers in Arithmetic Ability exam (Paper I). 

Along with the two papers mentioned above, candidates applying for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) have to take another exam on Statistics (called paper III in Brochure).

Similarly, candidates applying for the rank of Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO), also have to take one more exam on General Studies (Finance and Economics).

Tier III

Upon clearing the above two tiers, candidates have to face the tier III of testing. The Tier III of SSC CGL 2017 is a descriptive test of 1-hour duration, wherein the candidate has to write an Essay/letter/Precise etc. in either English or Hindi.

This tier of testing carries a total of 100 marks.

Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) (For the post of Tax Assistant)

The data entry skill test or the DEST exam is basically a typing speed test conducted only for recruiting of Tax Assistants (both Central & Excise).


SSC CGL 2017 Tier III results are out now. Visit https://ssc.nic.in/Portal/Results to check your results.

The dates of the result have not been mentioned on the official website of SSC CGL 2017. However, for the benefit of students, expected dates (concluded by our team) have been displayed in the section below.

Also Know: Learn about what to eat and when to eat in our article on dietary habits for students.

Important Dates 

Event Dates
Application submission 16th May – 16th June 2017
Last Date of depositing SBI Challan 19th June 2017
Tier I Admit Cards From July onwards (Guessed).
SSC CGL Tier I Exam date 5th – 24th August 2017. (Postponed)
Tier I Results September 2017
Tier II Admit Cards October 2017
SSC CGL 2017 Tier II Exam Date 10th – 11th November 2017
Tier II Results 3rd week of December 2017
Tier III Admit Cards 1st week of January 2018.
SSC CGL 2017 Tier III Exam Date 21st January 2018
SSC CGL 2017 Tier IV Exam Feb 2018.
Use of Link Link
SSC Official Website http://ssc.nic.in/
SSC CGL 2017 application Portal http://ssconline.nic.in/
SSC CGL 2017 Tentative Vacancies
SSC CGL 2017 brochure/Notice

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Is Tier 4 of computer proficiency is compulsary for every post…..?