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Jobs in NHPC


NHPC ( National Hydroelectric Power Corporation) has invited applications for the following posts:

Sl No              PostNumber of Vacancies
1Junior Engineer (Civil)149
2Junior Engineer (Electrical)74
3Junior Engineer (Mechanical)63
4Junior Engineer (E&C)10
5Supervisor (IT)09
6Supervisor (Survey)19
7Sr. Accountant28
8Hindi Translator14
9Draftsman (Civil)14
10Draftsman (Elect./Mech.)08

(ii) To apply, go on link: NHPC Recruitments          

(iii) last date to Apply: 30th June 2023 at 11:55 PM

(iv) For eligibility, age limit, salary, reservation, selection procedure, syllabus & other important information, go on link:

       Official advertisement   


Recruitment of 163 Junior Engineers (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)(Advertisement dated 31/01/2022) (Closed)

Introduction of Company:

NHPC (National Hydroelectric Power Corporation), a premier Schedule – A, ‘Mini Ratna’ Company is an undertaking of Government of India & is the biggest hydropower company in India and a leader in design, construction and operation of hydropower plants. NHPC has so far commissioned 22 Hydro projects, 01 Wind Power Project & 01 Solar Power Project with an installed capacity of 7071.2 MW including projects developed in joint venture. NHPC, along with its subsidiaries and JVs, is also aggressively expanding its renewable energy portfolio; including hydro, solar and wind power. 

Also read : JObs in Government PSUs

1 NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 31/01/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobIndia or Abroad
State of JobIndia or Abroad
Country of JobIndia or Abroad
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyNHPC ( National Hydroelectric Power Corporation)  An undertaking of Government of India
Date of start of submission of Application31/01/2022 (11:00 AM)
Last date and time of submission of Application21/02/2022 (06:00 PM)
Date of Issue of Admit CardNot Applicable
Date of examNot Applicable
Date of resultYet to be notified

2 NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostNumber of VacanciesUpper Age limit as on 01/02/2022Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month)
1Junior Engineer (Civil)SC-11, ST- 4, OBC-19, EWS-6, UR-28 Total – 6830 YearsS1/Rs. 29,600 – 1,19,500 (IDA)
2Junior Engineer (Electrical)SC-4, ST-3, OBC-8, EWS-3, UR-15 Total – 3430 YearsS1/Rs. 29,600 – 1,19,500 (IDA)
3Junior Engineer (Mechanical)SC-5, ST-2, OBC-6, EWS-3, UR-15 Total – 3130 YearsS1/Rs. 29,600 – 1,19,500 (IDA)

Notes: –(i) For detailed reservation information for PwD category, refer to the para 2 of the advertisement.

(ii) For detailed reservation information for other category, refer to the para 9 of the advertisement.

(iii) For more details about the compensation package, refer to the para 3 of the advertisement.

3 NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoName of PostMinimum Essential Qualifications as on 01/02/2022
1Junior Engineer (Civil)Full time regular Diploma in Civil Engineering from Govt/ Govt recognized Institutes with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade.   Note: Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/B.E. without the essential qualification i.e. full time regular Diploma is not eligible/ allowed.
2Junior Engineer (Electrical)Full time regular Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Govt/ Govt recognized Institutes with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade.    Note : Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/B.E. without the essential qualification i.e. full time regular Diploma is not eligible/ allowed.
3Junior Engineer (Mechanical)Full time regular Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Govt/ Govt recognized Institutes with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade.    Note :Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/B.E. without the essential qualification i.e. full time regular Diploma is not eligible/ allowed.

4   NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
1General, EWS and OBCRs.295/- (including GST @ 18%)
2SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-ServicemanNo Fee

Notes: Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility & correctness of information on Application Form before paying the application fee.

6 NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): How to Apply

A candidate must possess valid E-mail id and mobile number which shall be active throughout the process as required for any further notification

Step- 1: Go on direct link :https://cdn.digialm.com//EForms/configuredHtml/1258/72639/Instruction.html

Step-2: Read all instructions given on the website to ensure your eligibility before applying.

Step-3: Fill the Online application form with relevant details and submit. After successful submission a unique application ID (Registration No.) shall be generated by the system which shall be kept and used for further communication.

Step-4: Scanned copies of following documents should be kept ready by the candidate before applying online registration for attachment:

  1. Matriculation/ secondary school certificate as proof of Date of Birth.
  2. Complete set of mark sheets/ certificates in support of qualification.
  3. Caste certificate in format prescribed by the Government of India. In case OBC candidates the community certificate should have been issued within 6 months for OBC (if applicable) at the time of registration.
  4. Disability certificate issued by Competent Authority (if applicable).
  5. A certificate for conversion of Grades/ CGPA to percentage of marks shall be based on the procedure certified by the university/ Institution from where they have obtained the professional qualification.

Step-5: Upload latest photograph and signature as per instructions given in online application portal.

Step-6: Take out the print of the registration form generated by the system with unique application ID for future references.

Notes: (i) For test centres (22 cities),go on advertisement. Candidate has to give 03 choices.

(ii)  Application registered without / incomplete documents uploaded shall be summarily rejected even though registration number has been generated. Candidate should not send any documents/ certificates or print out of Registration slip/ form through post. In case of failure of online payment, NHPC shall not be responsible. Application with successful payment shall be considered only.

For more information, please refer to the para 10 of the advertisement.

7 NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): Selection Procedure

The candidates registered online with NHPC and have filled all the requisite information in conformity with eligibility criteria shall be provisionally allowed to appear for Computer Based Online Test.

Based on merit of Online Test, the final selected candidates will be offered “Offer of Appointment”.

Medium of ExaminationEnglish and Hindi
Examination Duration3 Hours (180 Minutes)
Total Marks200 Marks
SubjectsPart-I consists of 140 MCQ of the concerned discipline. Part-II consists of 30 MCQ on General Awareness and Part-III of 30 MCQ on Reasoning
Negative MarkingFor every correct answer of MCQ, one mark shall be awarded. For every wrong answer attempted by the candidates, negative marking of marks (i.e. 0.25 marks) will be deducted. No marks will be awarded/deducted for un-attempted questions.

8 NHPC Jobs Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical): Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttp://www.nhpcindia.com/
Advertisement dated 31/01/2022http://www.nhpcindia.com/writereaddata/Images/pdf/NHRectt.052021POST_OF_JUNIOR_ENGINEER_E.pdf
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