Home Entrance Exams AICTE Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test – 2020 (GPAT 2020)

AICTE Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test – 2020 (GPAT 2020)

gpat 2019


NTA has declared the result of GPAT 2019 on 06 Feb 2019.Candidates can check the result on




Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) is a national level pharmacy entrance examination conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) under the guidance of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
AICTE GPAT test scores are accepted by all AICTE – approved pharmacy institutes/university departments/constituent colleges and affiliated colleges for PG Pharmacy admissions in India. GPAT 2020 is expected to be conducted in the month of January 2020.

List of Contents

Important Dates (Tentative)

Events Tentative dates
Registration start date 1 November, 2019
Registration end date 30, November, 2019
Admit Card 24 December, 2019
GPAT 2020 Exam date 24 January
Result Declaration 03 Feb 2020
Print out of score cards 1st or 2nd week of February, 2020

GPAT 2020 Exam Date

AICTE GPAT 2020  will be held on 24 January 2020.

Mode of Answering

GPAT exam 2020 will be a computer based online test and will be conducted in a single session.

Medium of Examination

Based on the previously conducted exams, GPAT 2020  too would be conducted in English only.

GPAT 2020 Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria of GPAT 2020 exam has been described below.


Only Indian citizens can apply for the AICTE GPAT test.

Qualifying examination

The eligibility criteria for GPAT 2020 requires that candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy (10+2+4).

Students with lateral entry can also appear for the AICTE GPAT test.

Final Year Students

Final year students of Graduate Course in Pharmacy (10+2+4) whose result will be declared before commencement of admission for academic year 2020-21 can also apply for GPAT 2020.

Age limit

There is no age restriction for appearing in GPAT 2020.

GPAT 2020 Registrations

GPAT application form 2020 haven’t been released yet, but they are expected to be released by 1st week of November, 2020.

The registration for the exam is only via online mode.

Detailed instructions for the online application and registration process will be available on this website (www.aicte-gpat.in).

GPAT 2020 Exam Fees

The exam fees of GPAT 2020 exam for General / OBC candidates  is expected to be ₹1400 + Bank charges as applicable; whereas for Female/SC/ST/PWD category candidates fee is expected to be ₹700 + Bank charges as applicable.

Category Fee (excluding bank charges)
General/OBC 1400
SC/ST/PWD/Female 700

Payment can be done via two modes –

  1. Online payment: This can be done by using Credit cards/ Debit cards/ Net banking.
  1. Cash payment in SBI Bank: After selecting this option, 3 copies of the available CHALLAN should be downloaded, filled and then on the following day only, payment can be made in the nearest SBI branch. In this mode, confirmation of the payment will take up to 48 hrs, before it is updated in the registration portal.

Documents to be uploaded

  • Scanned, clear photo, with a white background should be uploaded. The size of the photo should be 140 x 160 (≤ 60kb).
  • Scanned signature, on a white background, should be uploaded. The size of this signature should be 60 x 90 (≤ 30kb) 

Application Process

  • Self registration

First time applicants should apply as a “New User”. After reading the instructions carefully, applicants should accept the declaration and proceed.

  • City choice

Applicants should enter 3 preferred test cities. This data cannot be changed once submitted.

  • Password generation

Once all the data is submitted, a password will be generated. The copy of the same will be sent to the applicants email ID.

  • Payment

Payment can be made either online or via cash mode.

GPAT 2020 Admit Card

The admit cards for GPAT 2020 can be downloaded once they are available on the website (www.aicte-gpat.in). The tentative date that marks the availability of admit cards will fall in the last week of December, 2019 or  1st week of January, 2020.

The applicants need to print the hall tickets, paste a current passport size photo on it and produce it during the day of the exam, along with the other necessary identification documents mentioned in the website. The admit cards won’t be sent as a hard copy by mail, but a copy of the admit card will be sent to the email address provided by the applicant.

GPAT 2020 Test Pattern

  • Exam duration

GPAT 2020 will be of 180 minutes or 3 hours long. There will be no breaks provided in between.

  • Type of exam

It is a computer based online test. It consists of objective questions presented as Multiple choices (MCQ’s) only. The candidates will have to mark his/her answer from 4 options available.

  • Total marks

An applicant is awarded a total out of 500 marks.

  • Total number of question asked

The paper will consist of 125 questions in total.

  • Marking scheme

Correct answers are awarded 4 marks and there shall be negative marking for wrong answers. For each wrong answer 1 mark shall be deducted.

GPAT 2020 Result

NTA has declared the result of GPAT 2019 on 06 Feb 2019.Candidates can check the result on



The GPAT 2020 results will be made available online on the official website (www.aicte-gpat.in) tentatively in the month of February 2020.

The candidates will be able to download their GPAT 2020 scorecards from the website using their respective login credentials. Along with the scorecard, AICTE will also release an all India merit list, where the candidates can view their roll number, category, rank and score.


GPAT 2020 counseling will tentatively be conducted in May, 2020. Admission will be via centralized counseling or as per the admission notification of respective state government. The candidates will be allotted college, according to their rank in the merit list. The same merit list will be sent to various management colleges for the allotment of seats through the central counseling. Simultaneously, if counseling isn’t conducted or the candidate wishes to apply directly to an Institute,  they can approach the colleges directly with their score cards for admission.

Application of link Link
Official website of conducting body https://www.aicte-india.org/
GPAT 2020 Official website Unavailable
Mock test NA
Application portal NA
Official brochure Unavailable
Official list of documents and instructions NA
GPAT Login page NA

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