Home Engineering Entrance Exams JEE Main Exam Day Advisory for Candidates appearing in JEE ( Main )

Exam Day Advisory for Candidates appearing in JEE ( Main )



NTA has published an advisory for the candidates appearing in  JEE ( Main ) 2020.The points of this advisory needs to be read carefully by all the aspirant candidates & following steps are to be taken to ensure strict confidentiality, integrity, fairness and smoothness in the examination.


1  Please download your Admit Card from the official website of the NTA jeemain.nta.nic.in and check the following information  indicated on the Admit card:-

(i)  Venue of Test

( ii) Reporting Time at Centre 

(iii) Gate Closing time of Centre  

 (iv) Shift and timing of test

2  You should visit the Exam Centre, a day prior the date of examination to familiarize yourself with the location and means of transport to reach the venue of the Test on time.

Please reach the examination centre ( venue) of the Test at the Reporting Time mentioned in the Admit Card. If, you report beyond the Gate Closing time of Centre, you will not be allowed to enter in the Test centre. Instructions have been issued by the NTA for strict compliance.  Please note that several pre-examination formalities need to be completed and, therefore, please ensure to reach on time.

4  You should carry with you only following items:-

  (i)  Admit Card downloaded from the NTA Website (a clear preferably            colour printout on A4 size paper).

(ii) One Passport size photograph (same as uploaded with the Online         Application Form) which is to be pasted on the Attendance Sheet at the Centre.

(iii)  One of the following valid Photo ID Proof in ORIGINAL

 PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/E- Aadhaar/Ration Card/12th Class Board Admit Card with photograph/ Bank Passbook with Photograph.

 Note : (a) Please note that ID Cards issued by Schools/ Colleges/ Universities/ Coaching Centres, AADHAR enrolment receipt without AADHAR NUMBER and PHOTOCOPIES OR Images Stored in mobile phones etc will NOT be accepted.

(b) : No Candidate would be allowed to enter the Examination Centre, without identity verification.

(iv)  PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if the relaxation under PwD category is claimed.

Note:  Candidates with Physical Disability are requested to report early for facilitation during entry.

5    Candidates are not allowed to carry in the Examination Hall/Room:

 (a)  Instrument/ Geometry/ Pencil box,

 (b)   Handbag, Purse,

 (c) Any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (printed or written               material),

 (d)  Eatables and Water (loose or packed),

 (e)  Mobile Phone/ Ear Phone/ Microphone/ Pager,

 (f)  Calculator, DocuPen, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Camera,

 (g)  Tape Recorder, to wear/carry any type of watch including Electronic                              watches with facilities of calculator, any metallic item or electronic gadgets/ devices.

Note:  There may not be any provision for safe keeping of valuables at the Centre.

6  Blank paper sheets for rough work /Pen and Pencil will be provided in the examination Hall/Room.

Note: Candidates must write their name and Roll Number at the top of the sheet and must return the sheets and Admit Card to the Invigilator, before leaving the examination Hall/Room.

7  Candidates has to enter requisite details in the Attendance Sheet in legible handwriting, put their signature, Left Hand Thumb Impression and paste the Photograph at the appropriate place.

Note : Candidate should ensure that their Left-Hand Thumb Impression is clear and not smudged .

8  It is also to be noted that the Examination will be computer based and hence ,candidates should familiarize themselves in case they have not done so earlier, with the Examination through the Mock Test available at www.nta.ac.in.

No  Candidate should adopt any unfair means or indulge in any unfair examination practices as the examination centres are under surveillance of CCTV and equipped with Jammers .

10  Candidate should also go through and well understand all Instructions given in the Admit Card and the Information Bulletin.


If at any stage, it is found that any candidate has submitted multiple Applications and /or appeared in more than one date/shift, his/her candidature will be cancelled and legal action will be taken including debarring in all future examinations conducted by NTA.

SOURCE : Notification of NTA dated 04 January 2020

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