Home Jobs Jobs in BEL(Bharat Electronics Limited)

Jobs in BEL(Bharat Electronics Limited)

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Bharat Electronics Limited, a Navaratna Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company under the Ministry of Defence invites applications for the following posts on temporary basis for its Software Development Centre, Vizag for a period of two years:-

Trainee Engineer40

Project Engineer- 60

1 BEL Jobs: Particulars of Job

Mode of ApplyOff Line Applications ( Application on given format to be sent by post)
City of  JobVizag
State of JobAndhra Pradesh
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL
Date of start of submission of Application03/09/2022
Last date of submission of Application23/09/2022


2 BEL Jobs: Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostNumber of tentative Vacancies Upper Age limit as on 01.09.2022Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month)
1Trainee Engineer40 UR – 17 EWS-03 OBC-11 SC-06 ST-0328 Years1st Year – Rs. 30,000/- 2nd Year – Rs. 35,000/-
2Project Engineer60 UR –24 EWS-06 OBC-16 SC-10 ST-0432 Years1st Year – Rs. 40,000/- 2nd Year – Rs. 45,000/-

Notes:  (i) An amount of Rs. 12,000/- per year will be paid towards expenses like medical insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowances, etc.

(ii) For further information, refer to the advertisement.

3 BEL Jobs: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoPost NameMinimum Essential Qualifications Post qualification Experience as on 01/09/2022
1Trainee EngineerB.E./B.Tech in CSE/IS/IT with 55% for General / OBC / EWS candidates & Pass Class for SC/ST/PwBDNA
2Project EngineerB.E./B.Tech / B.Sc (Engg. 4 years) in Electronics / Telecommunication / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Telecommunication / Communication / Mechanical / Computer Science / Computer Science & Engineering / Computer Science Engineering / Information Science /Information Technology / Electrical. Discipline with 55% for General / OBC / EWS candidates & Pass Class for SC/ST/PwBD candidates with mandatorily minimum TWO years’ experience in Software.
Experience in software development using any one or more of the following programming languages :
C, C++, Java, Web technologies(HTML/CSS/JavaScript) or Experience in software testing or Experience in System administration (Linux/Windows/RDBMS)

Minimum TWO Years’ experience
in Software

Experience in software development using any one or more of the following programming languages :
C, C++, Java, Web technologies(HTML/CSS/JavaScript) or
Experience in software testing
or Experience in System administration (Linux/Windows/RDBMS)

Note: (i) Teaching experience or/and training/research work acquired will not be considered as relevant experience for these advertised vacancies.

(ii) For further details, refer to the advertisement.

4 BEL Jobs: Eligibility Criteria

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 BEL Jobs: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
1General /OBC / EWS category for Trainee EngineerRs. 150 + 18% GST
2General /OBC / EWS category for Project EngineerRs. 400 + 18% GST

Note:-Application fee needs to be remitted through Online mode i.e. SBI Collect. Payment receipt should be mandatorily attached along with other enclosures.

6 BEL Jobs: How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on standard separate format for each post & to be sent through ordinary or speed post.

Step 1:  Candidates who meet the above requirement may apply in the format available on the following links:

Application for the post of PROJECT ENGINEER-I

Application for the post of TRAINEE ENGINEER-I

Step 2: The post (Trainee Engineer – Software/ Project Engineer – Software) applied for should be super scribed on the envelope.

Step 3:  Applications should be accompanied by the following documents (only photocopies in the given chronological order)

  • SSLC/Matriculation Certificate for Proof of Age.
  • Semester wise marks cards of BE / B Tech. (Candidates who have completed bachelor‟s degree after Diploma have to enclose all the semester copies of diploma certificates also along with copies of all semester degree marks cards)
  • BE/B.Tech / B.Sc (Engg. – 4 years) Degree Certificate / Provisional Degree Certificate.
  • CGPA Conversion Certificate (wherever applicable)
  • Candidates applying for the post of Project Engineer are also required mandatorily provide Proof of Experience- Post qualification experience certificate/s from previous to till current employer. The joining/appointment letter and relieving letter (wherever applicable) needs to be attached to determine the number of years of post-qualification experience. Where current employment certificate is not produced the joining/appointment letter, first and latest pay slip and employee ID proof should be compulsorily attached to determine the number of years of experience
  • A separate write up mentioning the details of the post qualification experience for the post of Project Engineers (Not applicable for applicants for the post of Trainee Engineers)
  • No Objection Certificate (if applicable) for Candidates working in PSUs/Government/Quasi Government organizations should submit the application through proper channel or produce No Objection Certificate at the time of the interview. Such candidates, who are unable to produce NOC at the time of interview, will not be interviewed.
  • Valid Caste Certificate (if belonging to EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PWBD).
  • Proof of Identity- Aadhar/Voter ID/Driving license/Any other Govt. approved identity document.

Candidates are to ensure that forward application format with the above specified documents. Applications complete in all aspects, may be sent to “Manager (HR/ES&SW), Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bengaluru –560013” on or before 23.09.2022 through ordinary or speed post only. 

7 BEL Jobs: Selection Procedure

Selection will be consisting of :

Written Test– 85 Marks

Interview-15 marks (for those candidates who qualify in the written test).

Notes : (i) The written test details will be e-mailed to the candidates/applicants to the mail id provided by the candidate.

(ii) Candidates will be short-listed for the interviews in the order of merit based on the performance in the written test, in the ratio of 1:5.

(iii) For further details, refer to the advertisement.

8 Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttp://www.bel-india.in/
Advertisement dated 03/09/2022https://www.bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=Webadvertisement010922_20220905085440825_X-6-9-22.pdf

Published on : 11/09/2022

Introduction of Company

Bharat Electronics Limited, a Navratna Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company requires the following personnel for its Machilipatnam Unit on permanent basis.

1 Jobs in BEL: Particulars of Job

Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobMachilipatnam Unit
State of JobAndhra Pradesh
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL
Date of start of submission of Application01/09/2022
Last date of submission of Application23/09/2022
Date of Issue of Admit CardYet to be notified
Date of ExamYet to be notified
Date of resultYet to be notified

 2 Jobs in BEL: Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of Post Number of tentative Vacancies Upper Age limit as on 01.06.2022Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month)
1Engineering Assistant (Trainee)UR –2
28 YearsGrade: WG-VII / CP-VI Pay Sale: Rs.24,500- 3% – Rs.90,000/- + admissible allowances CTC : Rs.6.78 Lakhs (approx.)
EWS –1
SC – 3
ST – 2
28 YearsGrade: WG-IV/CP-V Pay Sale: Rs.21,500/- 3% – Rs.82,000/- + admissible allowances CTC: Rs.6.02 Lakhs (approx.)

Notes:   Engineering Assistant (Trainee) will undergo training for an initial period of six months during which they will be paid stipend of Rs.10,000/-pm. On successful completion of the training and on passing the gradation test they will be placed in the regular pay scales indicated above.

For further information, refer to the advertisement.

3 Jobs in BEL: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoPost NameMinimum Essential QualificationsMinimum percentage of marks in Essential Educational Qualification
1Engineering Assistant (Trainee)3 years Diploma in Engineering from a recognized InstitutionGeneral/OBC – 60% aggregate SC/ PwBD        – 50% aggregate
2TechnicianSSLC+ITI+ one year apprenticeship (OR) SSLC + 3 years National Apprenticeship Certificate CourseGeneral/EWS/OBC – 60% aggregate, SC/ST/PwBD – 50% aggregate

Note: For further details, refer to the advertisement.

4 Jobs in BEL: Eligibility Criteria

1 Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

2 Aspirant candidate should be registered in Andhra Pradesh Employment Exchange. The Employment Exchange registration should be valid and active as on 23.09.2022. The Expired/Inactive Employment Exchange registration card will not be considered.

Jobs in BEL: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
1GEN/OBC/EWSRs.250 + 18% GST.=Rs.295/- (in total)
2SC/ST/PwBD/Ex- ServicemenExempted

Jobs in BEL: How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on line mode onlyNo other mode of application shall be accepted.

 Information & Documents to be kept in readiness & to be uploaded while apply:

(i) Passport size Photograph: – (jpg or png, Maximum 1 MB).

(ii)  Signature :- (jpg or png, Maximum 1 MB).

(iii) Mobile Number

(iv)  A valid email address which must be current and active.( BEL will make all the communications on this address).

(v)  10th Standard marks card (as proof of date of birth)

(vi)  B.E / B.Tech Engineering Degree certificate (as applicable), clearly indicating the discipline and class obtained.

(vii) All semester marks cards or consolidated marks card.

(viii) Caste / Tribe / Community / Disability / Economic status certificate in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS respectively. Candidates claiming reservation under any of the above categories are required to submit the certificate in the prescribed format. The formats of various certificates are provided as links to the advertisement. Candidates belonging to OBC category should produce the certificate issued on or after 01.08.2020.

(ix) Post qualification work experience certificate/s from previous / current employer is compulsory. Where current employment certificate is not produced, the Offer of current appointment, Employee ID proof and latest pay slip should be compulsorily attached.

(x)  Candidates working on permanent / fixed tenure basis in PSUs / Govt. organizations should compulsorily submit the application through proper channel or produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of the interview.

To Apply:

Step 1:  Go on link:


Step 2 : Click on the block of desired post.

Step 3 : If you are fresh candidate, then click to create Log in. If already created log in , then, apply on Next logged in Candidates.

Step 4 : Fill in all the information/ data & upload documents as per instructions appearing on screen.

Step 6: General, OBC and EWS candidates have to enter the “SBI Collect reference No.” generated after payment, in the Online Application Form.

Step 7 : Proceed as per instructions and also deposit fee as instructions.

Thus, your filling of application form is over.  

Note: For various certificates & to depositing of fee, go on official notification of which link given below.

7Jobs in BEL: Selection Procedure

The candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will be provisionally shortlisted for the selection process. The eligible candidates will be required to appear for written test for 150 marks consisting of:

Part I: General Aptitude:

 50 Marks –  Test shall be comprises of general mental ability and aptitude to logical reasoning, analytical, comprehension ability, basic numeracy, data interpretation skills and general knowledge, .

Part II: Technical Aptitude:

 100 marks – consists of Technical/Professional knowledge Tests with 100 questions having specific questions from respective discipline.

Minimum Qualifying marks in tests for various categories:

General / OBC35% in both Part I and Part II separately
SC / PwBD30% in both Part I and Part II separately

For queries related to the advertisement and payment of application fee contact us at email: rectmc@bel.co.in

Tel No. 0866-2527406

 For technical support w.r.t. online submission of application form please contact email Id: belbng@jobapply.in

8 Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companywww.bel-india.in
Advertisement dated 01/09/2022https://bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=English%20Detailed%20Advertisement-1-09-22.pdf
Link for various certificates & depositing feehttps://www.bel-india.in/CareersGridbind.aspx?MId=29&LId=1&subject=1&link=0&issnno=1&name=Recruitment+-+Advertisements  

Published on : 08/03/2022 (Last date of Apply Expires)

BEL advertised to recruit 14 vacancies for the post of Senior Engineers.

1 BEL – Senior Engineer: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 02/03/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobBengaluru
State of JobKarnataka
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL
Date of start of submission of Application02/03/2022
Last date and time of submission of Application23/03/2022
Schedule of Online Main Test (Tentative)Yet to be notified
Date of resultYet to be notified

Notes: This job is on permanent basic. For more details, refer to the advertisement.

2 BEL – Senior Engineer: Vacancy, Salary

Sl NumberName of the PostNumber of VacanciesNumber of PostsSalary
1Senior Engineer E-IIIUR – 3 OBC – 2 SC – 16  50,000-3%-1,60,000/- + other admissible allowances
2Senior Engineer E-IIIUR – 4 OBC – 3 SC – 1850,000-3%-1,60,000/- + other admissible allowances

Notes: – For detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

3 BEL – Senior Engineer I: Age, Eligibility, Qualification

Sl No    PostAge  in Years as on 01/03/2022Essential Qualification as on 01/03/2022Essential Post Qualification Experience as on 01/03/2022
1Senior Engineer E-III32 YearsB.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Electronics/Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication/Telecommunication/Communication For B.E/B.Tech candidates – Minimum 4 years of relevant post-qualification industrial experience in design, architect and offer ICT/IT/ITeS and Networking-based solutions to Customers for market segments like Smart City, Safe City, City Surveillance, Data Centers, Integrated Command and Control Centers etc.
For M.E/M.Tech candidates – Minimum 2 years of relevant post qualification industrial experience in design, architect and offer ICT/IT/ITeS and Networking-based solutions to Customers for market segments like Smart City, Safe City, City Surveillance, Data Centers, Integrated Command and Control Centers etc.
2Senior Engineer E-III32 YearsB.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech Computer Science/Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Science Engineering. For B.E/B.Tech candidates – Minimum 4 years of relevant post-qualification industrial experience in design, architect and offer ICT/IT/ITeS and Networking-based solutions to Customers for market segments like Smart City, Safe City, City Surveillance, Data Centers, Integrated Command and Control Centers etc.
For M.E/M.Tech candidates – Minimum 2 years of relevant post qualification industrial experience in design, architect and offer ICT/IT/ITeS and Networking-based solutions to Customers for market segments like Smart City, Safe City, City Surveillance, Data Centers, Integrated Command and Control Centers etc.

Notes: For more information, refer to the advertisement.


Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 BEL – Senior Engineer: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
1General /OBC / EWS categoryRs.750/-
2PwBD, SC and ST categoriesExempted from fees

Notes: For more details about fee payment, please refer to the advertisement.

6 BEL – Senior Engineer: How to Apply

Documents to be attached along with Hard Copy Application:

a. Duly filled-in & signed application form. (Downloaded from the BEL website).

b. Fee payment Challan as applicable.

c. Certificate / Marks Sheet issued by Board for Matriculation / Higher Secondary in support of proof of age.

d. All certificates (starting from Matriculation / Class X / SSLC/ SSC) in support of educational qualifications. (Candidates having part-time or correspondence course in prescribed qualification are not eligible to apply).

e. Conversion formula for conversion of CGPA / DGPA / OGPA or letter grade to percentage marks & awarded class, duly certified by the University / Institution, wherever applicable.

f. A copy of latest OBC certificate / a copy of SC/ST/EWS certificate.

g. Non Creamy Layer Certificate for OBC candidates issued on or after 01.03.2021.

h. The Caste / EWS / Disability Certificate should be strictly in the format available on the BEL website failing which, candidates will be considered under ‘General’ category, provided they are otherwise meeting all other criteria stipulated for General Candidates.

i. ‘No Objection Certificate’ if employed in PSU / Government / Quasi Government and Public Sector undertakings.

j. Experience Certificate/s: relevant Post qualification work experience certificate/s from previous / current employer. Where current employment certificate is not produced, the Offer of current appointment, Employee ID proof and latest pay slip should be compulsorily attached as a proof for our verification.

Failure to forward the indicated enclosures will result in disqualification, even if the candidates have remitted the application fee. Applications complete in all respects should be sent by ordinary / speed post to

Manager HR (SC&US/HLS&SCB),

Bharat Electronics Ltd,

Jalahalli post, Bengaluru – 560013

Completed application should reach on or before 22.03.2022. Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format, not eligible, without the required enclosures will be summarily rejected without assigning reasons and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

7 BEL – Senior Engineer: Selection Procedure

Selection will be through a Written Test for shortlisted candidates, followed by an Interview, The details of the Written Test/Interview will be intimated in due course.The written test Centre will be in Bangalore.

8 BEL – Senior Engineer: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttp://www.bel-india.in/
Advertisement dated 02/03/2022https://www.bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=Web%20Adv%20ENG-FINAL%20HLSandSCB-28-02-2022.pdf

Published on : 08/03/2022 (Last date of Apply Expires)

BEL advertised to recruit 15 vacancies for the post of Project Engineers.

1 BEL – Project Engineer I: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 02/03/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobNaval Systems SBU, Bengaluru Complex
State of JobKarnataka
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL
Date of start of submission of Application02/03/2022
Last date and time of submission of Application23/03/2022
Schedule of Online Main Test (Tentative)Yet to be notified
Date of resultYet to be notified

Notes: This job is on contract basic. For more details, refer to the advertisement.

2 BEL – Project Engineer I: Vacancy, Salary

Sl NumberName of the PostNumber of VacanciesNumber of PostsSalary
1Project Engineer – I Post Code: PE-I (D&E-SM)UR – 6 EWS-2 OBC-4 SC-2 ST-110 –ECE, 5– Mech1st Year – Rs.40,000/- per month 2nd Year – Rs.45,000/- per month 3rd Year – Rs.50,000/- per month 4th Year – Rs.55,000/- per month

Notes: – For detailed information, refer to the advertisement.

3 BEL – Project Engineer I: Age, Eligibility, Qualification

Sl No    PostAge  in Years as on 01/03/2022Essential Qualification as on 01/03/2022Essential Post Qualification Experience as on 01/03/2022
1Project Engineer – I Post Code: PE-I (D&E-SM)32 YearsFull time B.E./B.Tech/ B Sc. Engg-4 years course (Electronics/Electronics & Communication/Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication/Telecommunication/Mechanical with 55% & above for General/OBC/EWS candidates and Pass Class for SC/ST/PwBD CandidatesCandidates with minimum of 2 years and above relevant post-qualification industrial experience will be eligible to apply for the post of Project Engineer.

Notes: For more information, refer to the advertisement.

4   BEL – Project Engineer I: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 BEL – Project Engineer I: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S NoCategoryFees
1General /OBC / EWS categoryRs.500/-
2PwBD, SC and ST categoriesExempted from fees

Notes: Application fee is non-refundable.

The application fee should be remitted through SBI Collect (through online mode or through SBI Branch).

Candidates are requested to read the details and screenshots for making the payment. Screenshots and instructions for the same are provided with the advertisement.

Candidates may make the payment by clicking on the link provided in the table above.

Candidates have to mention the “SBI Collect Reference Number” generated after making payment, in the Application Form.

Candidates can also make the payment by approaching SBI Branch. You have to select SBI branch in the payment option and download pre-printed challan generated through SBI Collect and deposit the application fee (as applicable) plus applicable bank charges in any SBI Branch. The candidate should ensure to obtain the seal and signature of the bank official.

Payment receipt should be attached to the hard copy of the Application form along with other enclosures.

Candidates may go through all instructions and eligibility criteria carefully before remitting Application Fee and submitting the application.

6 BEL – Project Engineer I: How to Apply

  • Interested candidates meeting all the criteria mentioned above, should submit the application in the format appended to this advertisement along with the following self-attested photocopies of the documents (one set in following mentioned sequence) immediately by Speed Post only, super-scribing on the envelope the “RECT OF PROJ. ENGR–I for NS S and CS [Post Code- PE-I(D&E-SM)]”.

Documents to be attached along with Hard Copy Application:

a. Duly filled-in & signed application form.(To be downloaded from the BEL website).

b. Fee payment Challan as applicable.

c. Certificate / Marks Sheet issued by Board for Matriculation / Higher Secondary in support of proof of age.

d. All certificates (starting from Matriculation / Class X / SSLC/ SSC) in support of educational qualifications. (Candidates having part-time or correspondence course in prescribed qualification are not eligible to apply).

e. Conversion formula for conversion of CGPA / DGPA / OGPA or letter grade to percentage marks & awarded class, duly certified by the University / Institution, wherever applicable.

f. A copy of latest OBC certificate / a copy of SC/ST/EWS certificate.

g. Non Creamy Layer Certificate for OBC candidates issued on or after 01.03.2021.

h. The Caste / EWS / Disability Certificate should be strictly in the format available on the BEL website failing which, candidates will be considered under ‘General’ category, provided they are otherwise meeting all other criteria stipulated for General Candidates.

i. ‘No Objection Certificate’ if employed in PSU / Government / Quasi Government and Public Sector undertakings.

j. Experience Certificate/s: relevant Post qualification work experience certificate/s from previous / current employer. Where current employment certificate is not produced, the Offer of current appointment, Employee ID proof and latest pay slip should be compulsorily attached as a proof for our verification.

  • Applications complete in all respect may be sent through post to Sr. Dy. General Manager (HR), Naval Systems SBU, Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bangalore – 560013, Karnataka State so as to reach it on or before 23.03.2022. Application sent through e-mail / any other channel will not be considered. Any Hard Copy Application received after 23.03.2022 will not be considered for the selection process. BEL will not be responsible for any delay or loss in postal transit for any reason whatsoever.
  • Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format or without the required enclosures, will summarily be rejected without assigning any reasons and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

7 BEL – Project Engineer I: Selection Procedure

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria as specified in the advertisement w.r.t. Qualification and Experience will be accepted.

A merit list will be prepared, based on the aggregate percentage obtained in BE/B Tech/ B Sc. Engg -4 years course and relevant work experience will be allotted weightage as indicated below:

Percentage of Marks: Aggregate Marks secured in BE / B. Tech / B.Sc Engg (4 years) in the relevant disciplines75% or 75 Marks
Relevant Post Qualification Experience:2.5 marks will be allocated for minimum experience stipulated for the post. And additional 1.25 marks will be allocated for every completed experience of 6 months subject to a maximum of 10 marks.10 Marks
Candidates will be shortlisted for the interviews based in the above criteria in the ratio of 1:5. Only those candidates who are shortlisted will be called for the interview.
Interview: Interview for the shortlisted candidates (Video – Based)15 Marks
Total100 Marks

In case any University/Institute following an evaluation system of CGPA/DGPA/OGPA or letter grade, the candidate, wherever applicable, it is mandatory for the candidate to submit percentage (%) conversion certificate issued by university/institution and awarded class along with the application.

The names of candidates shortlisted for interviews will be available on our Company’s website (www.bel-india.in).

Candidates who have been shortlisted for the interview will receive interview call only by email.

Interview will be through Video based and separate instructions for interview will be provided in Interview call letter to the short listed candidates.

The results of the final selection will be made available on BEL website.

Provisional appointment order will be issued to the selected candidates by email.

8 BEL – Project Engineer I: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttp://www.bel-india.in/
Advertisement dated 02/03/2022https://www.bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=web%20advt%20of%20PE-I%20DandE-SM%202022-03-03-2021.pdf

Published on : 27/02/2022 (Last date of Apply Expires)

BEL is inviting applications for 20 vacancies for the post of :

 Project Engineers-I – 12

Trainee Engineers-I – 08

1 Jobs in BEL: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 22/02/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobPashan, Pune
State of JobMaharashtra
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL ( Bharat Electronics Limited)  An undertaking of Government of India ( Under Ministry of Defence)
Date of start of submission of Application22/02/2022
Last date and time of submission of Application16/03/2022
Date of Issue of Admit CardNot Applicable
Date of examNot Applicable
Date of resultYet to be notified

2 Jobs in BEL: Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostDiscipline and Number of VacanciesUpper Age limit as on 01/02/2022Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month) ##
1Project Engineer-IBE/B.Tech 04 years course Electronics : 04 Post Mechanical : 06 Post32 Years1st year – Rs. 40,000/-pm, 2nd year -Rs. 45,000/-pm, 3rd year Rs. 50,000/- pm, 4th year Rs. 55,000/- pm.
2Project Engineer-IBE/B.Tech 04 years course Civil : 01 Post Electrical : 01 Post32 Years1st year – Rs. 40,000/-pm, 2nd year -Rs. 45,000/-pm, 3rd year Rs. 50,000/- pm, 4th year Rs. 55,000/- pm.
3Trainee Engineer-IBE/B.Tech 04 years course Electronics : 03 Post Mechanical : 05 Post28 Years1st year – Rs. 30,000/- pm, 2nd year- Rs. 35,000/- pm, 3rd year- Rs. 40,000/- pm.

Note :##(i) In addition to the above, a consolidated  fixed amount of Rs. 12,000/- per year will be paid towards expenses like Medical Insurance & Life Insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowance etc. The additional amount shall be paid in two instalments. First instalment will be processed in the first month’s salary after joining and the second instalment will be paid after completion of 6 months from the date of joining.

(ii)For more details about age relaxation, location of posting and reservation, please refer to the advertisement.

3 Jobs in BEL: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S No        Name of PostMinimum Essential QualificationsMinimum experience for Post (Post qualification experience as on 01/02/2022)
1Project Engineer-IFull time BE/ B.Tech Engineering (4 years) course from AICTE approved Institute/University in the relevant disciplines of Engineering.2 years
2Project Engineer-IFull time BE/ B.Tech Engineering (4 years) course from AICTE approved Institute/University in the relevant disciplines of Engineering.2 years
3Trainee Engineer-IFull time BE/ B.Tech Engineering (4 years) course from AICTE approved Institute/University in the relevant disciplines of Engineering.Nil

4 Jobs in BEL: Terms of Engagement

(i) Project Engineers – I:

Project Engineer-I will be engaged initially for a period of Three years which may be extended up to maximum of One year (Maximum tenure of 4 years) based on requirement and individual performance.

(ii) Trainee Engineer-I

Trainee Engineer–I will be engaged initially for a period of Two years which may be extended up to maximum of One year (Maximum tenure of 3 years) based on requirement and individual performance.

Notes: For more detailed information, please refer to the advertisement.


Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

6 Jobs in BEL: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with Application 

S No        PostCategoryFees
1Project engineer-IGeneral, EWS and OBC500/-
2Trainee engineer-IGeneral, EWS and OBC200/-

Notes: The application fee should be remitted by DD in favour of “Bharat Electronics Limited” payable at Pune is required to be attached along with application. SC/ST/PWBD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

For more detailed information, please refer to the advertisement.

7 Jobs in BEL: How to Apply

Stage 1

Candidates meeting  all the above criteria shall e-mail following documents to contengr1@bel.co.in clearly mentioning the post for which he/she is applying:

  • Scanned Copy of filled in Application (PDF Format only)
  • Personal Data in Excel file as per given format (.xls Format only) & available at official site:


  • Blank Application form is available at  link:

Stage 2

After email as per stage -1, Candidates are required (mandatory) to send hard copy of the duly filled in application form & Personal Data Excel file print out & Demand Draft along with the following self-attested photocopies of the documents immediately by Speed Post to

“Sr. Dy. General Manager (HR&A),

Bharat Electronics Limited,

N.D.A.Road, Pashan, Pune- ted, N.D.A.Road, Pashan, Pune – 411021’’ Maharashtra

  Hard copy of application must reach at the above address on or before 16.03.2022.

Any Hard Copy Application received after 16.03.2022 will not be considered for the selection process.

Envelope shall be Superscripted with Post Code applied for and the senders Name. for and the senders Name.

 Following documents to be attached along with the hard copy of application:

  • Original duly ink signed filled in application form, downloaded from the BEL website.
  • Demand Draft as applicable
  • Photocopies of the following documents self-attested by the candidate:
  • Birth Certificate / Marks Sheet issued by Board for Matriculation / SSC certificate in support of proof of age.
  • All certificates (starting from Matriculation / Class X) in support of educational qualifications. (Candidates having part-time or correspondence course in prescribed qualification are not eligible).
  • Mark sheets of all semesters of qualifying degree examination.
  • Certificate issued by the institute for conversion formula for conversion of CGPA / DGPA / OGPA or letter grade to percentage marks & awarded class, duly certified by the University / Institution, wherever applicable.
  • A copy of latest OBC certificate / a copy of SC/ST/EWS certificate.
  • Non Creamy Layer Certificate for OBC candidates issued on or after 01.02.2021.
  • Disability certificate, if the candidate belongs to PwBD category.
  • No objection certificate if employed in Government / Quasi Government and Public Sector undertakings.
  • Experience certificate from the previous and present employer clearly specifying the
  • experience area.
  • Two passport size colour photographs.

8 Jobs in BEL: Selection Procedure

  • Selection will be through Written Test and Interview at Pune.
  • Call letters will be sent to the e-mail IDs of eligible candidates for attending the Written Test.
  • Candidates will be shortlisted for interview as per their performance in written test.
  • Date of the written test will be intimated by e-mail in due course.
  • The written test will consist of objective type multiple choice questions from engineering subjects in respective disciplines/specializations and General Aptitude.
  • The assessment weightage will be 85% for written test and 15% for interview.
  • All candidates who meet the stipulated eligibility criteria shall be called for the written test. A category-wise list will be drawn and normally in each category, candidates in the ratio of 1:5 in the order of merit based on the performance in the written test shall be called for the Interview. If in a particular category, the number of eligible candidates are less than the ratio of 1:5, all the candidates who have passed in the written test shall be called for the interview.
  • The names of candidates shortlisted will be announced on the same day at written test venue after the written test. The interviews of the candidates shortlisted will be held in the immediate next two days after the written test. The candidates may please note it and come prepared accordingly.
  • In case any University / Institute following an evaluation system of CGPA / DGPA / OGPA or letter grade, the candidate, wherever applicable, it is mandatory for the candidate to submit percentage (%) conversion certificate issued by university / institution and awarded class along with the application.
  • The results of the final selection will be available on BEL website.
  • Provisional appointment order will be issued to the selected candidates by email

9 Jobs in BEL: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttps://www.bel-india.in/
Advertisement dated 22/02/2022https://www.bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=Pune%20Web%20Advt%20PE%20TE%20-%202021-22%20Bi-Lingual-23-02-22.pdf

Published on : 22/02/2022: (Walk in Test as on 02/03/2022) Closed


1 BEL Jobs :Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Training: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published dated 17/02/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobMachilipatnam
State of JobAndhra Pradesh
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL ( Bharat Electronics Limited)  An undertaking of Government of India ( Under Ministry of Defence)
Date of exam02/03/2022
Date of resultYet to be notified

2 BEL Jobs: Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Training: Exam Schedule, Date, Time and Venue

Sl NoApprentices CategoryTradeReporting TimeExam durationExam DateVenue
1Graduate ApprenticesElectronics9:00 AM09.30 AM   To     10.30 AM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  Civil10:30 AM11.00 AM To   12.00 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  CSE10:30 AM11.00 AM To   12.00 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  Electrical10:30 AM11.00 AM To   12.00 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  Mechanical12:0012.30 PM To 01.30 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
2Technician (Diploma) ApprenticesElectronics01:30 PM01.45 PM To 02.45 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  CSE01:30 PM01.45 PM To 02.45 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  Civil02:45 PM03.00 PM To 04.00 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  Electrical02:45 PM03.00 PM To 04.00 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001
  Mechancal04:00 PM04.15 PM To 05.15 PM02/03/2022Lady Ampthil Government Junior College, Ramanaidu Peta, Machilipatnam – 521 001

3 BEL Jobs Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Training: Mode of Selection and Syllabus

Mode of Selection:

Selection will be through written test only.


The Question Paper will be based on the basic subjects of respective discipline

4 BEL Jobs : Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Training: Eligibility Criteria to appear for Written Test

  • Pass class in BE / B. Tech in the respective discipline for Graduate apprenticeship
  • Pass class in Diploma in the respective discipline for Technician (Diploma) apprenticeship
  • Only Indian Nationals are eligible

5  BEL Jobs: Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Training: General Details

  • Candidates who fulfil the above conditions only need to attend written test/selection.
  • For graduate apprenticeship candidates should have completed BE / B.Tech on or after 01.04.2019.
  • For Diploma apprenticeship candidates should have completed Diploma on or after 01.04.2019.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the selection.
  • The duration of Apprenticeship Training is for ONE YEAR only.
  • Stipend will be paid as per Government norms (Present rate of Stipend for
  • Graduate Apprentices is Rs 11,110/- per month and Technician (Diploma) Apprentice is Rs. 10,400/- per month).
  • Wearing of mask is mandatory for all candidates. Candidates without mask will not be allowed entry in to the venue.
  • Candidates may carry his / her own hand sanitizer (small size) in bottle.
  • Candidates to follow COVID 19 norms of social distancing as well as personal hygiene inside the examination hall / room as well as in the premises of the venue.
  • Candidates should not be in possession of or using any mobile (even in switch off mode)

Note: Candidates will not be permitted for selection if they do not produce a copy of Apprentice Portal Registration. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification.

6 BEL Jobs : Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Training: How to Apply

Step 1: Go the link: http://www.mhrdnats.gov.in/

Step 2: Click on Enroll

Step 3: Fill all the required fields (personal details, qualification details, upload photo, signature & education documents, etc.,)

Step 4: Click on Submit. Registration number will be generated

Step 5: Take printout of the registration form

Mandatory Documents to be produced for verification at the time of Written Test without which candidates will not be allowed:

• SSLC Marks Statement

• Provisional / Original BE / B.Tech certificate for Graduate apprenticeship

• Provisional / Original Diploma certificate for Technician (Diploma) apprentice

• SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD Certificate (if applicable)

• Apprentice registration copy

7 BEL Jobs : Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Training: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttps://www.bel-india.in/
Advertisement dated 17/02/2022https://www.bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=Graduate%20advertisement-17-02-22.pdf
Application Linkhttp://www.mhrdnats.gov.in/

Published on :27/01/2022 ( Registration/ Application Closed)

Recruitment of  247 Trainee Engineers ,Project Engineers & Trainee Officer( Finance) .(Advertisement  dated 21/01/2022)

BEL (Bharat Electronics Limited) is a PSU of Government of India. BEL produces a wide range of equipment in fields such as Defence Communication, Radars, Naval Systems, C4I Systems, Weapon Systems, Homeland Security, Telecom & Broadcast Systems, Electronic Warfare, Tank Electronics, Electro Optics, Professional Electronic Components and Solar Photovoltaic Systems. BEL also provides turnkey system solutions. BEL also produces civilian products like Electronic Voting Machines, Tablet PC, solar-powered traffic signal systems and Access Control Systems.

BEL invites applications for following 247 openings on contract basis for Bangluru complex:-

1 BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer – I, Project Engineers – I and Trainee Officer (Finance)- I: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 21/01/2022
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobBengaluru Complex
State of JobKarnataka
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL ( Bharat Electronics Limited)  An undertaking of Government of India ( Under Ministry of Defence)
Date of start of submission of Application21/01/2022
Last date and time of submission of Application04/02/2022
Date of Issue of Admit CardNot Applicable
Date of examNot Applicable
Date of resultYet to be notified

2 BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer – I, Project Engineers – I and Trainee Officer (Finance) – I: Age Limit, Vacancy, and Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostNumber of VacanciesUpper Age limit as on 01/10/2022Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month) **
1Project Engineer-IElectronics – 40. Mechanical – 14. Computer Science – 09 Electrical – 02 Civil – 02 Total – 67 posts32 Years1st Year- Rs. 40,000/- 2nd Year – Rs. 45,000/- 3rd Year – Rs. 50,000/- 4th Year – Rs. 55,000/-
2Trainee Engineer-IElectronics – 103 Mechanical –50, Computer Science-08, Electrical- 07, Architecture – 01 Total – 169 posts28 Years1st Year-Rs. 30,000/- 2nd Year-Rs.35,000/- 3rd Year-Rs.40,000/-
3Trainee Officer (Finance) – IFinance – 11 posts28 Years1st Year-Rs. 30,000/- 2nd Year-Rs.35,000/- 3rd Year-Rs.40,000/-

Notes : (i)Relaxation in upper age upper age limit mentioned above is for General & EWS candidates.

             (ii)  The age limit will be relaxable for SC & ST candidates by 5 years and for OBC candidates by 3 years.

            (iii) Candidates belonging to PwD category, having minimum 40% disability or more     will get 10 years’ relaxation in addition to the relaxation applicable to the categories mentioned in advertisement.       

  (iv)  # Reservation of posts shall be as per policy and given in advertisement 

(v)Selected candidates required to be covered under Medical Insurance scheme for a sum of Rs.2 lakhs per annum for medical cover and Rs. 5 lakhs for Life cover and submit the same at the time of joining.

(vi)** In addition to the remuneration indicated above, a consolidated amount of Rs. 12,000/- per year will be paid towards expenses like medical insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowance, etc.

3 BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer – I, Project Engineers – I and Trainee Officer (Finance) – I: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoName of PostMinimum Essential QualificationsMinimum experience for Post Post qualification experience as on 01/01/2022
1Project Engineer-IB.E./B.Tech/B.Sc (4-year course) Engineering degree in relevant discipline from recognized University / Institution / College with 55% and above for General/EWS/OBC candidates & Below 55% for SC/ST/PwBD Candidates.Minimum 02 years of relevant industrial post qualification experience.
2Trainee Engineer-IB.E./B.Tech/B.Sc (4-year Course) / B.Arch (5-year Course) Engineering degree in relevant discipline from recognized University/ Institution/ College with 55% and above for General / EWS / OBC candidates & Below 55% for SC/ST/PwBD CandidatesMinimum 06 Months of relevant industrial post qualification experience.
3Trainee Officer (Finance) – ITwo years MBA in Finance from reputed University/ Institution/ College with 55% and above for General / EWS / OBC candidates & Below 55% for SC/ST/PwBD Candidates.Minimum 06 Months of relevant post qualification experience.

Terms of Engagement:

1 BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer – I, Project Engineers – I and Trainee Officer (Finance) – I:

a) Project Engineers – I:

Project Engineers will be engaged for an initial period of 03 years which may be extended further for a period of 01 year (maximum tenure of 04 years) based on project requirement and individual performance.

b) Trainee Engineer-I and Trainee Officers-I:

4   BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer – I, Project Engineers – I and Trainee Officer (Finance) – I: Eligibility Criteria

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 1 BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with  Application 

S No        PostCategoryFees
1Project engineer-IGeneral, EWS and OBC500/-
2Trainee engineer-IGeneral, EWS and OBC200/-
3Trainee Officer (Finance) – IGeneral, EWS and OBC200/-

Notes: (i) SC/ST/ PwD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

(ii) The application fee should be remitted through SBI Collect link provided.                     (ii) Candidates applying for both Project Engineer and Trainee Engineer posts are required to remit the fees separately for each post.  

(iii) Application fees can be paid online by visiting the following link: https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=14842

(iii)  Candidates can also make the payment by approaching SBI branch. Candidate has  to select SBI branch in the payment option and download pre-printed challan generated through SBI Collect and deposit the application fee (as applicable) plus applicable bank charges in any SBI Branch. The candidate should ensure to obtain the seal and signature of the bank official..

(iv) General, OBC and EWS candidates have to enter the “SBI Collect reference No.” generated after payment, in the Online Application Form.

  (v)  Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

  (vii) While paying application fees through SBI collect, candidates should ensure that the mention the same mobile number and email id in SBI collect as has been mentioned by them in the online application form.

6 BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer – I, Project Engineers – I and Trainee Officer (Finance) – I: How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on line mode onlyNo other mode of application shall be accepted.

 Information & Documents to be kept in readiness & to be uploaded while apply:

(i) Passport size Photograph: – (jpg or png, Maximum 1 MB).

(ii)  Signature :- (jpg or png, Maximum 1 MB).

(iii) Mobile Number

(iv)  A valid email address which must be current and active.( BEL will make all the communications on this address).

(v)  SSLC/SSC/ISC marks card or any other valid document as proof of date of birth.       

(vi)    Final degree/Provisional Degree certificate of relevant qualification to the post particular.

(vii) Caste / Tribe / Community / Disability / Economic status certificate in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS respectively. Candidates claiming reservation under any of the above categories are required to submit the certificate in the prescribed format. The formats of various certificates are provided as links to the advertisement. Candidates belonging to OBC category should produce the certificate issued on or after 01.01.2021 & for  EWS Certificate issued for the year 2021-22.

(viii) Post qualification work experience certificate/s from previous / current employer is compulsory. Where current employment certificate is not produced, the Offer of current appointment, Employee ID proof and latest pay slip should be compulsorily attached.

(ix)  Candidates working on permanent / fixed tenure basis in PSUs / Govt. organizations should compulsorily submit the application through proper channel or produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of the interview.

(xi) Candidates employed/working  on temporary basis in Government / Quasi Government and Public Sectors undertaking shall have to  compulsorily submit Offer of Appointment and latest payslip.

To Apply:

Step 1:  Go on link: 


Step 2: Click on the relevant post for which you are Applying.

Step 3: A new page will appear, create “Create log in to Apply”( if, you are fresh candidate).  Fill all the data & create pass word.

 Step 4: If you are already logged in candidate, then click on  “Already Logged in’’. Key in email Id & pass word.

Step 5: A new page will appear, where on  fill in all the information/ data & upload documents as per instructions appearing on screen.

Step 6 : General, OBC and EWS candidates have to enter the “SBI Collect reference No.” generated after payment, in the Online Application Form.

Step 7: Proceed as per instructions and also deposit fee as instructions.

Thus, your filling of application form is over.  

7 1 BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: Selection Procedure

(i)  A merit list will be prepared, based on the aggregate percentage obtained in BE/B.Tech and work experience, as indicated below:

(a)  75% marks will be allotted for aggregate marks scored in their relevant degree qualification.

.Note :- Candidates have to compulsorily provide the CGPA conversion to percentage of marks, as per the guidelines provided by the concerned University. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

(b)  10% marks will be allotted for relevant work experience. (2.5 marks for min. stipulated work experience and additional 1.25 marks for every additional 6 months of relevant experience, up to a max of 10 marks).

(ii) Candidates will be shortlisted for the interviews based on the above(out of 85 marks), in the ratio of 1:5.

(iii) 15% marks will be allotted for interview

(iv) The list of candidates shortlisted for the interviews will be made available on the BEL Website. Candidates are required to comply with the instructions indicated in the call letter. 

(v) The results of the final selection will be available on BEL website.

BEL Jobs:Trainee Engineer – I, Project Engineers – I and Trainee Officer (Finance) – I: Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Department/Organization/ Companyhttps://www.bel-india.in/
Advertisement dated 21/01/2022https://bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=PE-TE-Officer-Finance-BG-Cx-ENGLISH-21-01-2022.pdf



1 BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer-I & Project Engineer- I: Particulars of Job

Reference of NotificationAdvertisement  published on 06/10/2021
Mode of ApplyOn Line Applications
City of  JobPanchkula Unit***
State of JobHaryana
Country of JobIndia
Name of Department/ Organisation/ CompanyBEL ( Bharat Electronics Limited)  An undertaking of Government of India ( Under Ministry of Defence)
Date of start of submission of Application06/10/2021
Last date and time of submission of Application27/10/2021
Date of Issue of Admit CardNot Applicable
Date of examNot Applicable
Date of resultYet to be notified

*** Candidates may also be deployed to work on other projects / outstation sites, based on exigencies of work.

2 BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: Age Limit, Vacancy, Salary/Compensation

Sl NumberName of PostNumber of VacanciesUpper Age limit as on 01/10/2021Salary/Compensation (Consolidated  Remuneration per Month)
1Trainee Engineer-I# 55 33(Electonics) 22( Mechanical)25 Years 1st Year – Rs. 25,000/-   2nd Year – Rs. 28,000/-   3rd Year – Rs. 31,000/-
2Project Engineer-I# 33 16(Electonics) 17( Mechanical28 Years 1st Year – Rs. 35,000/- 2nd Year – Rs. 40,000/- 3rd Year – Rs. 45,000/- 4th Year – Rs. 50,000/-

Notes : (i) The upper age limit mentioned above is for General & EWS candidates.

             (ii)  The age limit will be relaxable for SC & ST candidates by 5 years and for OBC candidates by 3 years.

            (iii) Candidates belonging to PwD category, having minimum 40% disability or more     will get 10 years’ relaxation in addition to the relaxation applicable to the categories mentioned in advertisement.       

  (iv)  # Reservation of posts shall be as per policy and given in advertisement 

3 BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: Particulars of Job: Eligibility, Qualification, Experience for Job

S NoName of PostMinimum Essential QualificationsMinimum experience for Post ( Post qualification experience as on 01/08/2021)
1Trainee Engineer-I4 Years Full time BE/ B.Tech course from reputed Institute/University in the following Engineering discipline (a) Electronics – Electronics/ Electronics& Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Communication ( b) Mechanical. Note :  (a) B.E./ B.Tech in the Engineering disciplines mentioned above with First Class for General, EWS & OBC candidates & Pass Class for SC/ST/PwD Candidates. Candidates must possess all years/ semesters mark sheets and Degree certificates. Method of conversion of CGPA to percentage has to be attached. (b)  Applications without the conversion certificate will be rejected# Fresh candidates can also apply
2Project Engineer-I4 Years Full time BE/ B.Tech course from reputed Institute/University in the following Engineering discipline (a) Electronics – Electronics/ Electronics& Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Communication ( b) Mechanical. Note :  (a) B.E./ B.Tech in the Engineering disciplines mentioned above with First Class for General, EWS & OBC candidates & Pass Class for SC/ST/PwD Candidates. Candidates must possess all years/ semesters mark sheets and Degree certificates. Method of conversion of CGPA to percentage has to be attached. (b)  Applications without the conversion certificate will be rejectedExperience is required. Refer details. ##

Trainee Engineer-I

#  (i) Fresh Engineering graduates in the indicated disciplines may also apply. Fresher’s should have completed 8 th semester examinations and all other requirements for award of Engineering Degree in 2021 and should produce Provisional Degree Certificate / Engineering Degree Certificate at the time of joining.

     (ii) Candidates who are currently still pursuing Engineering Degree or have backlog papers from previous semesters, need not apply.

 Project Engineer-I

## (i) 2 years relevant post qualification industrial experience is essential.

     (ii) Only relevant post qualification experience will be considered. The decision of the selection committee, with respect to relevance of experience will be final. Work experience indicated without supporting documents, will not be considered..

  (iii) Candidates with teaching / research experience need not apply.

Terms of Engagement:

1 BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer-I & Project Engineer- I:Project Engineer:

Initial engagement period is TWO years which may be extended upto a maximum of Four years (including initial period) based on requirement and individual’s performance.

Trainee Engineer:

Initial engagement period is  ONE year which may be extended upto a maximum of Three years (including initial period) based on requirement and individual’s performance.

4   BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:

Indian nationals are only eligible to apply.

5 1 BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: Particulars of Fees to be paid along with  Application 

S No        PostCategoryFees
1Project engineer-IGeneral, EWS and OBC500/-
2Trainee engineer-IGeneral, EWS and OBC200/-

Notes: (i) SC/ST/ PwD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

(ii) The application fee should be remitted through SBI Collect link provided.                     (ii) Candidates applying for both Project Engineer and Trainee Engineer posts are required to remit the fees separately for each post.  

(iii) Application fees can be paid online by visiting the following link: https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=14842

(iii)  Candidates can also make the payment by approaching SBI branch. Candidate has  to select SBI branch in the payment option and download pre-printed challan generated through SBI Collect and deposit the application fee (as applicable) plus applicable bank charges in any SBI Branch. The candidate should ensure to obtain the seal and signature of the bank official..

(iv) General, OBC and EWS candidates have to enter the “SBI Collect reference No.” generated after payment, in the Online Application Form.

  (v)  Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

  (vii) While paying application fees through SBI collect, candidates should ensure that the mention the same mobile number and email id in SBI collect as has been mentioned by them in the online application form.

6. 1 BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: How to Apply

Candidates have to apply through on line mode onlyNo other mode of application shall be accepted.

 Information & Documents to be Kept in readiness & to be uploaded while apply:

(i) Passport size Photograph:- (jpg or png, Maximum 1 MB).

(ii)  Signature :- (jpg or png, Maximum 1 MB).

(iii) Mobile Number

(iv)  A valid email address which must be current and active.( BEL will make all the communications on this address).

(v)  10th Standard marks card (as proof of date of birth)

(vi)  B.E / B.Tech Engineering Degree certificate (as applicable), clearly indicating the discipline and class obtained.

(vii) All semester marks cards or consolidated marks card.

(viii) Caste / Tribe / Community / Disability / Economic status certificate in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS respectively. Candidates claiming reservation under any of the above categories are required to submit the certificate in the prescribed format. The formats of various certificates are provided as links to the advertisement. Candidates belonging to OBC category should produce the certificate issued on or after 01.08.2020.

(ix) Post qualification work experience certificate/s from previous / current employer is compulsory. Where current employment certificate is not produced, the Offer of current appointment, Employee ID proof and latest pay slip should be compulsorily attached.

(x)  Candidates working on permanent / fixed tenure basis in PSUs / Govt. organizations should compulsorily submit the application through proper channel or produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of the interview.

To Apply:

Step 1:  Go on link :                                                                                    https://www.bel-india.in/CareersGridbind.aspx?MId=29&LId=1&subject=1&link=0&issnno=1&name=Recruitment+-+Advertisements

Step 2 : Click on the ‘Apply on line’

Step 3 : Fill in all the information/ data & upload documents as per instructions appearing on screen.

Step 4: General, OBC and EWS candidates have to enter the “SBI Collect reference No.” generated after payment, in the Online Application Form.

Step 5 : Proceed as per instructions and also deposit fee as instructions.

Thus, your filling of application form is over.  

7 1 BEL Jobs Trainee & Project Engineers: Selection Procedure

(i)  A merit list will be prepared, based on the aggregate percentage obtained in BE/B.Tech and work experience, as indicated below:

(a)  75% marks will be allotted for aggregate marks scored in BE/B.Tech. (Candidates have to compulsorily provide the CGPA conversion to percentage of marks as per the guidelines provided by their University).

(b)  10% marks will be allotted for relevant work experience. (2.5 marks for min. stipulated work experience and additional 1.25 marks for every additional 6 months of relevant experience, up to a max of 10 marks).

(ii) Candidates will be shortlisted for the interviews based on the above, in the ratio of 1:5.

(iii) 15% marks will be allotted for interview. Candidates have to compulsorily provide the CGPA conversion to percentage of marks, as per the guidelines provided by the concerned University. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

(iv)  The list of candidates shortlisted for the interviews will be made available on the BEL Website. Candidates are required to comply with the instructions indicated in the call letter. Video based interviews will be conducted for shortlisted candidates.

(v) The results of the final selection will be available on BEL website.

BEL Jobs Trainee Engineer-I & Project Engineer- I:Important Links

Official NotificationLink
Official site of Depatment/Organization/ Companyhttps://www.bel-india.in/
Advertisement dated 06/10/2021https://bel-india.in/Documentviews.aspx?fileName=Advertisement-Bilingual-06-10-2021-PK.pdf

Although all the best efforts have been put to produce this article with all the correct data as per official advertisement and subsequent notifications there to if any, however, if there are any conflicting data or provisions are crept into the article, the data and provisions given in official advertisement and notification(s) will take precedence over contents of the Article. No claim whatsoever at any stage is admissible relating to content of this article.

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